New GOP Leadership List

In case you were wondering, here’s the new list of who the elected officers are for the SDGOP:

Elected officers are:

Pam Roberts – Chair
Drake Olson – Vice Chair
Justin Bell – Treasurer
Kristi Wagner – Secretary

Regional Directors who are part of the Executive Committee:
Region 1 – State Committeeman Hal Wick, Minnehaha county
Region 2 – State Committeewoman Van Pace, Yankton county
Region 3 – State Committeeman Al Koistinen, Codington county
Region 4 – State Committeeman David Wheeler, Beadle county
Region 5 – Chairman Mike Mehlhaff, Hughes county
Region 6 – State Committeewoman Marilyn Oakes, Custer county

The Executive Committee includes all officers, Regional Directors, and the National Committeeman and Committeewoman.

National Committeeman Dana Randall and National Committeewoman Sandye Kading were elected by the 2012 State Convention.

Because of national GOP rule changes, SDGOP forced to adopt “winner take all” delegate selection process.

Someone sent me the report of the State Republican Central Committee this morning on how the selection of presidential delegates would now be taking place, as a result of the party being in violation of national bylaws, and needing to change the rules to conform.

The result after studying the issue?

NDS Committee Report

“The committee determined that if we elect the actual delegates and alternates at the State National Delegate Selection meeting held in March, instead of nominating slates of delegates, then those delegates and alternates will have been “elected or selected” at least 45 days prior to the national convention. This would bring us into compliance. The national rules allow for the binding of delegates separately from the election of those delegates. So our national delegates could still be bound to support the winner of the Primary Election, which can be held at its normal date.

Accordingly, the committee has concluded that the best resolution is to elect our delegates and alternates at the statewide meeting provided for in our current system and then bind those delegates and alternates to support the presidential candidate who receives the most votes at the Primary Election.”

As I’m reading this, it appears that there will be no more “slates of delegates” based on each presidential candidate. There will be just “the slate of SDGOP delegates.”   And they will be “bound to support the winner of the primary election.”

So, if I’m reading this correctly, it doesn’t matter if you support Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Chris Christie or Rand Paul. Every delegate is thrown into the same big pot, and whoever comes up with the most votes at the State National Delegate Selection meeting held in March wins a delegate or alternate position, and they’re bound to vote for the sole winner of the South Dakota primary, even if the vote is split 30-25-25-20.

What are your thoughts on it?

I’d expressly note that we shouldn’t be critical of those who tried to make the best of a bad situation. This was a process change forced upon the SDGOP by the National Republican Party.

But, personally, I think we’ve lost something because of the change. I always liked to see who supported each presidential candidate on the primary ballot, even those who were uncommitted. Not that we’ll be allowed uncommitted delegates anymore.

And seeing people like my daughter Meredith, who was an 18 year old Santorum delegate 4 years ago, will become a relic of the past. Because now there will be far greater competition for far fewer National Convention positions.

SDGOP elects leaders; big changes afoot in how convention delegates are selected.

I’m told a release should be coming on it shortly, but Pam Roberts was selected as State Republican Party chair yesterday at the Central Committee Meeting, with Drake Olson of Sioux Falls chosen as vice chair.

I wasn’t able to attend, as I was driving back to South Dakota after my father in law’s funeral. But now that I’m back in state, where the weather is better than it was down south, I’m also hearing of other big changes.

One of the people there noted that there was a complete overhaul on how the SDGOP operates in picking National Delegates. This attendee tells me we had to in order to conform with the earlier Nat Convention. If not we ran the risk of not being allowed any at all. They also cited that David Wheeler of Huron did the lions share of work on it.

I’ll update you as I hear more. Stay tuned.

Lora Hubbel forms “truth group,” provides veterinary advice.

From an unwanted e-mail, suicide re-enactor Lora Hubbel provides some goofiness on this Friday afternoon:

This will be my last issue so I wanted to update everyone on 1) legislation 2) What now? and 3) my puppy Abner


2) What now?

We have formed a group called the GANGBUSTERS and it is just what it sounds like. Out goal will be to network South Dakota so activities of the corrupt political “gang” will be broadcast all over the state as we uncover further corruption. First meeting will be 2 pm, Saturday, March 14 at the Main Library in Sioux Falls.

3) Puppy is till alive, but….

My Abner is 7 months old and is not on any treatment, due to “his many problems”. However he is doing well with coconut oil, Metagenics Renegen DTX, Standard Process Canine Renal Support, and Zypam (for digestion), Krill oil and NuVet Plus.

However last night he had a grand mal seizure out of nowhere. He came in from playing with the neighbor’s dog, ate his low-protein prescription diet with bone broth and about an hour later I heard a commotion. He was foaming at the mouth, he lost bowel and bladder control, his eyes rolled upward, and was rigid and spastic at the same time. I scared me to tears. He seems fine about 20 minutes later and still is today. I called the Vet just so Doc could note it on the case against Nestle/Purina….but like he said….there is nothing Veterinary medicine can do. He is such a nice dog….

