Compromise redistricting map named “Sparrow” available for review

The “Sparrow” map currently being used for legislative redistricting negotiations is now out there and available for review:

This is definitely worth checking out, as this configuration seems to be the closest we’ve had to agreement between the House and the Senate.

I’ll dig into it further once (and if) we have approval, as once the lines are officially approved by both chambers is when the work begins.

4 thoughts on “Compromise redistricting map named “Sparrow” available for review”

  1. I see the squeaky wheels from Dell Rapids got their way. Hartford is now part of a western Sioux Falls district in this proposal, yet Humboldt goes with Dells. SMH

  2. This is quite a bit better, except for the Rapid City district that circles the city. Not very good line drawing out there.

  3. Just out of curiosity? Why was 23 extended into Aberdeen? It looks like Democrats were dumped into 23 to dilute the Democrat Aberdeen vote?

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