Attorney General Jackley Joins AG Statement Supporting Israel 

Attorney General Jackley Joins AG Statement Supporting Israel 

PIERRE, S.D. – South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley has joined Attorneys General from 26 other states in issuing a statement supporting Israel against the terrorist attacks by Hamas.

The statement reads:

“We are outraged by the terrorist attack perpetrated by Hamas against Israel. Hamas, a genocidal terrorist organization, decided to violate every law of nations and nature in its bloody, pre-planned massacre of civilians. Hamas murderers slaughtered hundreds of innocents — homebodies and concertgoers, Holocaust survivors and newborns. The dead are not just Israelis, but Americans and citizens of countries around the world. 

The images, videos, and stories still coming out since that night are heartbreaking. Many of those videos and images were released by the perpetrators themselves. Kidnapping, torture, and rape violate the laws of all societies, of civilized states, and of war. Innocents both in Israel and in territory occupied by Hamas continue to pay the price for Hamas’s terrorist operations in Gaza and invaded Israeli territory. No sovereign nation can tolerate such terrorist operations within its borders.

We stand with Israel as it defends itself from this inexplicable and obscene violence. Israel’s remarkable resilience and restraint are exemplified by its longstanding commitment to minimizing civilian casualties while defending its people. We regret that Israel’s pursuit of justice and self-defense will cost lives. But responsibility for every life lost in this conflict can be laid at the feet of the cowardly Hamas leadership, residing in comfort in Doha, and their murderous servants. We pray for peace and safety for Israel and the rest of the Middle East.”

Other Attorneys General signing onto to the statement are from Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.


2 thoughts on “Attorney General Jackley Joins AG Statement Supporting Israel ”

  1. Attorney General Jackley;

    I am following a few hundred sources of information over on Twitter (@flowdoggy). I’m making conclusions on my own and doing my best to promote conservatism and to encourage everyone proceed carefully while questioning certain accounts of the events occurring far around the world, military grade psychological operations in all directions, and in the age of deep fake media capabilities.

    Nobody is perfect, but I am acting in good faith and doing my best with what resources are at my disposal. In the past week the content I’m producing has received 92,183 impressions.

    In summary of the political, social, and moral philosophy I’m writing about, I am having a hard time trusting any information coming out of the region .. videos I have seen are atrocious, and the volume of funding flying out of the US to support both sides is alarming, all under cover of the fog of a rapidly evolving war.

    We can expect a certain level of propaganda coming from both sides to bolster and reinforce support, but I would also hope you and the rest of South Dakota would join me in maintaining a steady hand through the preponderance of evidence and proceeding with extreme caution as Israel seems to be standing on the precipice of enacting their “Sampson” option.

    To aid with the triangulation of truth in this moment, it is important neither to stay silent nor to silence in this time of consternation and unease. As such, thank you to you and your staff for making such a thoughtful statement.


    John Dale
    Spearfish, SD

  2. major garrett’s “the takeout” interview of ny rep. mike lawler this weekend is the best hour of tv i have seen in months. everyone should watch it and at the very least have some sufficiently broad perspectives on the us house, israel and hamas.

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