Department of Health issues video explaining South Dakota’s abortion law

From the Dept of Health (as noted by a KELOland story) the Department of Health has issued a video noting that abortion to save the life of the mother is allowed in South Dakota:

And that seems to be the only reason currently allowed under the law. Nothing on other exceptions, such as rape or incest.

6 thoughts on “Department of Health issues video explaining South Dakota’s abortion law”

      1. It seems they consider the pregnancy “evidence” and therefore such evidence must be prserved or the rape victim is a criminal. Kinda horrifying worldview, eh?

        1. Abortion kills the wrong person. It’s understandable that you would feel like killing somebody, but why kill the child? The child is just an innocent bystander who didn’t do anything wrong.
          If anybody deserves to die, it’s the perp, so kill him instead. This will prevent him from doing the same thing to somebody else.

    1. Attempted murder is a crime. Seeking medical attention after an attempted murder destroys that evidence. Saving your life is a crime.

      You’re an absolute idiot.

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