Are Legislators eyeing pulling alcohol licenses for those who host all-age drag shows?

The controversy over kids at drag shows last year triggered a review on what content our State Universities allow minors on campus to be in the presence of. And from the sounds of things, legislators might not be done with the topic, as in a facebook exchange, one legislator brings up an approach used in other states.

In a Facebook exchange today after State Rep. Carl Perry pointed out an all-age drag show coming to the Red Rooster in Aberdeen, State Representative Kevin Jensen points out that the legislature has little recourse, except to pull state/local licensing for those who want to put children in the middle of the adult burlesque acts.

Aside from noting “Drag shows are a sick perversion indoctrinating young minds,” in particular, Jensen brings up stopping them through “city or county permits, especially if they serve alcohol.

Is this foreshadowing of legislation that we might see brought forward next session? Based on what’s happening in Florida, it would not be unheard of.

In Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis’ administration has been cracking down on liquor license holders for lewd drag shows being hosted in the presence of children:

Florida’s Department of Business and Professional Regulation filed a 17-page complaint against the Hyatt Tuesday for violating a state statute that prohibits lewd or lascivious exhibition in front of those 16 years and younger.


Before the show debuted, the department issued a warning to the Hyatt that it must not admit minors or else risk losing its alcohol license. But the venue still admitted minors as long as they were accompanied by an adult.

“Although Respondent [the Hyatt] updated its advertising to include a disclaimer that the Show was ‘[r]ecommended for audiences 18+,’ Respondent’s admission policies specifically allowed for minor children to attend if ‘accompanied by an adult,’” the complaint reads. “As a result, minors attended and were knowingly admitted into the Show by Respondent, including children appearing less than 16 years of age.”

Florida’s business department is under the authority of Gov. Ron DeSantis, who supports the complaint.

“Sexually explicit content is not appropriate to display to children and doing so violates Florida law,” DeSantis Press Secretary Bryan Griffin told Business Insider. “Governor DeSantis stands up for the innocence of children in the classroom and throughout Florida.”

Read the entire story here.

I don’t know that many South Dakotans would consider sexualized dancing as they beg for tips as appropriate entertainment for children, no matter the gender.

And as one legislator notes, it might be one way they can stop it.

28 thoughts on “Are Legislators eyeing pulling alcohol licenses for those who host all-age drag shows?”

  1. Oh boy, the party of small government and personal liberties strikes again!

  2. This shouldn’t apply to the whole university system. Just because a couple of diversity officers at one university were stupid, you shouldn’t punish every university in the state. Hopefully the legislators have balanced minds and tailor the bill to be specific to only affect the drag show. I’m not sure they even serve alcohol at those and I know they aren’t allowed to take the profits of alcohol sales (they have already been defunded).

  3. Just some general questions:

    1. Are there that many drag shows in SD where this is an issue?

    2. Do we really need to legislate this when parents can decide for the kids until they are 18?

    3. How does this fit into the small government approach of the GOP? If a Governor Billie Sutton was pushing restrictions on an establishment’s operations, this website would be overflowing with calls for impeachment.

  4. Will this also extend to screenings of Monty Python? Or Shakespeare’s plays that utilize period acting methods?

    1. Patrons under the age of 17 will require an ACCOMPANYING PARENT or guardian to attend an “R” rated film. How can this still be happening? Some parents even let their kids watch these at home.

      Something has to be done.

  5. So glad legislators are wasting time on a complete non-issue instead of working on actual issues like improving daycare access, exploding property taxes, counseling for mental health, etc.

  6. And now it’s time for Church Chat…

    Did you or did you not see drag performances when you were young? You did? Well, isn’t that special. This has been going on since before the Carol Burnett show. Shameful. Just Shameful.

    Could it be… Satan?!

  7. Jethrine, Geraldine Jones, Vida (Patrick Swayze), Mrs. Doubtfire, Edna Turnblad (John Travolta). On and on.

    Kids saw them. We all saw them. Stop pretending it’s a big deal.

    It’s all in your head.

    1. So please refresh all of our memories. What scene(s), specifically, in any of the above did anything occur that is in any way similar to what is recorded in the link below. I know it will be difficult but try not to do your usual deflection tactics that have become so ingrained in your responses.

      1. Do you want to see the videos I can find from Miami Beach? Mardi Gras? Sturgis Rally? What about “R” rated Movies? I assure you that minors have witnessed them all.

        Or is it just the bobbing fake boobs of a drag queen that gets you all hot and bothered?

        There is so much work to do. I’m sure you can come up with legislation that will “save the children” from ALL of this debauchery.

