Did anyone tell Rick the campaign ended a few months back?

In the last day or so, the Mitchell Newspaper had a column from losing Senate Candidate Rick Weiland, that seems a little too much like he’s still in campaign mode:

In fact, I cannot think of one reason to build this pipeline other than to placate big oil and its big money. I can think of lots of reasons not to.

Did you know, TransCanada, a foreign oil corporation, can take South Dakota farm and ranch land without landowner permission through eminent domain?

Did you know that Keystone One, built in 2010, leaks on a regular basis — some big leaks, too — and that Keystone XL is going to be built over the Ogallala Aquifer, a vital source of water for our region?

And did you know, that the energy it takes to extract the tar sand oil, liquefying it for transport, refining and shipping it overseas for sale, will dump 100 million tons of additional carbon into the atmosphere?

When the threat of climate change has 99 percent of the scientists in the world seriously worried about the future of the planet and the human race, this greed is inexcusable and needs to be exposed and rejected. We should be transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy, not doubling down on Keystone.

Read it here.

“Big Oil, Big Lie.”  Did anyone point out to Rick that no one bought this same tired rhetoric in the campaign, so he suffered a “Big Loss?”  South Dakotans didn’t buy it then, and they still aren’t interested in smoking what he’s offering.

Ohio’s John Kaisch in Pierre yesterday preaching the gospel of the balanced budget.

From the Pierre Capitol Journal, Governor Daugaard and Republican legislators visited with John Kaisch over the need for a balanced budget amendment at the federal level:

But he did praise state Republican leaders who dominate this state like the party dominates no other after November’s election.

“It’s fantastic what you are doing here with 3 percent unemployment. That’s great,” he said. “Don’t blow it.”

He talked about himself easily, and how the Republicans blew the surplus he helped win 20 years ago in Congress.

He preached a brand of compassionate conservatism, saying he won’t ignore the needy but that “if you don’t cut taxes and don’t grow the economy, nothing else gets done. “

“I’m not in this to get anywhere,” he said.

Rather he’s touring six Western states this week to whip up more support for holding a constitutional convention to add an amendment requiring Congress to balance the federal budget, he said. It’s the only way Congress ever will find the discipline to stop deficit spending, he said, pointing out that South Dakota, like Ohio and many states, has similar state laws for legislatures.

“I’m in this to get something done.”

Read it here.

Release: AFP South Dakota Responds to the State of the Union Address

AFP South Dakota Responds to the State of the Union Address
President’s “Robin Hood Plan” An Unserious Fairy Tale

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – Americans for Prosperity South Dakota Director Ben Lee issued the following statement in response to President Obama’s State of the Union address:

“In tonight’s speech, the President made it clear he isn’t serious about addressing the biggest problems our nation is facing. The President’s tax-the-rich “Robin Hood” plan ignores a clear mandate from voters that rejected Obama’s big-government fairy tale in favor of real reforms that create jobs and opportunity for everyone.

His plan would raise taxes on job creators and hurt economic growth. If the economy is recovering as the President says it is, then why is the country’s workforce the smallest it’s been in 37 years? The President’s proposals are more of the same tax-and-spend policies that, over the last 6 years, have failed to create wealth and opportunity for everyday Americans.

AFP South Dakota will be focusing on real efforts to create prosperity for all Americans which includes restoring the 40 hour work week, ending the gas tax, approving the Keystone Pipeline, preventing Medicaid expansion and cutting government spending.”



Press Release: Rounds Statement on President’s State of the Union Address

Rounds Statement on President’s State of the Union Address

MikeRounds official SenateWASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD) made the following statement on the President’s State of the Union Address:

“I appreciate the fact that the President at least acknowledged the need to work together to solve our country’s most pressing issues,” Rounds said, “but he must do more than pay lip service to bipartisanship in order to move our country forward. If the proposals he laid out tonight are any indication, I’m afraid he is not serious about working with the new Republican Congress. Instead, he offered more of his same failed policies and proposals that will raise taxes on American families, add to our already bloated debt and stifle energy and economic growth.

“Most troubling of these proposals is his plan to raise taxes on hard-working Americans – to the tune of $320 billion dollars. The President might want you to think these tax increases will only affect the Warren Buffetts of the world, but don’t be fooled. The tax plan he proposed tonight would impact South Dakota small business owners, farmers, ranchers and entrepreneurs. The people who will be hit by this are your friends, your neighbors and Main Street store owners who provide good-paying jobs and essential services in South Dakota communities.

“Americans made very clear in the last elections that they are tired of the same old Washington practices that have made government too burdensome, too big and downright ineffective.  What South Dakotans are telling me is that they want us to work together on ideas that will make government more efficient and accountable. Republicans have already rolled up their sleeves to work on commonsense, bipartisan efforts to get government working again. It will be up to the President decide whether he wants to join us in that conversation.”


Press Release: Noem Responds to President Obama’s State of the Union Address

Noem Responds to President Obama’s State of the Union Address

South Dakota Deserves Action, Not More Politics, Says Noem

kristi noem headshot May 21 2014Washington, D.C. – Rep. Kristi Noem today issued the following statement in response to the President’s State of the Union Address this evening:

“South Dakotans deserve to hear about opportunities, but unfortunately, most of tonight’s speech was about politics.  I believe we can produce real results that give South Dakotans the peace of mind that if they work hard and play by the rules they’ll be given opportunity and security.  That means we can’t be increasing taxes on Middle Class families trying to save for college or adding billions of dollars to the deficit, which our kids will be responsible for.

“We should, however, enact new trade agreements that create more opportunities for South Dakota commodities and products to be sold overseas.  We should eliminate some of the burdensome regulations that make it difficult to do business in America.  We should cooperate on real solutions that strengthen cybersecurity, simplify the tax code, secure our nation, and accomplish much more.  But to do that, we have to put politics aside. Only then can we create an opportunity economy with higher paying jobs and an accountable, efficient government.”


Press Release: Thune Reacts to President Obama’s State of the Union Address

Thune Reacts to President Obama’s State of the Union Address

WASHINGTON, D.C.—U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) tonight issued the following statement on President Obama’s sixth State of the Union address:

“America’s new Congress is focused on a reform agenda to fight for the middle class with policies to help create jobs, increase wages, and lower health care and energy costs. The president tonight laid out an agenda of top-down policies of the past to tax, to spend, and to regulate.

“South Dakotans know that bigger government doesn’t mean better government, but that’s exactly what the president proposed tonight, new ways to expand Washington’s already-overextended bureaucracy. After six years of the same stale policies, it’s time for new ideas.

“Republicans will turn Congress’ focus back to Americans’ top priorities: stimulating economic growth and improving the lives of middle-class Americans. This includes policies important to South Dakotans like approving the Keystone XL pipeline, reining in burdensome regulations, enacting trade agreements to put American goods on an equal playing field in the global market, and acting on other bipartisan jobs bills that have passed the House but were stuck in the United States Senate.

“Republicans believe in tapping into the potential of the American people, not the government, and we hope the president will finally join us.”

Click here for the YouTube video of Thune’s remarks and here for the high resolution file. Audio of his remarks is available here.
