Attorney General Jackley Praises U.S. Supreme Court For Virginia Election Integrity Decision

Attorney General Jackley Praises U.S. Supreme Court For Virginia Election Integrity Decision

PIERRE, S.D. – South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley praises today’s (Wednesday’s) decision by the United States Supreme Court to allow Virginia to remove non-citizens from its voter rolls.

“This decision is about election integrity and the rule of law,” said Attorney General Jackley. “The Court’s decision reaffirms that you must be a citizen of the United States to exercise the right to vote.”

Attorney General Jackley was among 25 Attorneys Generals who had filed an amicus brief asking the Supreme Court to halt a lower court’s decision to reinstate potential non-citizens to the state’s voter rolls.

Other Attorneys Generals involved in the amicus brief are from Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming.


4 thoughts on “Attorney General Jackley Praises U.S. Supreme Court For Virginia Election Integrity Decision”

  1. This was a bad decision, not a day for revelry. Let’s pull it apart…1. Governor Youngkin signed an executive order in August that resulted in the removal of 1,600 registered voters. This was not a state legislative act, no law was created, no debate was had, no hearings held, no votes from the 2nd branch of Virginia’s government. Youngkin simply took a piece of paper from an aide and set into work, unchecked, the framework that could have removed the constitutinal right of some eligible voters. 2. The argument made by the appellants (State of Virginia) is historically driven (state rights to self-govern), but that argument only works on actual state constitutions and state laws….”when the people within the state have spoken”,… executive order does not rise to the level of law or constitutional article. 3. The timeframe is all wrong. Right before election is utterly terrible. Assuming that 20 to 30 eligible Virginia voters were suddenly made inelligible, they are being told by SCOTUS that they won’t be able to vote in this election, but that they might be able to do so by 2026. Republican or Democrat, how would that sit with you?

  2. How did they get registered to begin with? Why did it take until October 30th to get them booted? If they are truly illegal citizens than fine, but waiting until today to take them out of the process looks like a witch hunt that out state would support. I wish SD Elected Officials would spend as much time taking care of SD as they do other states, Maybe then we would not have employees walking off with millions and ground our governor instead spending tax payer for her world travels.

    Since everyone who has been elected to the SD House and Senate turn a blind eye to this “corruption” in SD, I urge you to send a message, vote against incumbents for the 2024 election cycle. I have a friend up for re-elction who is not getting my vote this year.

  3. This is judicial overreach, it seems great when it is in your favor, but I don’t like seeing this precedent set. This is telling as to Marty’s perception of jurisprudence, or lack thereof. How can one praise a one-paragraph judgment that clearly contradicts the National Voter Registration Act, which, like it or not, was developed by the legislative branch of government? The judicial branch does not create the law, and they clearly contradicted law with this judgment.

    There were only 1,600 purges in VA, and I have read that the VA dems are reaching out to every one named in the suit to get them re-registered, though I’m not sure if it will be active prior to the election.

    We all agree, if they are illegal, they don’t vote, but from what I’ve read, it doesn’t appear these 1,600 in question are illegal, it was more a technicality while registering for a drivers license.

    This is scary, and Marty should wake up and try giving the said law a read before political posturing trying to expand an unfounded Trump excuse.

    1. Ah but that would require Jackley to employ some critical thinking and a thorough review of all details involved. Something that is rare in the party nowadays, especially when fealty to Trump is on display.

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