Biden debate performance: “unmitigated disaster”

Sitting in a hotel room in Boston, and just watched the debate. The local news had a college prof commentator on who immediately called Biden’s debate performance an “unmitigated disaster.”

In Massachusetts.. hard left Massachusetts.

Wow. This was not a good night for Biden.

48 thoughts on “Biden debate performance: “unmitigated disaster””

  1. LOL!!

    Unmitigated disaster is a candy coated statement. Too bad CAH doesn’t still run his propaganda rag, it would be quite entertaining to read all the spin.

    1. The out-of-state name-caller blog would be reeling and more disjointed than usual. But those bloggers are all gone now, driven away by conservatism with common sense.

  2. Good night for me. Why wouldn’t it be? America got to see unfiltered what was, what is and what will be.

    1. Vilifying one another is never a good idea and if that is not the correct answer then perhaps it is just a simple as you are simply not just anyone. Someone more than anyone perhaps.

      1. Whatever…the reality is that sucking sound you hear is the Stumbles reelection campaign was just flushed down the toilet.

  3. So the dems want to have an open convention? We can pick presidents at conventions but not a state Commissioner of Public Lands?

    Trump 45 & 47!

    1. The bad news from Trump is that if Biden does step aside, whoever the Dems nominated will make Trump look old. Likely the only debate we will see this year.

      1. Yes. It does appear that the DNC pulled one over on the RNC. Why have a debate before the convention?

  4. The fact that these two are the choices is absolutely sickening. I get to vote for a senile old man or caligula. I am so tired of this.

  5. Just try to unsee that debate. Yikes.

    Biden has no business running for re-election. To me, this has been obvious for years. I’d guess that, after tonight, almost everyone agrees.

    How did his staff and family allow this to happen? It was the worst debate performance in the television era. He proved that he was incapable of doing the job. Will Democrats dump him? If they want to win… they will.

  6. a lot of people have expresssed the witticism that they’d vote for a dead dog before they’d cast another vote for thug insurrectionist traitor trump. i guess biden thought it would be fun to call everyone’s bluff. i’m still voting dead dog because the dog isn’t constantly lying to keep himself out of prison. never-trump MEANS NEVER TRUMP.

    1. Enquirer, what a rational intelligent person you are. 😂 You make Lauren Boebert and Paul Gosar look like Abe Lincoln. Which in a way is doing what I had thought impossible.

      1. He’s right. One is senile and one is malicious. I’m holding my nose and voting for a turd candidate. But see how we acknowledge Biden is terrible? That’s because people voting for him are connected to reality. Trumps fans have turned him into a golden calf and it’s bizarre.

  7. By the time Biden shuffled onto the stage and said his first few words, I thought… OMG. Then the texts and calls started. Everyone felt the same.

    Last week, after an event, Biden seemed to linger on stage staring straight ahead, and former President Obama grabbed him by the hand and led him off. He should have stayed off the stage.

    He will not debate again. Nobody wants to see that. The question is… should he resign the Presidency, or just give up the nomination? That’s what Americans will be asking.

    1. I think that the polls will show a slight bump for Trump but also a drop for Biden that will go to the undecided column for now. Democrats will go from shock and sadness… to anger… if Biden tries to stay in this race.

      1. it’s not as easy as that elK and you know it. trump did to lone biden exactly what he did to the whole gop field in the first weeks of 2016. if you’re never-trump, don’t lead with something else – get the cagey criminal pinned where he can’t avoid being found out as a liar extraordinaire. take the fight right up his…. whatever. til it bleeds.

        1. Biden just proved that he is too feeble to be President of the United States. Not now, and certainly not later. He cannot possibly do the job for another five years. Forget it. He can’t win. This election is too important for him and his campaign to continue pretending that he is up to the task.

  8. Remember former Pres Obama is serving his 3rd term. Pres Biden is just his figure because he can’t for Pres any l

  9. Trump lies. But at least he did it somewhat coherently last night. Biden? What was that? Surveys suggest that, before the debate, somewhere around 60% of voters thought he was not up to the job. Ask them now? Probably 80% think he is unfit.

    Biden had 38% approval ratings. Absolutely terrible. You don’t run for re-election with a number like that. Do you think it will improve now?