        1. Deflection alert…deflection alert…deflection alert.

          Well Mardi Gras, Miami Beach, the Sturgis Rally, and R rated movies aren’t the subject here now are they? But since you want to include them…you’re the one who essentially stated that everybody sees what can be found at those places/events all the time and then you justify it to yourself and argue your point by stating the following are the equivalent to those events/places (these are YOUR words):

          “Jethrine, Geraldine Jones, Vida (Patrick Swayze), Mrs. Doubtfire, Edna Turnblad (John Travolta). On and on.

          Kids saw them. We all saw them. Stop pretending it’s a big deal.”

          So, I will ask the question again, what scenes specifically shows anything like what is in the video in the link provided, or for that matter at any one of those places you mentioned. Because there is a huge difference between the two that you are trying to make equal. We will wait for the scene list.

          1. You found a video from Australia that was racy. Right.

            You also know that far more minors have seen the naughty happenings at Mardi Gras and South Beach than have ever been to a drag performance. And millions of teens have seen “R” rated movies. Are you going to legislate against those too?

            Some parents make bad choices. Some have more liberal standards. It’s always been that way. You want the government to override parents authority… but only when it comes to drag shows. You have selective outrage. Why?

            1. OK genius, I guess something needs to be pointed out to you. We are in SOUTH DAKOTA. Mardi Gras is in New Orleans (that’s in Louisiana) and South Beach is in Florida. This may come as a shock to you but the SD legislature has no ability to make law in those two states. And a movie can get an R rating for having course language or if there are firearms used in the movie so that one doesn’t fly either.

              So what if the video was from Australia, it was the first one on the list. But there are plenty of videos from here in the USA that are of the same nature that I could post for you but that one served its purpose for my question that YOU are going to great lengths to avoid answering…typical elk.

              Since you have been given two opportunities to answer a specific question concerning YOUR claim and have deflected both times I guess the answer is …No. There are no scenes in any of those that compare to the video posted.

              1. And I should have added to the answer for you…And yes, it was a stupid comparison for me to make.

              2. You write: “We are in SOUTH DAKOTA.”

                Well, I am… I am not sure about you. And YOU are the one posting videos from Australia.

                Can you give me a single example of just one kid from South Dakota at a wild drag performance? Remember… we are in South Dakota!

                1. Deflect, deflect, and deflect.

                  The video I posted was used to make the point of my question…which you still won’t answer.

                  Ya, I can give you an example, SDSU. This very website has a video of a drag show taking place at SDSU where children were reported to be present. Mr. Powers has several posts on this very subject concerning SDSU and their “family friendly” drag shows.

                  Is your memory and reading comprehension just that bad or are you being purposefully obtuse?

                  1. I guess I didn’t see any children in any South Dakota videos. Even if you had evidence of a few kids seeing a drag show, what would make it different than any other situation where minors see racy movies or go to the beach or attend a Sturgis Rally? You know it happens all of the time.

                    Would you ban kids from viewing the Statue of David? Would you ban minors from attending the Sturgis Rally even when accompanied by their parents? Would you ban children from South Beach in Florida? Can parents take their kids to Mardi Gras? Should parents be barred from allowing their kids to see naughty movies? It’s you that’s refusing to answer.

                    There is video evidence of parents taking their kids to all of those things. So… WHY just this?

                    Lastly, are you trying to outlaw all drag appearances, the shows where children may be present, or just the racy ones?

                    1. “It’s you that’s refusing to answer.”

                      Classic example of projection and gas lighting.

                      I take my comment back about you being purposefully obtuse. If one goes back and reads your comments and responses, a case could be made that you are a narcissist.

                      That explains all.

  8. This is the platform that Hot Carl has been waiting for. Now is his time. The train is leaving the station, better get on it or you will get run over. 4 score and 7 years ago my friends.

  9. It’s another “non issue” issue. Many other ways of dealing with truly offensive displays rather than passing new legislation. Ignore it and it goes away.

  10. What happened to the post on Carl’s facebook page? Quite a few comments.

  11. Next, they’re going to ban thongs on the beach. First the drag outfits… then the thong. And we all know what goes on at the Sturgis Rally. Talk about prurience. Keep your kids away or else.

    No more Cher on TV. Certainly, no more Madonna. Janet Jackson Super Bowl appearances? We all know what damage she’s done to our innocent children.

    A fig leaf for the Statue of David.

    Liberty was great while it lasted.

  12. To: Anonymous@10:00 am, May 21, 2023…

    Your petty insults mean nothing to me.

    And you keep asking the same irrelevant question over and over again. I don’t care how your Australian video compares with any individual movie or show. I have already told you it’s racy. That’s obvious. The same goes for thousands of videos from hundreds of other places where minors are present. Duh.

    Now… why don’t you give it a try? Answer those questions… or at least be honest about why you won’t.

    1. “What scene(s), specifically, in any of the above did anything occur that is in any way similar to what is recorded in the link.”

      And elk can’t/won’t/doesn’t know how to answer this simple question because he would have to admit he’s wrong and won’t do so because it’s classic narcissist behavior.

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