Do you agree with Rep. Erin Healy that “the safest place for kids are in families that have a married mom and dad” is “dangerous and un-American”

Here’s a quote from Democrat Erin Healy that you’ll possibly see on a postcard..

You know, you don’t always end up with a 2-parent family, and I would not presume to say that people don’t try their best with the tools they have to work with.

But I don’t know that I’d say that I’d get on twitter and deride what most people believe is the ideal as somehow “dangerous and un-American.”

19 thoughts on “Do you agree with Rep. Erin Healy that “the safest place for kids are in families that have a married mom and dad” is “dangerous and un-American””

  1. 1/4 of households with children are run by single parents. She could have said it better, but it appears like she was just trying to defend them.

    Why don’t we just stop attacking other people who don’t measure up to our ideals? This state is starting to look very inhospitable.

    My fellow Republicans have gone after trans kids, drag queens, gay marriages and non-traditional households… all in just the last few weeks. Using flimsy, non-existent or one-time incidents to justify their actions.

    It’s stirring up hatred and it’s obnoxious.

    1. It’s all they have. They need to keep the culture wars going because their policies are failing and killing the middle class.

    2. This comment shows severe ignorance on the part of what those ideals are doing to destroy the fabric of American society. Go live on either coast for a year and come back. Talk to somebody who moved here. Do it before you end up watching your grandson get chemically castrated while you end up in prison and have your life ruined for trying to stop it. Yes, there are dozens upon dozens of examples.

          1. Anonymous@7:16 was trashing the coasts. I am telling you that, while they have plenty of problems, those states are also doing something right.

            Republicans should be studying that CDC map. Nearly all of the Democrat states are on the top (longest life expectancy) and Republican states are on the bottom. Hawaiians live almost 9 years longer ON AVERAGE than people in Mississippi. Here is where you say… “wow”!

            Maybe we need to learn something from them, instead of trashing them all of the time.

          2. True. More people left California during Covid than moved in. We will see if that continues. But California had a lot of growth for many years while being run by liberals.

            They also have very high housing costs. I believe that is due to high demand. We will see if that continues as well.

  2. Family Heritage Alliance is the most watered down milk toast harmless group that only focuses on traditional family values, and was founded by one of the sweetest former-pastors in SD.
    To call them a radical group is borderline ignorance and a dead giveaway that we have a Marxist empty-headed millennial in the office. Vote her OUT.

    1. Family Heritage Alliance is so nutty right-wing they attack Kristi Noem as being too liberal.

  3. She should have a conversation with Tim Bjorkman, who ran for Congress against Dusty Johnson. At a forum the candidates were asked what they thought was the biggest problem facing the USA, and his answer was “fatherlessness.”
    As a juvenile court judge he had seen the results of single-mother families. This infuriated a woman in the audience who gave him an earful after he left the stage. I heard the whole rant because I was waiting to compliment him on his observation. Of course that doesn’t sit well with Democrats. They eat their own. .

    1. “At a forum the candidates were asked what they thought was the biggest problem facing the USA, and his answer was “fatherlessness.”

      Hmm. Are you saying that kids would be better off with two fathers?

    2. “Eat their own”. Now that is a really funny comment watching the current state of affairs with in the SDGOP and its county parties!

      P.S. I am not saying the dems don’t do it as well!

    3. Bjorkman is not wrong. No doubt there are kids who turn out great being raised by a single Mom or Dad, but it doesn’t take much digging to find the evidence and understand that having a father at home can and does make a huge impact. Certainly there’s exceptions, but we have to stop normalizing fatherless homes like BLM has done.

      1. If you want to ban divorce for couples with children, I am sure that there are a few legislators in Pierre right now that would give you a hearing.

        1. Forcing shared parenting on divorcing couples is a way to ban divorce for couples with children.
          Having been in a joint custody arrangement myself, I can tell you: shared parenting is called MARRIAGE. If you have joint custody you’re still married, you are just free to marry somebody else who, hopefully, doesn’t mind what is essentially polygamy or polyandry. You and your exes will be omnipresent in each other’s lives FOREVER. As long as the children are alive, you will never get away from each other.

            1. you don’t understand the effect of shared parenting on divorce? Maybe you have never experienced it!
              You never get rid of each other; you’re constantly in communication with each other, calling, texting on a daily basis. You just don’t sleep in the same house anymore. One day my kids’ stepmother and I even did the laundry together, because I was picking them up and their clothes were still in the wash. So it’s a lot like polygamy.

              1. “So it’s a lot like polygamy.”

                When it comes to basic communication that doesn’t surpass the topic of your children, maybe. When it comes to everything else, it is nothing like polygamy. This is like claiming playing basketball is a lot like playing baseball because they both use a ball. It makes no sense.

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