And to think Toby Doeden wanted to be the Republican Candidate for Congress? How could we not want him?
Just all class. (Unfortunately, it’s all low class.)
And to think Toby Doeden wanted to be the Republican Candidate for Congress? How could we not want him?
Just all class. (Unfortunately, it’s all low class.)
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He and his type could be the future of the Republican party if H doesn’t pass. Passionate, crazy and willing to spend money.
I hate to mention this, but Toby and people who think like him could almost be considered the “current” Republican party. Just look at all the turmoil, demeaning comments and dissent they bring. No respect for the history of a once-proud and once-effective party.
So true. And yet the party bosses on both sides oppose it. Sad!!
It’s about control. All the establishment are opposing it. Now even the extremists are opposing it. Why? Because the extremists feel themselves gaining momentum and think they are going to wrest control from the establishment (making them, by default, the new establishment). They are also afraid of losing that control over who votes. Mind you, these are the same nuts who end every statement with “we the people”. We the people, indeed, unless we are talking about who they can vote for, then it’s only ME the people.
Would he actually spend enough money?
Then there are his endorsed candidates that make sure everyone know they are Christians and it gets to be non stop implying a moral superiority.
When his District 1 candidates were asked about political postcards sent out targeting them holding them accountable for attending Doeden’s NAZI Rally in Sioux Falls they deflected, deleted comments by voters, minimized by promoting it as just a conservative gathering, played the victim with one responding “Womp! Womp! Womp!” Zero accountability! Unfit to serve!
Here is the Bluestem Prairie post covering the District 1 political postcard sent out targeting these extremist candidates that go out of their way to avoid identifying or answering questions about the event they attended yet were so proud to have their photos taken there with Toby Doeden. District 1 voters deserve better than this!
Being the prime prairie pothole region of South Dakota in the North East these birds of a feather sure flock together.
Guys, let’s keep it on topic.. it’s not about trump, and the Doeden rally with his “allegedly self-declared Nazi” speaker is only marginally related to his low class.
But it is about Trump. It is the same rhetoric. Libitard, Stupid, & Evil is common language. Service men and women are cowards, suckers, losers. Women are put here for his entertainment so he can grab them by the —. The list never stops and the Trump faithful follow and right behind him and approve of this behavior.. As a Republican, as a Christian, as Father and Grandfather, I find that both amazing and hypocritical.
Of course, it’s about Trump…Doedan is a nobody and would be a total unknown I’d Trump were not on the top of the ticket.
So mean tweets are bad again now?
There’s this thing called decorum that should be maintained by the highest office in the United States but I’m sure that’s lost on you MAGA numptys.
I can’t with these wanna bes emulating donald trump.
If he can get away with not following the law, why can’t I? Will SCOTUS set us all free, or just him….?