Fred Deutch column in Argus: Consider bill that ‘treats transgender students with sensitivity’ in a reasonable manner

State Representative Fred Deutsch is talking more about his legislative measure to keep boys in the Boys locker room, in the face of ridiculous federal legislation:

The bill is needed for a number of reasons that developed since April 2014, when the Obama administration issued what it identified as a “significant guidance document” and established a new interpretation of federal non-discrimination laws (Title IX) to include “gender identity.”


This past month they found an Illinois school district violated Title IX anti-discrimination laws when it did not allow a transgender student who was born a boy and still maintains boy private parts, to change and shower in the girls’ locker room. The school accommodated to every student request, including use of the girls’ shower room. However, because the school required use of a privacy curtain in the shower room, the federal government entered the picture.

The administration’s Office of Civil Rights ruled that the school cannot require the use of a privacy curtain, and must give the transgender student “unrestricted access to the girls’ facilities,” or lose millions in federal funding.

This assault is going on across the country.


Last, the bill treats transgender students with sensitivity. It requires schools to accommodate requests by transgender students in the most reasonable manner available, short of allowing use of the other biologic sex’s showers, locker rooms or restrooms. The goal of accommodation is to allow students to equally participate in all educational and extra-curricular opportunities.

Read it here.

What do you think? While allowing them to participate in the sports opportunities for the gender they identify with, is it a reasonable compromise to disallow those with boy parts to shower with those with girl parts, and vice-versa?

32 thoughts on “Fred Deutch column in Argus: Consider bill that ‘treats transgender students with sensitivity’ in a reasonable manner”

    1. I think crossgrain’s slanderous statement indicates an underlying projection of his own abnormal desires.

      1. The word you are looking for is libelous – written defamation. Slander refers to spoken words. Either way, my statement is true, and therefore in no way defamatory.

        Sue me. Please!

  1. 9’th Grade Boy’s Basketball Coach to player: “I know you love basketball and work at it but I’m going to have to cut you.”

    Player: “Coach, basketball is my life. All I want to do is play basketball. I heard that if I say I’m a girl, I can play on the Girl’s team. Do you think I’m good enough to make the team?”

    Coach: “Yes. You are over 6″ tall and will continue to grow. That height makes you a viable player on a team where all the girls will be shorter than you. There is an upside and a downside. You will make the team and will get a lot of playing time. But, you will have to shower with your female teammates.”

    Player: “Really? What is the downside?”

      1. Its not even fear-mongering as fear-mongerers have the intellectual decency and capacity to base their fear-mongering on a smidgen of reality.

        There are plenty of practical and policy difficulties and objections to accommodating trans students, but teenagers lying about trans status in order to shower with the other sex is simply bizarre.

    1. A 13-14-15 yr old boy boy would lie about being transgendered/confused/transsexual in order to shower with females?

      That has got to be the most convoluted pile of crap ever uttered on the DWC.

    2. Troy, you are narrowing your focus too much. All of this is about playing the system as in all of society to take what is perceived to be the best attributes of each gender while conveniently discarding those that are unwanted. It is about using one’s appearance to manipulate people for one’s own benefit. It really all distills down to extreme selfishness to the extent of being so obtuse that the axis of the world must shift just to deal with such a personality on a day to day basis because of one’s penchant for gender-charged stunts for attention.

  2. Bill,

    I see you understood I was just trying to make a light comment, especially to follow the initial comment and response.

      1. Yes indeed.

        These are SERIOUS issues and need to be taken seriously.

        Mr. Deutsch’s proposals are serious efforts in a positive direction to address the comical absurdities coming from Obama and his cronies.

        1. Transgendered kids are something like 40 times more likely to commit suicide than their peers. Institutionalized bullying won’t improve that statistic… unless perhaps you think it should be higher?

          1. –Transgendered kids are something like 40 times more likely to commit suicide than their peer

            Maybe you’ve confused symptoms and causes, or even

            causation and correlation?

            For example, sex-reassignment surgery on trans patients actually leads to MORE suicide (Dhejne, 2011).

            Mr. Duetsch’s efforts are all about reasonable and tolerant accommodation of trans students and address problems for ALL school children,

            Unlike your intolerance for people different from yourself.

            1. Again, how is segregating them, shaming them, and otherwise bullying them in any way going to help them? Transgender does NOT mean mentally ill.

              Oh, and as far as the study you cite, the author actually repudiates the claim you propose:
              “Dhejne: People who misuse the study always omit the fact that the study clearly states that it is not an evaluation of gender dysphoria treatment. If we look at the literature, we find that several recent studies conclude that WPATH Standards of Care compliant treatment decrease gender dysphoria and improves mental health.


              About the only thing I’m intolerant of is the willful ignorance of social conservatives.

              1. So you don;t understand causation v. correlation?

                Symptoms v. causes?

                I too am intolerant of is the willful ignorance–willful or otherwise– of libnut zealots. That’;s why neanderthals like crossbrains whose main purpose in life is to discriminate because of their whacked out religious beliefs is not only unamerican, but morally repugnant.

              2. –like segregating males and females in shower facilities?

                –like the segregation found by assigning restrooms as “male” and “female”

                –like selecting favored minorities at the University of TX?

                –like the segregation of blacks voting for a black president?

                –like denying the science of sex/gender?

    1. Yes, Troy, I knew it was a joke and thought it was pretty funny. I don’t even want to start with how the old boy’s locker room shower routine went in Custer High back in the day. I still get sympathy pains just thinking about it. 🙂

  3. When the SDHSAA recognized that special pampering needed to be done for people who thought they are transgenders, they have opened our state to accepting people with other mental problems as normal and worthy of special treatment. Good job (not).

    1. I feel ya, bro. When I was in kindergarten, the teacher recognized that special pampering needed to be done for people who thought they were left handed, they went so far as to give them special scissors. They opened our state to accepting people with other mental problems as normal and worthy of special treatment. Friggin’ leftys.

      1. What special pampering was/is required for lefties?

        More money to throw baseballs across a plate?

  4. I think the charge from liberals that there will be lawsuits is hilarious. Yes, there will be lawsuits, not from transgendered students who do not get the opportunity to play bathroom looky loo. A school is very likely to be sued from the myriad girls that are going to be physically and psychologically harmed from having anatomically male students changing and showering with teenage girls. Schools who let transgendered students change and shower with the opposite sex should brace parents and staff for the impending cutbacks that will be necessary to pay for teenage experimentation. This bill is absolutely necessary. Some schools will kowtow to the far Left by having transgendered students in with the opposite sex hoping that nothing will happen. When something does, then there will be real mess to clean up.

      1. If you want to target homosexuals who prey upon teenagers in locker rooms, go right ahead. That is not what this bill is about.

          1. My do you have some special “sexdar” that permits you to magically see “into” the invisible motives of others that you discern is sexually motivated?

            Do you see sex wherever you look? Do you assign sexual motives to anyone who disagrees with you?

            Do you get sexually excited by watching corn pollen fertilize corn fields?

            Tell us how you discovered that this proposal is about “controlling sex”? Where’s your evidence, Super Sex Swami?

            What a pervert..

    1. More bigoted Christians trying to shove their intolerance down out throats.

      That’s not American, Porter.

  5. Spencer, good point. But sometimes being broad is beyond some minds. At the end of the day, we need some proportionality.

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