CNN features story with Kristi Noem on breaking the glass ceiling of South Dakota politics

CNN recently did a story on Kristi Noem and her current candidacy for South Dakota Governor, notably how she would be the first woman to hold that office in state history if she is successful:

While she rejects a notion that there are women’s issues and men’s issues, she said there is a women’s perspective on every single issue. She hopes many more women will follow her to Congress but says it may still be an uphill battle.

“It’s a challenging environment. You have to be a little bit tough. You have to be willing to sit up to the table and not back along the wall. But that perspective is really important,” Noem says.

But now, for her, Noem wants to sit at the head of the table.

Read it all here.

25 thoughts on “CNN features story with Kristi Noem on breaking the glass ceiling of South Dakota politics”

  1. Noem made an off choice here.

    1) This interview won’t appeal to GOP primary voters who mistrust CNN and who don’t like identity politics.

    2) It will alienate some primary voters who may otherwise have voted for Her.

    3) Saying that Noem is up against a glass ceiling doesn’t hold water. She’s been elected to statewide office as our lone representative in the House in four consecutive election cycles.

    1. Jackley needs to run this ad:

      “There is a reason Dusty is talking about the deficit being $60k (show kristi in her board game ad from 2010 talking about the debt being 40k for Booker), there is a reason Shantel is talking about ending Obamacare (show kristi talking about ending Obamacare in 2010), there is a reason tapio is talking about fixing immigration (cut to noem talking about fixing immigration). ITS BECAUSE KRISTI HASNT DONE ANY OF THOSE THINGS IN THE PAST 8 YEARS. They are all worse today then 8 years ago.”

      He can use her old ads. He can use all of their new ads and then he can show how she hasnt actually done anything.

  2. Hardcore Jackley supporter here BUT there is no doubt we should be proud of our Congresswoman on a personal level anyway. I don’t appreciate a few of her votes in Congress but no matter how much the campaign staffers on each side try to dissuade me I won’t dislike either candidate and this is a very nice article that her team should be proud of.

  3. Just an observation:

    1) Hillary stated, when running for President, that some people wouldn’t support her because of he gender.

    2) Hillary stated, when running for President, that some people’s perspective on religion in this country needed to change.

    3) Noem says some people won’t vote for Her because she doesn’t have a penis.

    4) Noem says some voters perspective on voting for women in this state needs to be changed.

    1. Following this weird line of reasoning:

      1. Hillary requires air and water to remain alive
      2. Noem requires air and water to remain alive
      3. Hillary is a United States Citizen
      4. Noem is a United States citizen


      1. Both claim sexism when it suits them. Both believe that the perspective of those who are in their way needs to be changed.

        1. What she said was a hell of a lot more nuanced than you are giving her credit for.

  4. My first reaction was to her comment about the people who have said something to her about her being a woman and running for Governor and how I didn’t like it.

    But talking to a successful woman in business, she thought I was over-reacting. Whether I like it or not is irrelevant, it is what is said and women have to deal with it. It doesn’t have to be an excuse or claim of victimhood. Just a statement of fact and that is how this particular woman reacted. I stand corrected and retract my initial reaction.

    What she reacted to much more viscerally and negatively was the comment of Noem not going out at night to all the social events because she is a married woman and it not looking good. The person I talked with said that had a tone of judgment which has a negative implication and innuendo for women who do participate in the social activities of their profession. As this woman said, people who aren’t doing the nightly social stuff might be the one’s in a hotel room doing what they shouldn’t.

    Her final comment was, as a reaction to #MeToo women, who desire a career and need to spend time after work or travel with male bosses are at a disadvantage almost as bad as 40 years ago because men are rightly scared of the CHARGE of doing something wrong. And, it doesn’t help to have a woman trying to break a glass ceiling creating an impression married women are floozies if they are in public without their husbands.

    1. Voters didn’t choose TenHaken because Leotscher is a woman.

      To say Jackley winning is because he is a guy is not fair to jackley. I dont believe this story helps her likability. She has succeeded at every level in politics. Why would she think voters who have worked for her, voted for her, donated to her and supported her would all of a sudden decide she wasnt capable because she has the wrong body parts.

      Voters have routinely supported her in large numbers.

