Butte County GOP has announced their Lincoln Day Dinner Speaker. Steve Haugaard. No, really.

No wonder the GOP Central Committee uninvited me from working with the party because I point out stupid things.

The latest in silliness is the Butte County GOP announcing their guest speaker for their 2024 Lincoln Day Dinner, former Speaker of the House Steve Haugaard, the man who lost both a race for Governor (3-1) AND Lt. Governor within a 30 day timespan.

You know, you can’t make this stuff up.

It’s like they sat on the ground in a sharing circle (criss-cross applesauce, everyone), and thought Who is the one person that people want to see speak at a GOP Dinner?  Unfortunately, someone left their car running and backed up to the building, and they all inhaled too many exhaust fumes while they were sitting on the ground, and someone addled by the fumes uttered how about Steve Haugaard, before they slipped into unconsciousness and fire/rescue had to be called.

Tickets are $35 each, and no. They will not pay you $35 if you attend. That’s what has to come out of your own pocket.

The person who spent 6 months attacking the Governor and running literally one of the most uninspirational races we’ve ever seen. BEFORE he doubled down and went after the Lt. Governor seat.

No words.

17 thoughts on “Butte County GOP has announced their Lincoln Day Dinner Speaker. Steve Haugaard. No, really.”

    1. He is the Trump of SD. Lost every election since he went off the deep end and he is dragging anyone down that will go with him.

  1. So funny. They all think it’s fine to attack Noem and Dusty and other Republicans but as soon as someone points out their craziness, they joint the cancel culture movement. Fortunately we have found that when they run they usually lose 3-1. The only problem is they pop up at convention and run for Lt Gov or AG. That won’t change. They’ll continue to try to run us over by nominating these whack jobs at convention. Historically, if you get about 300 votes at convention you are elected to that office in the Fall. 300 votes!!! For the life of me, I do not understand why the Democrats did not support the primary bill. I know they don’t come up with their candidates until they get to convention. But not supporting that bill means they also live with the whack jobs that win at the GOP convention…. Because the Dems don’t win in November.

    1. Maybe their thought process is, “Let’s watch the loonies tear the GOP apart, that way when they become nothing more than deranged lunatics moderates will vote for us.”

  2. Whoever the chair of the Butte County GOP is, he or she must be pretty stupid to have Haugaard as a speaker.

  3. To be honest, ANY headline speaker given enough time to actually say something would be preferable to the sequence of 3-minute elevator speeches by everybody running for every imaginable office in the county.

    Lincoln Day Dinners have become BORING, painfully BORING.

  4. While I’d probably rather lose a pinky finger than attend…

    Butte Cty GOP graphic design > Pennington Cty GOP graphic design. 😉

  5. I hope his speech will focus on the fallacies with Lincoln, such as he was a republican, and therefore they get the current day credit of freeing the slaves. No way any descendant of a slave would not support the GOP, right? Throw in a bit of Soros claims and remind people of the caravan at the southern border, and we’ll have a grand ol’ dinner party!

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