Former Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg announces graduation from Army War College

Today on Facebook, former Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg announced his graduation from the Army War College this last Friday:

According to the US Army, “The US Army War College educates and develops leaders for service at the strategic level while advancing knowledge in the global application of Landpower.”

Currently, the former Attorney General’s law license remains in limbo with the South Dakota Supreme Court, as in February, the court was hearing arguments on the recommendation of the State Bar Associations’ disciplinary committee for a 26 month suspension of his law license.

At the time that article, South Dakota Public Broadcasting had noted the former Attorney General was on military duty outside of the state.

25 thoughts on “Former Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg announces graduation from Army War College”

  1. Sure takes some luster off of when Mr. Representative Secretary General Reisch graduated from this war college, a real soldier he. Remember when Mr. Ravnsborg posed pretending to be a fancy pilot fellow?

    The Army must really be scrounging. It is hard to understand why this fellow just isn’t run out of town on the rails, with some tar in his hair.

  2. How did he get into the war college, when his colonel nomination was pulled? He couldn’t be up for a general officer position, so how did this happen?

      1. It’s not about Ravnsborg going. Of course he is going to go, it is a massive benefit to his career to graduate from the War College. The question is why the good folks at the Guard thought it smart to send him given, you know, THAT whole situation.

  3. Who is in the office of the registrar? What kind of sleaziness was pulled to make Mr. 2 legged Deer killer get in …

  4. After everything that has happened how is he even an officer or in the Army? Years ago was he an Air Force Fighter pilot or tried to push a photo that he was when he was a truck driver? Logistics is critical as is Transportation units in the Army but why portray himself as something he was not back when he ran for office with other candidate like Stace Nelson, Annette Bosworth and others?

    We thought he was back to pig farming in Iowa.

  5. There was a time when the Army was a meritocracy and the War College was for the most promising and best-qualified Lt Colonel and Colonel candidates. Those times have passed.

  6. it seems the current best practice for career advancement is to pretend your career bending mishap didn’t even happen. i guess the gop party leader does set the pattern for everyone else to follow. you are hampered only by your own sense of propriety and conscience. better not to have either.

    1. With the standards of the Trump Party/MAGA/Q Jason Ravnsborg could be promoted and celebrated as a promising candidate for US Senate or Governor in his home state of Iowa.

  7. Lt Col RAVNSBORG was/is in the U.S. Army reserve. The Army has three components, Active Army, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard. The members of the Army Reserve do not fall under the Governor/ Adjutant General (National Guard) chain of command or authority. So how did Jason get into War College? Well, he probably applied for it and was accepted. He certainly didn’t need to put on his application that he was impeached as the Attorney General!

    1. My mistake, I was under the impression he was a guard member and not a reservost. If this is true, it doesnt have anything to do with the state arng or governor. This is all on the Feds.

      1. Indeed. Mr. Ravnsborg, the impeached and disgraced and least ept general attorney ever in the Great State of South Dakota’s history, is but a wormer of the federal shame march.

        1. sham: Something false or empty that is purported to be genuine.

          scam: A swindle. Fraudulent deal.

          I meant scam but see that sham works too.

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