Lora Hubbel

“Out goal will be to network South Dakota so activities of the corrupt political “gang” will be broadcast all over the state as we uncover further corruption”

So does that mean Lora is going to delve farther into why Democrats were spending Soros money to bolster Gordon Howie’s campaign?

Commerce Committee Approves Bipartisan Motor Vehicle Safety Whistleblower Act

Commerce Committee Approves Bipartisan Motor Vehicle Safety Whistleblower Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation approved Chairman John Thune (R-S.D.) and Ranking Member Bill Nelson’s (D-Fla.) bipartisan Motor Vehicle Safety Whistleblower Act by voice vote.

“While I believe most manufacturers are dedicated to putting vehicle safety first, there have been disappointing examples where that did not happen and Americans died and sustained serious injuries,” said Thune. “This legislation will be a powerful tool to help ensure that problems regarding known safety defects are promptly reported to safety regulators.”

“The auto industry needs to be held accountable if it makes decisions that result in serious injuries or deaths,” said Nelson. “And, one way to do that is to encourage insiders to come forward and tell the truth.”

The Thune-Nelson bill would allow employees or contractors of motor vehicle manufacturers, part suppliers, and dealerships to receive up to 30 percent of the monetary penalties resulting from a DOT or U.S. Department of Justice enforcement action that totals more than $1 million if they share original information not previously known to the DOT relating to any motor vehicle defect, noncompliance, or any violation of reporting requirements that is likely to cause risk of death or serious injury.

The bill takes into account whether or not the whistleblower had the opportunity to report the problems internally, as well as the significance of the information. It will also protect whistleblowers’ identities. The legislation, which was first introduced last November, is modeled after existing statutory whistleblower protections that encourage individuals to share information with the Internal Revenue Service and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Click here for the text of S. 304, as approved by the Commerce Committee.

Sens. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Dean Heller (R-Nev.), Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), and Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) also cosponsored the legislation.


Noem Urges IRS and HHS to Offer Relief for Farmers Sent Wrong Obamacare Form

Noem Urges IRS and HHS to Offer Relief for Farmers Sent Wrong Obamacare Form

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Kristi Noem today urged Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Sylvia Burwell, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen and Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew to offer relief for farmers who were sent incorrect Obamacare tax forms. Earlier this month, the IRS admitted to sending 800,000 incorrect Form 1095-As – a mistake that will uniquely impact farmers who have an earlier tax filing date and therefore less time to wait for the correct forms to arrive.

“I am extremely concerned about the effect the government’s mistake will have on hardworking South Dakota farmers, as they are subject to unique filing deadlines,” said Noem. “Certainly, farmers are in need of relief similar to that which was previously announced for individuals who had already filed. Their financial independence should not be in any way put at risk because of yet another ‘glitch’ in the implementation of the President’s health care law.”

Rep. Noem is a member of the Oversight Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee, giving her jurisdiction over the IRS on matters such as this. The Congresswoman’s letter to Secretary Burwell, Commissioner Koskinen, and Secretary Lew can be found below.

February 26, 2015

The Honorable Sylvia Burwell
Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20201

The Honorable John Koskinen
Internal Revenue Service
1111 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20225

Dear Secretary Burwell and Commissioner Koskinen,

As you know, the President’s health care law requires taxpayers who receive health insurance through the Federal health insurance exchange – including many South Dakotans – to rely on Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 1095-A to prepare their Federal tax returns. While the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) provides this form to taxpayers, recent media reports indicate that HHS recently sent approximately 800,000 incorrect Form 1095-As to taxpayers across the country.

To be sure, the government’s error places an additional and needless burden on taxpayers – on top of the already onerous obligation to comply with the healthcare mandate. I am particularly concerned, however, with the effect that the government’s mistake will have on South Dakota farmers, as farmers are subject to unique filing deadlines. Under Internal Revenue Code (Code) § 6654, farmers are permitted, in lieu of quarterly estimated tax payments, to pay their total tax for the year by March 1st of the following year. For this year, the due date for farmers to file their 2014 tax returns and remit their total payment is next Monday, March 2, 2015. This means that a farmer who received an erroneous Form 1095-A, has five days including today to meet his filing obligation without the correct information from the Federal government. And, compounding the situation, the IRS has directed taxpayers who received these incorrect forms not to file their tax returns until corrected forms are sent.

Clearly, farmers are in need of immediate relief similar to that recently announced for individuals who have already filed their 2014 tax returns. In similar situations, such as the delayed passage of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA), the IRS has historically used its authority under Code § 6654(e)(3) to extend the filing due date for farmers and waive relevant tax penalties.

