Thune: ISIS Must Be Stopped


Thune: ISIS Must Be Stopped

“The United States, as a champion of freedom and democracy, has a duty to stand up against ISIS’ brand of radical Islam and stomp it out wherever it exists.”

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D) today offered his condolences to the victims of the heinous terrorist attacks in Paris, France, and discussed how America’s top priority must be to act diligently to eliminate this threat and protect the American people from future attacks.

Remarks (as prepared for delivery):

“Thank you, Madam President.

“I want to begin by echoing the condolences shared by millions around the world regarding last week’s attacks in Paris.

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families and loved ones of those who died.

“As a nation, we remain committed to supporting and defending the people of France in whatever way we can.
The attacks in Paris last week remind us again of the dangerous world we live in.

“Although Paris has become the focus of attention, the day before the attacks in France, two ISIS suicide bombers in Beirut blew themselves up, killing 40 people in a bustling urban area.

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Beirut, and to all those who have suffered loss at the hands of this horrific terrorist organization.

“Madam President, ISIS remains one of the most brutal and indiscriminate terrorist organizations in recent history.
Its campaign of violence is not limited to a specific region, nationality, or religion.

“As the events in Paris have shown us, the threat posed by ISIS reaches well beyond the borders of Iraq and Syria.

“If it can, ISIS will spread its campaign of violence to innocent people all over the world.

“Madam President, the United States, as a champion of freedom and democracy, has a duty to stand up against ISIS’ brand of radical Islam and stomp it out wherever it exists.

“ISIS represents a clear and present danger to the American people and our allies, and it must be stopped.

“President Obama, when asked about ISIS the day before the Paris attacks, made the following statement:

“He said, quote, ‘I don’t think they’re gaining strength … From the start our goal has been first to contain, and we have contained them.’ End quote.

“‘We have contained them’ – Those are his words.

“Unfortunately, ISIS does not appear to be contained.

“My colleague from California, the ranking member on the Intelligence Committee, responded this week by saying, quote, ‘I’ve never been more concerned. I read the intelligence faithfully. ISIL is not contained. ISIL is expanding.’

“Yet Yesterday, President Obama unbelievably doubled down on this failing strategy, stating ‘We have the right strategy and we’re going to see it through …’

“And when referring to the Paris attacks, he called them a ‘setback.’

“A ‘setback.’

“Madam President, based on the number of casualties and population of France this attack was the equivalent of a 9/11.

“I would hardly call such an attack a mere ‘setback.’

“When it comes to the U.S. strategy against ISIS, one thing is clear: ISIS cannot simply be contained. ISIS must be defeated.

“From what we have learned so far, most of the terrorists involved in last week’s Paris attack were individuals who already resided in France and Belgium.

“That means these are individuals who became radicalized at home, received training or support from ISIS, and in some cases traveled to Iraq or Syria for training and then returned to France to carry out these attacks.

“Since ISIS first occupied territory in Iraq and Syria and began recruiting foreign fighters, the possibility of these combatants returning home has been a concern to the United States and our allies.

“And this attack in Paris demonstrates the validity of that concern.

“As a nation, we must remain vigilant in defending our homeland against this type of attack by radicalized individuals holding U.S or European passports.

“I also want to speak for a moment about the Syrian refugee crisis.

“As we are all aware, the regime of Bashar al-Assad is responsible for the civil war in Syria that allowed ISIS to gain a foothold and expand.

“Assad used chemical weapons on his own people, and hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost as a result of the conflict he created.

“It is completely understandable that the peace-loving people of that country want out.

“Just this week, several of my colleagues sent a letter to President Obama, expressing concerns about the possibility of ISIS infiltrating the Syrian refugee population, and asking what is being done to thoroughly vet these refugees.

“Over half the governors in this nation have stated they don’t want Syrian refugees resettled in their states.

“I share their concerns.

“The U.S. should not accept Syrian refugees as long as there is a threat posed by ISIS.

“If we cannot be 100 percent certain that additional refugees from Syria do not put Americans at risk, the president’s plan to accept up to 10,000 additional refugees this year should be rejected.

