A few quirks here and there, but not hating Windows 10.

11811384_10153442508864870_1650274522767835285_nI did a bit of a “Hail Mary” pass and updated my primary computer for everything I do to from Windows 7 to Windows 10 tonight….

And actually, so far, so good.

In my multiple monitor setup, it took a few reboots until it recognized my big monitor (hooked in via HDMI) as my primary monitor, but that was only a momentary problem. Otherwise all my wordpress, adobe, and other programs seem to be working well in the new browser, and Windows 10 environment.

I’m kind of excited, as the upgrade should opens up my Raspberry Pi 2 to install Windows 10, and may allow me to do the same on other computers around the house.

If you’ve reserved windows 10, but haven’t gotten notice of upgrade time, you can go here to download the appropriate file (most will be 32-bit) and kickstart the process.

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