Comings and goings on Advertisers Row – Welcome Yes on H, No on IM28, Summit Carbon Solutions, and still space to advertise!

Whew! Long post today thanking and encouraging your review of our sponsors!

Lots going on here at the home office of, as we thank Gideon Oakes for SD Public Utilities Commissioner for his brief run at SDWC, at the same time we have some new advertisers through the election. As well as a returning sponsor.

If you think the more people should be voting in elections, you might want to clock on the ad in the right hand column and check out what the “Yes on H” people have to say, including an endorsement from State Senator Mike Rohl who says:

“As a life-long Republican I strongly support Open Primaries in South Dakota. South Dakota’s elections are paid for by all South Dakotans, not the political parties or the elites that run them. All legally registered voters should be eligible to participate in publicly paid for elections affecting their representation in government.

While the party bosses and the political swamp will campaign against Open Primaries with misinformation and fear; I proudly stand in support of my neighbors and community because they should decide who represents us.Open Primaries returns power to the people, and that’s who I represent and care about.

I am voting Yes on Amendment H.”

You can click on the ad, or read more about the measure here.

Also joining us on Advertiser’s Row are the folks opposing  Initiated Measure 28, reminding us to not take the bait – because it’s a trap!

While the measure claims it will repeal just the tax on food, it does much much more than that!

“But the truth is, it repeals the tax on anything sold for human consumption, including tobacco products. As a result, passing IM-28 will create a gigantic hole in our state budget. Though the measure claims to have good intentions, it’s actually very bad for South Dakotans. Passing IM-28 will set us up for the creation of a state income tax – which the vast majority of South Dakotans do not want.”

Find out more at their website at

Our friends at Summit Carbon Solutions are returning to advertiser’s row, to support South Dakota Ag & Industry in keeping us competitive across the country and around the world.

With over 70 percent of the route in South Dakota and project wide in voluntary easements, while continuing to partner with more landowners every day. These partnerships represent an overwhelming majority of landowners who understand the company’s commitment to protecting the economic viability of key South Dakota industries through providing decarbonization solutions. 

We have another advertiser who will be joining us shortly in coming days, encouraging your vote on another ballot measure, and I believe we may have yet another one starting shortly.

With less than three months to go until the election, SDWC has advertising opportunities for reaching South Dakota’s opinion leaders, based on a first-come, first-serve basis for available positions.  As of today, I have the #1 spot in the left-hand column, along with down page advertising.  Monthly spots are available, and I do provide discounts for longer ad commitments.  Information on ad prices, ad positions, and ad commitments may be directed to the webmaster by clicking here.

In addition to our new sponsors, please take a moment to visit our long-time advertisers such as South Dakota’s chief executive Governor Kristi Noem, our friend South Dakota Senator John Thune,  Congressman Dusty Johnson, and Republican United States Senator Mike Rounds. Our friends at South Dakota Ag Alliance are also here to fight for landowner rights and common sense ag development. 

Of course, at Dakota Campaign Store, down on the right, you’ll find me already busy in 2024 with yard signs, postcards, and all the things a professional campaign needs to make an impression.

Thank you to our advertisers for your support, and please reach out if you’d like to join them!