As a Member of the Oversight Subcommittee of the Committee on Ways and Means, I am committed to ensuring that your agencies implement the nation’s tax and health laws in a fair and reasonable manner. To guarantee that South Dakota farmers will receive relief from the government’s error, please provide the following information as soon as possible:

1) Will the IRS provide an extended filing due date for farmers affected by erroneous Form 1095-As? If so, when will that extension be announced, and will it include guidance similar to that which was provided in response to ATRA?

2) Will farmers who are forced to file an amended return or refile be subject to a penalty and/or interest on any underpayment of tax? If so, will the IRS grant relief from such penalties and/or interest in this case and how should affected farmers apply for that relief?

Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions, please contact my staff at 202-225-2801.


Member of Congress

CC: The Honorable Jacob Lew, Treasury Secretary


Rounds Receives Assurances that Decision on Hot Springs is not Predetermined

Rounds Receives Assurances that Decision on Hot Springs is not Predetermined

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), a member of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, today received assurances from U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Secretary Robert McDonald that the agency has not made any premature decisions regarding the Hot Springs VA hospital.

Rounds asked: Would you be able to assure the committee that the SCIP items in the Fiscal Year 2016 budget request regarding the Black Hills Health Care System are not an indication of a predetermined decision for the Hot Springs Hospital?

McDonald assured: There’s no indication of any decision being made at Hot Springs. I have made no decision. We’re still collecting data, and the study is still being done.

Full video of the exchange is available here:

Yesterday, the delegation met with Sec. McDonald after the administration’s 2016 budget request proposed measures to close Hot Springs VA facilities, despite previous assurances that the VA would not act without finishing a fair and thorough Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). That prompted a delegation letter urging Sec. McDonald to withdraw all plans to reconfigure the Black Hills Health Care System from the Obama Administration’s budget proposal. Sec. McDonald has made a personal commitment to Rounds to continue to work with the delegation on the issue.


Thune Statement on FCC Vote

Thune Statement on FCC Vote

WASHINGTON, D.C.—U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, issued the following statement on the FCC’s 3-2 vote to regulate the Internet:

“Despite the Federal Communication Commission’s partisan action to approve a 317-page power grab over the Internet, the fight to keep the Internet unburdened from regulatory overreach is far from over. As parties line up to challenge this action in court, it will soon be time for Congressional Democrats to review the situation and decide if they are prepared to join a bipartisan effort that brings real certainty to American consumers and provides the necessary protections to the Internet. Only action by Congress can fix the damage and uncertainty this FCC order has inflicted on the Internet.”


Argus, Americans for Prosperity writing on $150 million tax increase proposal which has escaped notice. Until now.

From today’s Argus Leader website comes a story about the tax increase proposal no one is really talking much about… Until tonight, on the eve of the measure moving forward in the House, after narrowly passing the Senate.

“The key thing to remember is, we have a limited capacity in our overall sales tax system,” Wiest told legislators at a bill hearing Feb. 4. “We cannot have as a state a 15 percent sales tax when you combine state and local sales tax. That’s not going to work for citizens in the state. They won’t permit it.”

Still, governing bodies in 100 communities across the state have signed on in favor of the legislation. The Senate passed it 19-14 earlier this month. It now goes in front of the House Taxation Committee Thursday morning.


This new legislation would give community residents another option, said Yvonne Taylor, executive director of the South Dakota Municipal League. A property-tax opt out puts the burden only on local residents. Up to an additional third penny in sales tax captures anyone doing business in a community, she said.

Beyond that, governmental bodies decide on property tax opt outs, though their decisions can be referred to a vote. With this new legislation, a vote is mandatory.

Bob Riter, a lobbyist for the South Dakota chapter of the National Federation of Independent Businesses, believes SB 135 if passed could put state businesses at a competitive disadvantage, especially for those near neighboring states that have a lower sales tax structure.

Read it here.

How much would this increase taxes for South Dakotans? According to the note from Americans for Prosperity this evening, it bypasses the $100 million highway proposal that was labeled DOA for being the largest tax increase in state history, and does it better by another $50 million:

It’s the biggest tax increase you’ve probably never heard of.

The legislature is considering a bill that would allow cities to impose an additional 1-cent sales tax increase. If every city in South Dakota participated, it would mean more than $150 million in new taxes.

We Need You To Help Stop It

With all the debate on the highway funding bill, it seems almost no one is talking about this secret sales tax increase. We can’t let this bad tax policy get passed into law! The worst part? The bill was approved by the South Dakota Senate and is headed to the South Dakota House for a vote.

Send a letter to your legislator today: Tell them to vote NO on the sales tax increase!

Instead of finding new ways to let government raise taxes, lawmakers should be looking for ways to reduce the burden of government on taxpayers.

Thanks for all you do.


Ben Lee
AFP South Dakota
State Director

If legislators rejected a tax package which would have cost taxpayers $100 million… Then why is a $150 Million tax proposal sliding through so quietly?

Or maybe not so quietly now that the cat is out of the bag.