    1. I did not watch the debate and so it is confusing to hear people who did saying that Trump was lying, but nobody is saying what, exactly, he said that wasn’t true.
      If he said things that were not true, what did he say? I don’t want to watch it. I don’t have time for that this week.

  10. Longer. Scares Heck out of me that Dems replace Pres Biden at their convention. Gov Newsome could win this thing and here we go with four more years of Dem control!

    1. They have a deep bench. Klobuchar? Who knows. A ham sandwich is looking better than that despicable felon who pull the United State out of NATO.

      1. Please explain why we should continue to be a part of NATO?
        Why should we be obligated to defend other countries even if we don’t want to?
        Maybe we would be better off deciding for ourselves which of our allies we would like to defend?
        and how binding is NATO anyway? maybe we don’t want to defend Turkey from its neighbors? What happens if Turkey is attacked by Iran and Russia at the same time;, do we really want to get involved in that?

      1. Of course they don’t want Trump. He’ll insist they pay their Treaty obligations share of the defense of Europe and hopefully end the forever war in the Ukraine.

        The United States is not a satellite of the European Union. We are a soveriegn nation.

    2. Mr. Goodwin is righter than right. If the libbies put a less feeble and more sane individual out there they could win.

  11. They are out there today suggesting that he will debate again and he will not drop out. They are just buying time. But they can’t erase last night. The only logical course of action is for Biden to exit the race. He’s a mess.

  12. Worst case scenario I’ll vote for the ham sandwich for president verses the convicted felon traitor who is a con man.

  13. Make mine a ham and cheese, with horseradish. All that we learned from the debate is that Biden is an 80 year old with a cold and that Trump is a obsessive Liar and Thug. But we knew that.

    1. no we don’t know that. I did not watch the debate and everybody seems to be saying that Trump was lying about something or everything but I can’t find anyone who actually seems to know what he said
      what were the lies?

      1. If you have to ask that question it shows why this country is in the mess it is today as a result of the Trump Party/MAGA cult.

        1. How hard is it for anybody to explain what lies Trump told?
          My brother came up with one: “I did not have sex with a porn star,” but that could be nuanced, was she a porn star at the time?
          But that was it.

          What did he say during the debate is what I am asking about. Just tell me what he said! I heard something about a golf handicap. Can that be fact-checked?

          1. You may be on to something and be comforted that you are not alone. More MAGA which includes more folks like Rick Weible and the SD Canvassing folks for example are moving to South Dakota every day from other states. We need more here with a goal of South Dakota being a refuge state like Idaho. If we can concentrate a large number in South Dakota it helps the state and especially other states. Just think South Dakota could one day be the first state in the nation to have a Chemtrail free zone.

  14. What I never hear… is that Biden lied too in this debate and in previous speeches he has given..… several times.. they both are known to stretch the truth. ALL politicians do that… I believe if there ever was a situation that showed ELDER exploitation and abuse ? this was it … and some people need to be charged. The media has been lying and hiding the truth to the American bpeople for obviously a long time and this is truly shameful for our nation.

    1. Kay, what did Biden say that wasn’t true?? I am becoming increasingly frustrated as I did not have access to a TV when the debate was on and if I do find the time to watch it this week I don’t have time for fact checking.
      Did Biden lie about his golf handicap?

      1. 13 Americans — 11 Marines, a soldier, and a sailor — died at Kabul because of Biden’s chaotic retreat. That is a catastrophe that would be seared into most men’s soul, but Thursday night Biden declared that no US service members had died on his watch.

  15. The ultimate impact of Trump Derangement Syndrome:

    Because Never Trumpers in both parties were so focused on Trumps negative traits, they ignored Bidens, which is why they were shocked to find out their guy is really Demented Joe.

    Unlike Elk who woke up (double entendre), Enquirer’s TDS is still dominating his thought process.

    Funny if it weren’t so serious. I hope they will be pleased when Kamala is their candidate as they are getting what they deserve.

    1. Everyone has negative traits. Trump’s are way more negativer than everyone else and a bad debate performance won’t change that. Biden will stay in the race and he will win again.

  16. What I am seeing; people who think that saying “Trump lied,” or “they both lied,” makes them sound intelligent and informed, are becoming offended and defensive when asked for details.
    If you are going to accuse someone of lying, you had better have the receipts.
    Otherwise you look like an idiot.

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