Dem candidate for Rapid City Mayor makes nutty claim that opponent has $13 million in PAC for Mayor’s race. Really.

Natalie Stites Means is a Rapid City Democrat who is running for Mayor in Rapid. And she either has a problem with math, or a problem with the truth.  Because several hours ago, she made a claim that is so looney that it’s off the charts:

She’s actually making the claim that her “opponent has $13M in a political action committee.” Seriously. Nevermind that that’s about what all candidates for South Dakota Governor spent collectively running for Governor in 2018.

Apparently, if you’re going to make up stuff about your opponent, you might as well shoot for the moon. No matter how laughable it is.

The current mayor and her opponent, Steve Allender, also thought it was a goofball claim. But he’s willing to cut you in, if you can find it.

Moving on.

2 thoughts on “Dem candidate for Rapid City Mayor makes nutty claim that opponent has $13 million in PAC for Mayor’s race. Really.”

  1. She went to the same skrool of finance that AOC did; math was an elective, and no brains required.

  2. Many of us wish we had a good strong conservative candidate to run for mayor. Both Allender and Means are liberal

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