Now, that’s funny. “Anonymous” bringing out the big guns.

From SFGate, Hacktivist group Anonymous is using one of my favorite weapon of mass distraction on ISIS/ISIL The Rick Roll:

Anonymous is wielding a new weapon of mass disruption in its ongoing social media war with the Islamic State — Rick Astley videos.

The “hacktivist” group has been flooding all pro-Isis hashtags with countless videos of the red-headed bass-baritone, according to a recent tweet from the #OpParis account.

Anyone familiar with 1980s music videos knows how unsettling watching Astley sing and dance can be. In fact, as Dazed notes, tricking people to watch his “Never Gonna Give You Up” has been a staple of viruses, protests and other online pranks since 2007.

Read it here.

Thune one of top 10 most popular Senators in America

What was that the Democrats were mewling? That they would have an opponent for Senator John Thune?

Good luck with that one, as who ever they can press into service, they’re going to be facing a very, very popular US Senator. John Thune was just named as tying for #9 in approval ratings (via their constituents) for Senators in the entire country:

Read it all here.

Gov. Daugaard Orders State Capitol Flags Half-Staff For Former State Sen. Wilbur Foss

daugaardheaderGov. Daugaard Orders State Capitol Flags Half-Staff For Former State Sen. Wilbur Foss

PIERRE, S.D. – Former state Sen. Wilbur Foss of Scotland passed away on Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015. Gov. Dennis Daugaard has ordered flags to fly half-staff at the State Capitol on Saturday, Nov. 28, the date of Foss’ funeral.

Foss was appointed to the State Senate by Gov. Archie Gubbrud in 1961 to replace Joe Lehmann, who had resigned. Foss served as a state senator until 1963.

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Former Employee of South Dakota Secretary of State Office Pleads Guilty and Sentenced to Theft in Original State Flag Case

Former Employee of South Dakota Secretary of State Office Pleads Guilty and Sentenced to Theft in Original State Flag Case

PIERRE, S.D – Attorney General Marty Jackley announced today that Garrett Darwin Devries, 26, Washington D.C., has pled guilty to one count of theft of the “Original State Flag”, having a value in excess of four hundred dollars, class one misdemeanor. He was sentenced to 30 days in the county jail with 30 days suspended upon the condition that he commits no law violations for a period of one year. In addition, Devries was sentenced to pay court costs and in lieu of a fine, he was ordered to pay the costs to assist in the future preservation and protection of the “Original State Flag’ in the amount of $1,500 by December 4, 2015. Devries was also ordered to submit a letter of apology to the employees of the Secretary of State’s Office and the citizens of the State of South Dakota.

“South Dakota’s original State Flag is an important part of our history, and its recovery without damage or further incident was an important consideration in the resolution of this case. Mr. Devries has accepted responsibility for his actions and apologized to his co-workers as well as the citizens of South Dakota. This resolution further serves to assist in the preservation of our State Flag for future generations,” said Jackley.

This charge stems from Devries employment at the South Dakota Secretary of State’s Office during the time between December 2012-November 2013 and the theft of an ‘Original State Flag’ from his place of employment.

This case was investigated by the Division of Criminal Investigation and prosecuted by the Attorney General’s Office.


Voice of SD Democrats back on Internet, claim Bushes responsible for JFK Assassination and 9/11. What happened to the good Democrats?

Just when you thought it was safe to drink the water again.

Larry Kurtz, who has been banned from this and other web sites for profanity, hate speech, etc., had taken himself off the internet after some controversial posts with clearly false and defamatory information that would likely get him sued into oblivion, taking down about two months of his “work.”

Larry claimed at the time is was because Democrats wouldn’t pay him for his work, which consisted of such gems as policemen all being fat, drunken wife-beaters, and that exposure to plastic was a leading cause of homosexuality.

Unfortunately, Larry also lied about going away, and is back making more goofy claims in a sad attempt for attention.

Today, this voice of SD Democrats is claiming that George Bush was a conspirator in the assassination of JFK, and Jeb Bush was “directly responsible for the events of 11 September, 2001.” Seriously? Who in their right mind considers such ridiculousness even remotely credible?

It’s kind of too bad that this is the image that people see of Democrats in South Dakota.  I know there are some decent ones, but the party seems to have been taken over by hard-left liberals who not only sit silent in the face of this kind of crazy, but endorse it.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to complain too hard, as it’s what allows Republicans to maintain impossibly high numbers of elected officials in the state. But there comes a point when you look at the vomit covered person lying in the gutter, continuing to swill Old Crow, and say “What happened to your self-respect?”

Thune keeping his powder dry in Presidential Race

From today’s KCCR, South Dakota’s US Senator John Thune isn’t going to give his nod yet to any of the candidates running. Probably because it’s still ridiculously early:

South Dakota Senator Mike Rounds has endorsed Mike Huckabee. Representative Kristi Noem has endorsed Marco Rubio.


Thune says he is not endorsing any candidate at this time. He believes that the candidate field will narrow down soon…


Thune is considered to be a highly sought after endorsement by the candidates in the Republican primary race.


Read (and listen to) it all here.

Speaking of twitter and congressional races. The invisible Paula Hawks campaign still invisible.

Speaking of twitter, and the previous post mentioning the contenders in the congressional race, what was I saying about Paula Hawks and twitter a while back?

I’m wondering, because so far this month the Hawks for House twitter account has been holding steady at 2 tweets, with one on the 7th, and one on the 14th.


Seriously, the thing with her twitter account seems to be plaguing her entire campaign.  It was amateur hour at her campaign rollout, which was the most botched thing I’ve seen in over 25 years in politics. As a supposed political insider for Democrats, her first quarter fundraising only beat the gal who moved here, and only managed about 2/3 of what a junior staffer for Tim Johnson managed to draw in a comparable time period.

In a limited time period to try to gain attention, she’s managed to be almost invisible.

Read it here.

Yeah… the invisible campaign has hit twitter three times this month, and holding.  And still remains invisible, and apparently inactive, except when she’s out campaigning on state level issues for Democrats.

I’m kind of questioning whether she’s given up on running a serious race at this point.

Apparently, due to budget limitations, the Rapid City Journal has laid off Twitter.

I’m sorry to announce that due to budget limitations it appears that the Rapid City Journal, the flagship newspaper of West River South Dakota, sadly had to let Twitter go as a result.

We have heard rumors that they may instead rent out part of their online presence to MySpace, much like the newspaper rented out part of their building to a hair salon.

Okay, all of that above is satire, but the Rapid City Journal has oddly let their Twitter presence go completely silent as of November 12th.

Kind of a sad situation for a newspaper who was once a pioneer in on-line news and discussion through Mt. Blogmore. Now they’re devolving into a parody.