“And if the President tries to act unilaterally, Congress should cut off funding to prevent the President from taking any action that would put the American people at risk.

“If we are really going to be serious about solving the Syrian refugee crisis, the answer is not deciding which countries are accepting how many refugees.

“The answer is to defeat ISIS and remove Bashar al-Assad from power so the peace-loving people of Syria can return home.

“On that point, I want to speak about a realistic strategy for defeating ISIS.

“So far, the United States has relied almost entirely on airstrikes.

“Prior to the attacks in Paris, France was already the coalition partner conducting the second-greatest number of airstrikes against ISIS.

“Those airstrikes have been ramped up in recent days, but this is not a fundamental shift in our strategy.

“Airstrikes are important, but ultimately they cannot be a solution in themselves.

“It was Obama’s politically motivated decision to withdraw troops from Iraq that ultimately led to ISIS expanding into Iraq to begin with.

“Obama stated yesterday that boots on the ground would be a mistake, but it was Obama’s decision to withdraw U.S. troops that is partially responsible for creating this problem.

“And now we are at a point where retaking territory from ISIS will require ground forces – there is no way around it.

“If President Obama is going to be realistic about defeating ISIS, he needs to form a coalition capable of taking the war to ISIS on the ground.

“That does not require the U.S. committing ground troops, but it does require the US leading by example, and forming a coalition capable of fighting both in the air and on the ground.

“The president needs to stop talking about containment, and start acting on a strategy that will root out and defeat ISIS wherever it can be found.

“Thank you, and I suggest the absence of a quorum.”


Senate Urges President to Rein in Overreaching EPA

thuneheadernew John_Thune,_official_portrait,_111th_CongressSenate Urges President to Rein in Overreaching EPA

“President Obama should put aside his aspirations to expand the federal government at the expense of Americans’ family budgets and abandon his threat to veto these resolutions.”  

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today welcomed passage of legislation expressing the Senate’s disapproval of a federal rule detailing President Obama’s carbon mandates, which would increase the price of electricity and reduce grid reliability.

“President Obama has once again attempted to circumvent Congress with his far-reaching and excessive carbon mandates. This new national energy tax is expected to cost hundreds of billions of dollars over the next 15 years and will force electricity prices even higher for Americans who are already struggling to pay their bills. President Obama should put aside his aspirations to expand the federal government at the expense of Americans’ family budgets and abandon his threat to veto these resolutions.”

Twenty-six states have challenged the final Clean Power Plan in court, requesting an initial stay on the rule.


Senate Passes Bills to Eliminate Obama’s Costly Energy Regulations

RoundsPressHeader MikeRounds official SenateSenate Passes Bills to Eliminate Obama’s Costly Energy Regulations

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), a member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, today voted to stop the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from moving forward with its proposed “Clean Power Plan” regulations for existing sources and its final rule governing greenhouse gas emissions from new sources. The Senate passed two resolutions of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act, which will stop these rules all together. Rounds is a cosponsor of both resolutions.

“From farmers and ranchers to local government officials and the South Dakota families they represent, everyone is sick and tired of the reckless, costly regulations the EPA is attempting to force upon our economy,” said Rounds. “This administration has no regard for the cost of these regulations, which will raise electricity rates for every American in the country.  Passing these resolutions is a win for American families who rely on reliable, affordable energy to keep their loved ones safe and our economy running.”

The Congressional Review Act allows Congress to overturn actions by a federal agency, such as the EPA, after a rule is formally published and submitted to Congress. If the President signs the resolution of disapproval into law, it would completely nullify the Clean Power Plan, including any portions of the rule that have already gone into effect. Earlier this year South Dakota, along with 25 other states, filed a Petition for Review and a Motion to Stay in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit against the Clean Power Plan. If the President vetoes these resolutions, Congress would have the opportunity to override his veto.


And what’s going on there…..?

Interesting. I heard from a friend – who had a facility rental set up to go – that he could no longer use his local National Guard Armory. Apparently, I was told, “they are suspended from civilian usage for a while.”

