Congressman Dusty Johnson’s Weekly Column: A Full Table

Sioux Falls Vietnam Veteran Pinning Ceremony for 61 Vietnam Veterans

November is a month associated with many things—the last of our beautiful fall foliage, winter weather sets in, honoring our veterans, and celebrating Thanksgiving. At Thanksgiving, we gather around the table and celebrate things we’re grateful for like our home, safety, freedoms, and our loved ones.

November is also National Adoption Month. During Thanksgiving, the blessing of adoption hits home for some even moreso. As families sit down at a table full of food, they look around at a table full of the ones they love, and some are present due to the blessing of adoption.

This year, I had the privilege of honoring the Enos family who were named South Dakota’s Angels in Adoption honorees. The Enos family has six children, three of whom joined their family through adoption. Adoption is a blessing to both the children and the families – the Enos family story is no different. I am proud to support families like the Enos, and I’m truly thankful for what they have chosen to do.

For those who have an empty seat at the table, we remember the servicemen and women who are defending our freedoms. We are thankful for these individuals every day of the year as they serve, protecting us and our country.

I am thankful for my family, my wife and sons, friends, the great state of South Dakota, chocolate chip cookies, and the opportunity to serve in Congress for another term. Whether your table is surrounded by loved ones or they are there in spirit, I hope your home is filled with love and thankfulness. As Americans, we have much to be grateful for.


One thought on “Congressman Dusty Johnson’s Weekly Column: A Full Table”

  1. Adoption families are great people; until one of South Dakota’s GOP legislative candidates (Koskan) loses all semblance of self control! Like the former POTUS, he’s now “testing” out the tentacles of ‘justice!’

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