For those of you going to the Lincoln Day Dinner tonight in Pierre….

For those Republicans attending the Hughes County Lincoln Day Dinner tonight, you might know my #4 daughter Sydney as the State College Republican Chairwoman.

What you might not know is that Sydney will be leaving childhood and officially be 21 years old on Feb 19th at the stroke of midnight tonight.

If you see her at the GOP Dinner tonight, make sure you wish her an early happy birthday, and remind her to get to bed early, because there’s nothing but trouble out there after midnight.   (Love, Dad.)

Rounds Receives 100 Percent Rating for Pro-Life, Pro-Family Voting Record

Rounds Receives 100 Percent Rating for Pro-Life, Pro-Family Voting Record
Family Research Council Action Honors Rounds with ‘True Blue’ Award

PIERRE —U.S. Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) today announced that he received the Family Research Council (FRC) Action’s ‘True Blue’ award for his 100 percent rating to protect life, religious liberty and family values.

Rounds Receives ‘True Blue’ Award from Family Research Council Action President Tony Perkins, Feb. 2020

“We thank Sen. Rounds for voting to defend and advance faith, family, and freedom,” said Family Research Council Action President Tony Perkins. “As a ‘True Blue’ member, he voted 100% on FRC Action’s Scorecard, including to protect babies who are born alive after a failed abortion, end taxpayer funding of abortion, and confirm pro-life, originalist judicial appointments.

“South Dakotans should be encouraged to know that they have a champion like Sen. Rounds in Congress, who has consistently stood up for life, family, and religious liberty, helping to defeat many bad pieces of legislation while the Trump administration and many state legislatures have been advancing pro-life, pro-family, and pro-religious liberty policies,” concluded Perkins.

“Working as a state senator, governor of South Dakota, and now as a member of the U.S. Senate, the promotion of policies that put families first is very important to me,” said Rounds. “Upholding religious liberty and the sanctity of all life, from conception to natural death, is very important to the people of South Dakota who I represent. I thank the Family Research Council Action for bringing attention to these important issues that so many South Dakotans feel so strongly about.”


Hughes County Lincoln Day Dinner kicks off the season tonight with Congressman Dusty Johnson

Let the 2020 campaign season commence!

The Republican event which has become the unofficial campaign season kick-off in South Dakota is tonight in Pierre. The Hughes County Lincoln Day Dinner starts at 5:30 with a social hour and is featuring hometown Congressman Dusty Johnson at the Ramkota Inn.

Tickets are $35 and you can call 605-222-4385 or email [email protected] to RSVP.

Former Gubernatorial, and rumored legislative candidate has a problem with women working as police officers

Former gubernatorial, and rumored legislative candidate Lora Hubbel apparently has a problem with women working as police officers according to her latest facebook rant:

According to Lora, women .. or a “chick” should not be a police officer, and is “more suited for a day care worker.”

Add that one to the “Lora Hubbel is unfit for any public office whatsoever” file.

Former City Attorney on SF City Council seeks legal guidance for councilors doing what she did in last election

Let me make sure I’m understanding this.

Sioux Falls City Councilor Janet Brekke – a former Sioux Falls City Attorney – is seeking legal guidance regarding Sioux Falls city councilors endorsing candidates in the city election… just like others did for her when she first ran?

Councilor Janet Brekke wants some legal guidance on what she calls “an ethical minefield” when it comes to politicians using their influence and money in city elections.

The first-term at-large councilor this week filed paperwork with the City Attorney’s Office asking for an advisory opinion from the Sioux Falls Board of Ethics on whether public officials can support other Sioux Falls office seekers using their official titles, political action committees and hosting fundraisers.


In 2016, then-candidate Theresa Stehly used an endorsement from the late Kermit Staggers on campaign mailers she sent out, which included his title as city councilor. And last year, Councilor Christine Erickson used her title in a campaign fundraising announcement for Alex Jensen, who is running for Stehly’s seat in this year’s election. She also made a campaign contribution to Jensen.

Brekke herself received a $300 donation from Stehly in her 2018 campaign, which is noted in her request for an advisory opinion.

Read it all here

There’s an ethical minefield here?  I’m not sure what would be unethical about city councilors expressing their constitutional right to free speech..

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

That’s a pretty simple concept, which is also a position advocated by Sioux Falls City Councilor Christine Erickson in the article.   Not sure why a person with a law degree needs a panel to weigh in on it to figure it out.

It was legal when she and others did it. It’s legal for others. (Let freedom ring!)

Thune: It’s Our Job to Protect the Rights of the Unborn

Thune: It’s Our Job to Protect the Rights of the Unborn

“Science and ultrasounds and common sense all make it very clear that when we talk about unborn children, we’re talking about human beings, with their own fingerprints and their own DNA.”

Click here or on the image above to watch Thune’s speech.

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today discussed the Democrats’ refusal to recognize the rights of the unborn. Senate Republicans will continue to stand up for what’s right and fight on behalf of unborn children. Thune also recognized the tens of thousands of pro-life Americans, including those from South Dakota, who marched in January to advocate for the hundreds of thousands of babies that are killed by abortion each year in this country.