Not sure how widespread it is, but it’s a pretty interesting occurrence to come up after the Paris bombing this past weekend.

Thune Urges Prospective ESEA Conference Leaders to Include Tribal Youth Suicide Amendments in Final Bill

thuneheadernew John_Thune,_official_portrait,_111th_CongressThune Urges Prospective ESEA Conference Leaders to Include Tribal Youth Suicide Amendments in Final Bill

“Sadly, suicide is the second leading cause of death for Indian youth in Indian Health Service areas, where the death rate is four times the national average.”

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today urged the prospective House and Senate leaders of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) conference committee to include his amendments that were adopted earlier this year as part of the Senate’s consideration of the Every Child Achieves Act (ECAA) in the final bill that they will report from their anticipated conference committee.

Thune’s amendments would require the secretary of education to coordinate with other federal agencies to report on efforts to address youth suicide in Indian Country and expand the use of Project School Emergency Response to Violence (Project SERV) funds to include preventive efforts against youth suicide and other school violence instead of merely responding to the crisis.

“One of the greatest tragedies that can befall a family is the loss of a child to suicide,” wrote Thune. “Sadly, suicide is the second leading cause of death for Indian youth in Indian Health Service areas, where the death rate is four times the national average. I am hopeful that my amendments will help address this pressing issue, and I respectfully request they be retained by the ESEA conference committee.”

Full text of the letter can be found below:

The Honorable Lamar Alexander The Honorable Patty Murray
Chairman Ranking Member
455 Dirksen Office Building 154 Russell Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 Washington, D.C. 20510

The Honorable John Kline The Honorable Robert Scott
Chairman Ranking Member
2439 Rayburn House Office Building 1201 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515 Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Chairman Alexander, Chairman Kline, Ranking Member Murray, and Ranking Member Scott:

Thank you for your continued leadership and efforts to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). As you seek to conference the House- and Senate-passed bills, I ask that you retain the Senate-passed provisions that I authored that would help address the serious suicide epidemic in Indian Country in my state.

S. Amdt. 2155, which was adopted by unanimous consent, would require the secretaries of education, interior, and health and human services to report on the efforts to address outbreaks of suicides among elementary school and secondary school students in Indian Country. Specifically, the report would include a federal response to this crisis, a list of federal resources available to prevent and respond to student suicide outbreaks, and interagency collaboration efforts to streamline access to response programs.

My second amendment, S. Amdt. 2232, would expand the authorized use of Project SERV extended services grants to include initiating or strengthening prevention activities in cases of chronic trauma or violence, such as the suicide crisis in Indian Country or gang violence in schools. This narrow expansion of authorization for grant recipients, which would remain subject to the discretion of the secretary of education, would better help restore and preserve the learning environment for students.

One of the greatest tragedies that can befall a family is the loss of a child to suicide. Sadly, suicide is the second leading cause of death for Indian youth in Indian Health Service areas, where the death rate is four times the national average. I am hopeful that my amendments will help address this pressing issue, and I respectfully request they be retained by the ESEA conference committee.

Kindest regards,


47? That’s more than they had for candidates last year, isn’t it?

From the Huron Daily Plainsman, the Executive Director of the Democrat Party made some might bold claims recently.  First, that they’ll have a candidate to run against Thune. Second, they had 47 people interested in being ED of the State Democrat party:

SuzanneJonesPranger“Candidate recruitment really is a process,” Jones Pranger, 26, said. “It takes about seven times to ask a man to be a candidate and women, usually you have to ask more than that, about 12 times they have to be asked before they typically agree.”

On the state level, she disclosed that Democrats will have a candidate to oppose Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., next year.

“There will be a candidate; we just haven’t announced yet,” she said.


After graduation, she clerked for judges in Minnehaha and Lincoln counties before being chosen executive director of the state party from among 47 applicants.

Read it here.

47 people wanted to be the captain of the Titanic? Are there that many Democrats out of work under Obama’s failed jobs policies?  That might be more than the number of legitimate, non-placeholder legislative candidates they had last year.

