Anderson Cooper using Annette Bosworth to do hit piece on Joel Arends? (updated)

I had a reader drop me a note tonight, and had I seen it for myself, I think it would have caused a spit take:

Anderson Cooper just had Annette Bosworth on to hammer Joel Arends and his thing with Veterans for a Strong America and Trump.

(Update) And a day later – here it is –


Click on image to watch

So, one of the more liberal members of the national media has Annette Bosworth, a felon convicted of 12 counts against the electorate, who was just stripped of her license to practice medicine, should now be taken as a valid source of criticism against the attorney she unsuccessfully attempted to shift blame to in order to escape prosecution for her crimes?

What’s next? “Coming on CNN – How the Republican nomination for Governor was stolen from Lora Hubbel?”

If all the Anderson Coopers of the media have to throw against him is Annette Bosworth, I suspect we have now arrived in crazy town.

Watch the clip for yourself.  If you find Annette Bosworth a credible, reputable source, you might be inclined to believe her. Unfortunately for Boz, few people, including the 12 people who heard all the evidence, all the testimony, etcetera, bought it.  I’m sure she was all too eager to go on TV for any reason, and happy to spout whatever they wanted her to. What silliness.

Suffice it to say that Joel has done legal work for me in the past, I’m currently talking to him about a family law issue, and I anticipate I’ll use him in the future for other things. I’ve been happy with the quality of his work, and consider him honest and hard-working.

As for all the people squawking about his organization – which, despite what some claim, has a mailing list of over 500,000 – and it’s hosting of an event for a presidential candidate, it’s a whole lot of sturm und drang and little else.

15 thoughts on “Anderson Cooper using Annette Bosworth to do hit piece on Joel Arends? (updated)”

  1. Bosworth’s loss of her medical license was an injustice. Now that CNN and MSNBC are interested in this story, the Lederman, Rounds, Daugaard, Arends, Jackley connections will be probably be on full display. I don’t think this story will go away anytime soon. The media is looking for something to smear Trump with, and why not throw in a little known US Senator and a state that hasn’t been doing things above board for a long time.

  2. CNN quotes her as Dr. Annette Bosworth. Wouldn’t it have been more accurate to quote her as former Dr. Annette Bosworth or just Annette Bosworth?

    Her practice is shut down right?

    1. I think the title comes with the education, not the license.. The license allows you to engage in the practice of medicine the medical doctorate degree came with graduation.. Just my thought..

  3. Love how the graphic says “keeping them honest” over her face. Now if only we could do the same for thre illustrious Ms. Bosworth. CNN must be pretty desperate to use a humiliated former doctor and proven criminal for their hitjob. This folks is what the “real media” is doing these days because they no longer recognize fact from fiction.

  4. Dr. Boz lunacy aside, it would appear that Mr. Arends has some ‘splainin to do. I’m not sure duping the Donald is a smart career move.

  5. Seems it’s more about Joel Arends. This is better then watching soaps. I can’t wait for the next chapter of this play out. Donald scammed? A non profit veteran’s organization revealed to be neither.

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