Don’t candidates usually advertise before they withdraw from the ballot? Krohmer for State House starts facebook ad run.

This just popped up in my facebook feed, leaving me scratching my head:

Last I had checked, Ben Krohmer had withdrawn from running for the legislature on August 6th.  Yet, he starts advertising “Krohmer for State House” on August 16th?

Is he already having second thoughts about supporting someone who lives in Brookings to replace him?

6 thoughts on “Don’t candidates usually advertise before they withdraw from the ballot? Krohmer for State House starts facebook ad run.”

  1. I always thought Ben had potential…he at least expressed some independence of judgement on legislative matters. He doesn’t take criticism well, he takes it personally and that attitude takes you nowhere. He’s another young, inexperienced legislator with too much macho and not the humility required to be a servant of the people.

  2. I’ve always found him to be disingenuous and annoying. After talking to him for 2 minutes, it becomes obvious that he isn’t working with a lot of brain cells. And for a guy that is supposed to have some bucks, he doesn’t spend much on clothes and hygiene. He always seemed to be dressed frumpy and was usually unshaven and unkempt during session.

  3. Residency requirements for legislators appears to have some inconsistencies. The standards apply to some but not others.

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