Dakota First PAC ‘victory gala’ event tainted by anti-semitic commentary from PAC Leader Doeden and keynote speaker NC Lt Gov Mark Robinson

The further a person goes down in the layers of burning dumpster with the Dakota First PAC led by Toby Doeden and Doeden’s event that is being headlined by Gubernatorial Candidate Mark Robinson from North Carolina, the deeper the pit in your stomach gets over what the promoters of this event seem to be embracing.

And this comes as the Republicans of North Carolina are bracing themselves for a story that reportedly has Republicans looking to offload their candidate for Governor, as well as Team Trump declaring him persona non grata.

There was a story when Toby Doeden first came on the scene that if you read it, it paints things in a very different light when taken alongside with the controversies brought to South Dakota, as he highlights embattled North Carolina Gubernatorial Candidate Mark Robinson.

In case you have forgotten, the story was in the Dakota Scout this last January that pointed out Doeden’s casual anti-semitism in a tweet as he denied terrifying statistics that 1 in 4 Jewish Americans were the victim of a hate crime, calling it “Fake.”

And he was called out for it by the past chair of the SDGOP:

Of course, Doeden claimed his post “was taken out of context,” despite declaring “THIS IS FAKE” when faced with statistics about Jewish hate crimes. I’m not sure what other context it could be taken in, but as you’ll read, this seems to be a recurrent theme.

Now fast forward 9 months as momentary candidate and now Political Action Committee leader Toby announced he was holding a conservative rally, and bringing a headliner that no one in South Dakota had ever heard of:

Mark Robinson.. Why on earth would Toby Doeden bringing Mark Robinson to South Dakota? Among the first things we found out about Robinson?

In 2018, Robinson shared an anti-gun-control post on Facebook that said, in part: “This foolishness about Hitler disarming MILLIONS of Jews and then marching them off to concentration camps is a bunch of hogwash.” And last year, speaking at a Charlotte-area church, he said Christians “are called to be led by men,” though he later appeared to backtrack, saying his remarks were meant to encourage men, not imply women couldn’t be leaders.

At a news conference in October, Robinson also downplayed his previous statements about Jews and the Holocaust. “There have been some Facebook posts that were poorly worded on my part,” he said, according to NBC affiliate WRAL of Raleigh. “There is no antisemitism standing here in front of you.”

Read that here.

Oh. More anti-semitism, with accompanying claims of denial. Where have we heard that before? Of course, Robinson denied that it was anti-semitic holocaust denial, much like Doeden denied his statement.

But, as we’re finding out today, maybe it wasn’t the only time..

Right now North Carolina Republicans and Team Trump are holding their collective breath waiting for the CNN story, and how bad it’s going to be, and whether they can push him off the ticket. Forget Robinson’s race at this point, right now he threatens to to sink Trump in that state, and to take the entire slate of Republican party candidates down with him.

Yet, this is the person that Toby Doeden is holding out to headline his “night of inspiration, networking, and entertainment.”

If hate-speech is what this event is trying to inspire, it seems that Toby Doeden is going down that road.


The CNN Story is out.

Mark Robinson, the controversial and socially conservative Republican nominee for governor of North Carolina, made a series of inflammatory comments on a pornography website’s message board more than a decade ago, in which he referred to himself as a “black NAZI!” and expressed support for reinstating slavery, a CNN KFile investigation found.

Despite a recent history of anti-transgender rhetoric, Robinson said he enjoyed watching transgender pornography, a review of archived messages found in which he also referred to himself as a “perv.”


In the pornographic forums, Robinson revealed his unvarnished thoughts on issues such as race, gender and abortion.

Writing in a forum discussing Black Republicans in October 2010, Robinson stated unprovoked: “I’m a Black Nazi!”

That same month, Robinson wrote in another post that he supported the return of slavery.

“Slavery is not bad. Some people need to be slaves. I wish they would bring it (slavery) back. I would certainly buy a few,” he wrote.

In March 2012, Robinson wrote that he preferred the former leader of Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler over the leadership in Washington during the administration of Barack Obama.

“I’d take Hitler over any of the sh*t that’s in Washington right now!” he wrote.

And that, Dakota First Victory Gala attendees, just may be your speaker.

8 thoughts on “Dakota First PAC ‘victory gala’ event tainted by anti-semitic commentary from PAC Leader Doeden and keynote speaker NC Lt Gov Mark Robinson”

  1. Doeden and Robinson appear to be part a growing number within the ultra-right that are not only anti-Semitic but promoting Holocaust denialism too which is extremely disturbing and should be condemned!

    I would not be surprised if the South Dakota Department of Propaganda posted an AI generated NAZI Storm Trooper uniform with a swastika arm band on Doeden in video and photos. Gotta say the look fits him.

  2. Robinson will cost Trump North Carolina and other states based upon just how vile and toxic he is. Hopefully this cycle will spell the waning influence of Rinosorus-Trumplicus and other similar species.

  3. If this is what Republicans voters are becoming then I’m switching to Independent and voting Democrat. F#ck these dumbasses. Our state party should condemn this event NOW!!!! If I see my state rep or state senator at this event, I will personally campaign against them.

  4. This trend certainly has momentum in our state. Look no further than District 28B Representative elect, Travis Ismay’s, obvious racist facebook posts regarding white pride month. There’s a Dakota War College post about them here somewhere. They are unashamed about it. Not sure how voters turn a blind eye towards it, but it is certainly disheartening.

  5. I can’t wait to see Toby’s cry baby post on Facebook about how Dakota War College is so mean to him. And told so many lies. And people need to look at facts and do their own research, but believe whatever he tells them to believe.

    Toby Doeden is the definition of self-centered hack. Can he fade back into obscurity yet?

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