As for the Thune claim, we’ve heard it before, and we continue to see it trotted out every time they have an interview.Yet amazingly, ther has yet to be a name to go with their ‘girlfriend from Canada.” Believe it when you see them produce a corpse.

They’ve gone past the time when they’ve got someone who can be a legitimate challenger, and have fast-forwarded into warm body willing to take one for the team just to save face.

Rounds Signs Letter to President on Potential ISIS Infiltration of Syrian Refugee Flow

RoundsPressHeader MikeRounds official SenateRounds Signs Letter to President on Potential ISIS Infiltration of Syrian Refugee Flow

“No refugee related to the Syrian crisis [should be] admitted to the United States unless the U.S. government can guarantee, with 100 percent assurance, that they are not members, supporters, or sympathizers of ISIS.”

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) today joined his colleagues in a letter to President Obama requesting the administration make certain no members, supporters or sympathizers of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) are infiltrating Syrian refugee movements to enter the United States. ISIS claimed responsibility for the synchronized terror attacks in Paris, and French and other European officials said at least one of the attackers used the flow of Syrian refugees to enter the European Union.

“While our country has a long history of welcoming refugees and has an important role to play in the heartbreaking Syrian refugee crisis, our first and most important priority must be to ensure that any refugee who comes to the United States does not present a threat to the American people,” the Senators wrote.  “We believe that an essential component of that effort is ensuring that no refugee related to the Syrian crisis is admitted to the United States unless the U.S. government can guarantee, with 100 percent assurance, that they are not members, supporters, or sympathizers of the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), also known as Daesh or ISIL.”

Earlier this year, Rounds sent a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry and U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson urging them to maintain rigorous security vetting processes of all refugee applicants to make sure terrorist organizations like ISIS do not attempt to infiltrate the United States as refugees.

The letter, led by Sens. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) and Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), was signed by Sens. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.), Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Daniel Coats (R-Ind.), Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), Richard Burr (R-N.C.), Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.V.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.V.).

Full text of the letter:

President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Mr. President:

We stand in solidarity with the people of France and against the terrorists who carried out the horrific attacks of November 13th that clearly were designed deliberately to kill as many innocent people as possible.  Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families.  As we mourn the loss of life and provide France all the support and assistance it needs, the U.S. government must redouble its efforts to keep the American people safe.  We believe that an essential component of that effort is ensuring that no refugee related to the Syrian crisis is admitted to the United States unless the U.S. government can guarantee, with 100 percent assurance, that they are not members, supporters, or sympathizers of the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), also known as Daesh or ISIL.

It is already clear that ISIS is responsible for the barbaric attacks.  Reports indicate that at least one of the attackers apparently utilized the flow of refugees to infiltrate into Europe.  These facts require a serious and objective reexamination of the Administration’s policy toward Syrian refugees to avoid unnecessary risks.

While our country has a long history of welcoming refugees and has an important role to play in the heartbreaking Syrian refugee crisis, our first and most important priority must be to ensure that any refugee who comes to the United States does not present a threat to the American people.  Compassion for Syrian refugees is important, but a fierce determination to protect the American people is also important.

The fact that ISIS may have utilized the flow of refugees to infiltrate Europe and potentially the United States is not a surprise.  In September, the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), James Clapper, publicly warned the U.S. intelligence community has a “huge concern” that ISIS may seek to infiltrate Syrian refugees who are flowing into Europe and potentially the United States.  “As they [refugees] descend on Europe, one of the obvious issues that we worry about, and in turn as we bring refugees into this country, is exactly what’s their background?”  DNI Clapper added:  “We don’t obviously put it past the likes of ISIL to infiltrate operatives among these refugees.

On October 21, 2015, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey told the House Committee on Homeland Security that the U.S. government may not have the ability to vet thoroughly all Syrian refugees coming into the United States.  He explained that if a Syrian person is not already in the FBI’s database, that person is unknown to the agency, leaving an inadequate basis for the person’s background to be screened for terrorism risk.  “We can only query against that which we have collected,” Director Comey cautioned.  He also said, “So if someone has never made a ripple in the pond in Syria in a way that would get their identity or their interest reflected in our database, we can query our database until the cows come home but we are not going to—there will be nothing … because we have no record on that person.”