      1. Your comment is way off base. Kristi made it clear in her comments that it was a very small group that believed this. She certainly never came close to saying Jackley was winning because of it. Because he is not!

  5. For all the heat, she could claim no editorial control. But that would require she and/or her South Dakota (?) consultants would have missed this upon preview. But there has been no claim of, “fake news”. THIS is CNN, (thanks James Earl Jones) and South Dakota is well familiar with the narratives they’ve been pushing. The campaign has approved this message and I wouldn’t be surprised if they had some editorial influence ! The points from earlier posts need to be weighed.

  6. CNN doing a puff piece for a Republican makes me think there’s a connection to the campaign somewhere.
    Against all odds and penisless, she’s hoping to park her John Deere on Governors Drive.

  7. Stop and think which one of these will have the tenacity to do housecleaning and hand out pink slips to those state government heads who do not care how much they spend and who are in cahoots with big-time lobbyists. Will it be the one who has been in Pierre awhile or the one who has been removed from the Pierre scene for a number of years…I think you know the answer!

    1. So are you admitting she’s too weak and dumb to control her own executive branch? I wasn’t aware that non-elected heads could pass budgets. Or maybe they were just doing their jobs as instructed by the Governor and the Republican legislature passed these so called bloated budgets.
      The current administration certainly isn’t going to pass a list of people to axe and she isn’t going to know. Second, her and many governors before including the current one had grand visions of hiring fresh stellar staff only to find out nobody wants to move to Pierre for a mid level job with a mid level salary. Cabinet level will be based on on who supported her alone.

    2. Marty probably would be the person who would do that because hes actually done it in the AG’s office before.

  8. This is a great piece, especially since it is on CNN! It generated national interest! The emphasis here is she will be South Dakota’s first woman governor, that she’s a farmer, and that she’s a woman of integrity. It was noted briefly in the interview that there are a few people who think only men should have the role of governor. Some of you have gotten a little too excited about a simple comment about ‘not having the right body parts’. That just means she’s not a man, guys, just settle down. No P word there. She truly is a strong leader which is why the lady interviewing her reacted so surprisingly when she talked about how ‘a few folks’ didn’t think she should run since she wasn’t a man. She is the most qualified, in a league far above Jackley, and has charisma that Jackley can only dream about. What’s important is that Kristi’s assets far outweigh Sutton’s and she will beat him in the general. Jackley is too ‘good ol’ boys network’, is a ho hum lawyer, and has too many serious issues. Jackley ‘desperately’ wants to see his name on a sign ‘SD’s Governor Marty Jackley’ as he stated in RC, but he may very well lose the general. South Dakota republicans need to understand the importance of this upcoming primary.

  9. Noem is pandering to a targeted audience. Who watches CNN, she knows and she knows it’s not a small group. Noem can hold her own, she’s proven that. She doesn’t need to play identity politics with me. Is she hoping the feminists/leftists who are registered Republicans will give her their vote, in the primary, only because she’s a woman… probably. This is not her first rodeo;)

    Anonymous 2:29 brings up an interesting idea, a possible connection b/w Noem’s campaign and CNN? It is a little surprising CNN allowed her to be showcased knowing she has principles and all.

    1. I think she doesn’t feel confident she’ll win. If she loses, she’ll need an excuse. She’ll also need something to do with her time. Playing nice with CNN now may open doors in the future.

      1. Is Jackley eligible to run for state treasurer at the GOP convention if he loses the primary?

        1. NEITHER should feel confident…they both should feel nervous and be running like they are behind.

          This is a close race with 2 strong candidates

  10. Now it might be easy to dismiss the suggestion that sexism is still a factor in South Dakota politics but there was a Lincoln Day Dinner last year and both Noem and Jackley were there and a woman stood up and announced that they are both terrific so Jackley should be Governor and Noem should be Lieutenant Governor.

    Ooh, awkward! I wonder how many more people like that are out there?

      1. Well let’s see: Noem is a US representative, making $174,000/year. Jackley is the AG, making $103,892/year. In America, numbers matter.

        This means Noem outranks Jackley.
        So why else would anyone suggest that Noem should accept the subordinate position of Lieutenant Governor? Of course it’s sexism.

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