Dumpster Doeden PAC files PAC Report. Who sent in cash for the event? Brandei Schaefbauer turned over half of cash raised from individuals & PAC’s over to Toby.

The Campaign Finance Filing for Toby Doeden’s Political Action Committee , Dakota First Action PAC, has been posted at the Secretary of State’s website.  In case you were wondering who paid money to support the biggest debacle of a political event in South Dakota history – the Mark Robinson Rally – here’s exhibit #1.

Since the primary election, it appears that the largest donor to the political action committee is not Doeden, who gave his PAC another loan for 5k, but  State Representative Brandei Schaefbauer is the committee’s largest donor, having given not just $750 out of her pocket for Doeden PAC, but she shifted $4000 out of her own campaign coffers to Toby Doeden for his use.

Dakota First Pac Campaign Finance Disclosure by Pat Powers on Scribd

So, of the $7800 in donations from individuals and PAC’s she reported since the primary,.. she tithed 60% of it directly back to Toby’s Political Action Committee, so he could try to bring Mark Robinson to South Dakota. 

And there are a lot of other names on the list you’ll recognize, in case you were curious who wanted a seat at the Mark Robinson Rally:

Besides Brandei being all in, Brown County Commissioner Drew Dennert was a $250 donor. Dave “move to Wakanda” Roetman is on the list. The crackpot who lost for D7 Senate in 2022, Julie Erickson sent in her $250. D4 House Candidate Dylan Jordan is on the list. Senate Candidate”California” John Carley paid $500.

Taffy Howard was there with her $250 check in hand. (Try not to be shocked).  Conference room gun-slinger & State Rep Julie Auch was in $250. Free-dumb caucus member and State Rep. Tina Mulally came with a big $1250 check, as did former District 24 House Hopeful Mary Weinheimer. Minnehaha County Commission Candidate Cole Heisey made sure he was there. Julie Frye Mueller’s buddy Anthony Mirzayants paid his toll, as did State Rep. Karla LemsD14 Candidate Tony Kayser thought it was a good idea to send a $500 check as well, as did the South Dakota Young Republicans.  (SDYR’s sent $500 for this shady crap? Ugh. Don’t send them any more money if that’s the way they’re going to spend it.)  Also disappointed to see Joni Tschetter shifting campaign funds over to this, but Brandei for House is the real shocker, as Schaefbauer put more into it than anyone.

A few takeaways.. I’m sure not all of these attended. But even so, it’s not a long list for a group touting themselves as some sort of conservative answer to the Republican party. We can be thankful for that, because the event itself hurt the Republican cause. Does anyone think this attracted new voters to the Republican Party? No. Did it cause fewer people to look at the GOP and say – “I like the way they think?”  Of course it did.

Because this was a complete sh*t-show and attracted no one to become a Republican, unless there were some people wearing pointy bedsheets who were registered independents.

By encouraging and fanning the flames of the worst in the GOP, this is the way Republicans are going to lose elections in South Dakota.

2 thoughts on “Dumpster Doeden PAC files PAC Report. Who sent in cash for the event? Brandei Schaefbauer turned over half of cash raised from individuals & PAC’s over to Toby.”

  1. Imagine if this $32k went to defeating H or G or electing conservativie candidates? Schaefbauer could maybe swing a tight race with $4k to one of her compadres.

  2. The traditional real Republicans I have known, volunteered for and worked with would of been repulsed by an event like this and keep a healthy distance from those who were affiliated with it. Some would have condemned it despite the consequences.

    These fascists double down.

    Always believed in shopping local supporting locally owned businesses but after recognizing a few who donated to this disgusting event our future purchasing choices and recommendations will change. Very disappointed!

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