Given DNI Clapper’s stated concern that ISIS may try to infiltrate Syrian refugee movements as well as FBI Director Comey’s public acknowledgment of the U.S. government’s limitations in thoroughly vetting all Syrian refugees, we respectfully request your Administration:

  • List comprehensively the challenges, prior to the November 13th terrorist attacks, in the process for checking the background of Syrian refugees and checking potential risks to national security, including potential terrorism risks;
  • Detail what special or enhanced measures will be added to the screening process for Syrian refugees in the aftermath of the November 13th terrorist attacks; and
  • Describe how it plans to address the vetting challenges that Director Comey describes.

We ask that your Administration immediately share this information with the American people. We look forward to a timely response.  We cannot imagine a more urgent or higher priority.



Paula Hawks: A not ready for prime time candidate railing against made up stuff.

While our representatives in Washington are concerning themselves with questions and concerns affecting us as a nation, apparently Congresswoman Kristi Noem’s opponent, Paula Hawks, is switching tactics, and running on made up issues in State Government:

From: “Paula Hawks” <[email protected]>
Date: November 16, 2015 at 2:00:47 PM CST
Subject: SIGN: government corruption
Reply-To: [email protected]

{redacted},  for too long, the South Dakota Republican-led government has participated in corrupt and unethical behavior – refusing to open up their back-room dealings to the public and obstructing progress at every turn, at every level of government.

Last week, the Center for Public Integrity gave our state an “F” grade on its 2015 State Integrity report card. Our government officials – nearly all Republicans – have been guilty of concealing campaign finance reports, turning a blind eye to electoral corruption, and hiding lobbying disclosure reports from the public.

If our government won’t improve on its own, it’s up to us to DEMAND a change in leadership. Sign my petition to demand transparency and accountability in our state government!

The South Dakota GOP has been cheating its way to the top, ignoring the best interest of the people, and running wild without any oversight or accountability. We’re WAY overdue for an overhaul.

It’s up to us to bring REAL leadership back to South Dakota.

Sign my petition demanding an end to the GOP’s dysfunction, corruption, and obstruction. Click here >>>

Thanks for taking a stand,


There’s a couple of fatal flaws with this train of thought for Paula Hawks.

First, its a made up issue from a special interest group trying to promote their agenda, as easily illustrated by this headline off of their own website:

Only three states score higher than D+ in State Integrity Investigation; 11 flunk

THEY GAVE EVERYONE AWFUL GRADES WHO HAVEN’T PASSED THEIR SPECIAL INTEREST LEGISLATION.  Seriously. The gave three states higher grades, and the rest got D’s and F’s.  I’d say that’s a pretty darned slanted agenda, especially by their own admission of the scoring.

“I’m just making this up as I go along”

Second, and probably more important to Paula, her “state level” partisan snipping shows that she isn’t anywhere near ready for prime time.  She wants to play in the majors. But by her own words, she isn’t ready to be sent up.

While Congresswoman Noem is talking about issues of national importance and how they affect South Dakota, Hawks is mired down in mewling about Republicans in State Government being “meanies.”

And the best part – “concealing campaign finance reports…. and hiding lobbying disclosure reports from the public”  – has no basis in fact. It just flat out isn’t true.  In other words, her propaganda has caught her in an outright lie.

If she’s going to make the claim, lets hear her tell us exactly, which lobbyist(s) she’s accusing of “hiding their lobbyist disclosure report?”  And who exactly is she accusing of “concealing campaign finance reports?”  Because last I checked, they’re pretty easy to look up on the internet and all.

But that does not play into the lies she’s telling to try to raise money. Really, until she cares to put some information on the table to back up her claims, we shouldn’t consider her as anything more than a politician who throws out lies to try to gain traction.

One that’s stuck in the bush leagues, at that.