Former South Dakota Constitution Party member arrested as Jan 6 rioter who refused to leave US Capitol.

Looks like Federal Law Enforcement snagged another US Capitol insurrectionist from South Dakota. From KELOland:

A Sioux Falls woman has been charged for her participation in the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol in Washington D.C., according to the U.S. District Court.

Amy Rebekah Willis was among the rioters inside the Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021, court documents said. “Willis and the other rioters in the Crypt portion of the Capitol surged forward breaching the USCP police line and forcing the officers to retreat,” a court document said.

At one point, Willis physically resisted being removed from the building by law officers, according to court documents.

Read the entire story here.

While she’s current registered Republican, Amy wasn’t always so. In fact, at one time she used to be involved with the the South Dakota Constitution Party before Lora Hubbel broke it, as she explains in her goofball antivaxxer website at “

Amy Willis served with the Constitution Party of SD during 2004-2009. She fought actively to preserve our freedoms and limit the government to the “chains of the Constitution”.Amy also is a Master Herbalist and certified Naturopath. She owns a small business in Sioux Falls and has been serving the community for nine years now. Amy and her husband have three grown sons, and one daughter still living at home. Seeing the usurpation of our Freedoms in 2020, Amy and other patriots decided to take Action. Amy’s love for Freedom, Truth, and our Constitution is compelling.

Read that here.

When she talks about fighting to preserve our freedoms, I somehow don’t think people were looking for her to go fight the capitol police..

5 thoughts on “Former South Dakota Constitution Party member arrested as Jan 6 rioter who refused to leave US Capitol.”

  1. Amy Rebekah Willis according to the Trump Party/MAGA/Q Presidential nominee Donald J. Trump is a “Patriot” and will be pardoned on day one after being sworn in as President.

    1. Party of law and order pardoning people who assault cops. Fits right in with all the wife beaters speaking at the rnc convention.

  2. “Herbalist and Certified naturopath.”

    So…. snake oil salesman. Seems like she’s found the right group of friends.

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