According to court records and the Pennington County Sheriff’s office, Clark Ericks, the former campaign treasurer for Secretary of State Monae Johnson is sitting in the Pennington County Jail charged with two counts of sexual contact with a child less than 16, and a charge of rape in the first degree for a child less than 13 years old.
Ericks, a Republican Precinct Committeeman for Pennington County elected in 2024 had also been the treasurer for current Secretary of State Monae Johnson from the start of her campaign in 2022 through the end of 2023, according to records from the Secretary of State’s office. Ericks’ insurance office is noted in state records as sharing a building with the Pennington County Republican Party at 429 Kansas Street.
With the child rape charge constituting a Class C felony according to SDCL 22-22-1, the Rapid City insurance agent could face up to life in prison and up to $50,000 in fines.
Illegal Alien?
Another one that counters the annual South Dakota legislative session and bills culture war narrative which we will see once again starting January. If convicted he can share a bunk with Ted Klaudt, Joel Koskan and others. Rocky did not get sent to prison.
How awful!!
Protect the children people sure love hurting children. Seems like the calls are coming from inside the house.
Are you sure this isn’t another spurious prosecution of Trump supporting Conservatives? President Trump has warned us about these persecutions and is preparing hundreds of pardons to free Patriots who have been wrongly arrested and convicted. We’ve had an inordinate amount of prosecutions of Constitutionalist Patriots in South Dakota.
Attempt at sarcasm failed.
Terry thinks he is clever but is too smart by half because at his core he thinks he is the smartest guy in the room.
Well, Terry, being a constitutionalist doesn’t mean you get to rape kids. Let us know if you have any questions, but it feels weird to have to write that.
He is a member of [redacted] the current Pennington Republican Party, [redacted] & the group of people who judge good people for not being ‘conservative’ enough. BEWARE, these are the people with skeletons like these in their closets who are always pointing the finger, recording people to try to ‘catch them in the act’ in order to take attention away from their secrets. They call normal, successful people RINOs. There are two other legislators with ethics issues, PJ & TM, and many others across the state. They claim to be conservative but have no integrity. These people have made it their life’s mission to ‘take over’ our state. Formerly involved Republicans and new ‘true’ conservatives to the state need to stay away from these people. It’s sad how they’ve ruined the reputation of the Landmark Church. How could he do this?
[redacted – don’t believe this has been released to the public, so we don’t have verification. plus it alluded to the victims identity. – pp]
He has just made a big smudge on the already tainted Pennington County GOP [redacted] and other misled and misguided groups associated with them in Rapid City. The true leaders need to step up and get rid of these people. It’s true how when they point their fingers, they have 4 more pointing back at them. Life imprisonment for this guy! He has certainly ruined other young ones for life.
[please note that the Citizens for liberty group expressly disclaims and refutes that Clark Ericks was ever a member of their organization. -pp]
Not ever been a member of CFL!!
This probably happened because he went to the library and read a book like Native Son or Tom Sawyer. To think, this could have been prevented if we banned all those books. #ThotsandPrayers
Wasn’t there a bill to make this eligible for the death penalty?
The bill was unconstitutional.
Sorry for the sarcasm, but just what in the world is going on with the Trump Loyalists in the Republican Party??
But, you believed the B. S.
I find it really sad that most of these posts are about politics and seemingly trying to attach this abhorrent behavior to some degree of political view. I know both Monae and Clark and this horrible behavior has NOTHING to do with politics. I’m praying for everyone involved especially the child.
This is a great point. Mass murder of innocents and predator deviance are mental illnesses unrelated to one’s political views and attempts to make a link are selective, self-serving, and intellectually dishonest.
This completely ignores how vast portions of one party have been screaming “protect the kids” while having a number of their ilk sexually assaulting children or partaking in child porn. Why is it ok for one to accuse the other side of being pedophiles while getting mad when people point out the pedophiles in their own house?
Did you really say that? You make Republicans responsible for those mentally sick or deprived in their party because they want to protect kids? Really.
My question to you is are you exempting Democrats from the mentally ill in their own house because they don’t care about protecting the kids or that only Republicans have the intellect and courage to do something about the mentally ill?
But the problem was the QAnon protect the kids nonsense was just that: nonsense. There was no cabal of pedophiles harvesting kids for adrenochrome. It was all bs. THIS ISN’T.
It isn’t ok. Don’t be ridiculous and to link this sinful depraved behavior to anything political is incredibly ignorant.
Correct. He and his brother run an Insurance Company in Rapid City. I am fairly certain they sit next to each other on a daily basis. His brother has made campaign contributions to the Prime Sponsor of HB 1009, School Voucher bill. The Prime Sponsor ran on a platform of stopping the indoctrination of kids in Public Schools, protecting kids, stopping wokism, etc, etc. This is a bad look.