Frye-Mueller allied Political Action Committee now attacking House members, distributing flyers in District 14 against Tyler Tordsen & Tim Reisch in 8

After my report last week of the Julie-Frye Mueller allied “Not One Step Back PAC” going after Steve Kolbeck, the Dakota Scout website added their own story of State Senator Dave Johnson being similarly target and attacked by the same group…

The flyers are being hand delivered. Mirzayants declined to say how many had been produced or if more senators are being targeted.

“This accountability project is ongoing, and concerned citizens continue to sign the petition that is on the literature,” Mirzayants said in an email.

Senate President Pro Tempore Lee Schoenbeck said he was aware of only Kolbeck and Johnson being targeted.

Read the story here (subscription required).

Now this morning, I’m receiving multiple reports that described a “group knocking on doors Saturday with anti Tyler Tordsen flyer. Claims he is anti Second Amendment. Flyer says Paid for by Not One Step Back PAC.”  And not just Tordsen, because on Saturday I had a similar report of flyers being distributed against State Representative Tim Reisch who also found himself a victim of the group’s hit job tactics:

I’ll post the Tordsen flyer if I happen to come across a copy, but assume it is identical.


With this expansion of hostilities towards Republicans, it seems the activities of this attack PAC is much less about defending the heinous actions of Julie Frye-Awful, and more about just attacking the enemies of the hard-right in a pre-emptive attack to soften them up for the next election.


17 thoughts on “Frye-Mueller allied Political Action Committee now attacking House members, distributing flyers in District 14 against Tyler Tordsen & Tim Reisch in 8”

  1. Maybe Senator Censure was distributing flyers on Saturday instead of showing up at the crackerbarrel in RC where she was expected. It seems District 30 doesn’t have representation whether she’s suspended or not.

    1. It seems that JFM has figured out its easier to play as a victim of the mean ol’ “establishment” than to actually work.

  2. Go back and listen to the Judiciary Committee hearing last week when this bill was up. We deferred action on the bill (HB1173) for nearly a week to allow time for the bill sponsor to possibly amend their bill. The hoghouse amendment (meaning the ENTIRE BILL was rewritten) was introduced minutes before our committee hearing started, giving us no time to adequately review the new four pages of text.

    I mentioned during the hearing that I take this job seriously. I read all bill texts, I read emails, I engage stakeholders, and I do my best to make informed decisions and sound policy for South Dakota. Dropping a hoghouse amendment with no time for the public or us legislators to review prior to voting on it is bad government. I refuse to support a rushed process without due diligence, regardless of what it is, what it does, or who’s bringing it.

    Then to target me in my neighborhood as being “anti-second amendment” is ludicrous. It’s bad advocacy and in bad faith by the groups supporting.

    I was told it’s the Young Americans for Liberty, South Dakota Gun Owners, Citizens for Liberty, and SD Freedom Caucus alongside this Not One Step Back PAC.

    I hope the groups supporting come out and distance themselves from these sorts of tactics.

    1. I suspect the groups not only condone it, but this is part and parcel to how they operate.

      We’ll find out who wrote the check for it when the eventual report comes due.

    2. I do notice that the treasurer of the group behind the flyers, Anthony Mirzayants, is also a lobbyist in Pierre this session…

      Specifically noting that he is lobbying for the issue of “Supporting 2nd Amendment Preservation Act.”

      Which leaves little question as to whether the PAC and the Young Americans for Liberty are al in cahoots on the flyers.

    3. Rep. Tordsen, the tactics of the groups you mentioned are not just ludicrous. They are the very same tactics employed by the far left as published by Saul Alinsky. The only difference is that they employ these tactics from the far right. But thank you for trying to expose the truth and the facts of this matter.

    4. Just a reminder, you are there to represent your constituents, not yourself, party, or donors. Keep up the good work.

  3. Senator Jean Hunhoff and Rep. Mike Stevens in Yankton were also targeted. Rep. Julie Augh vocally condemned the suspension during the Cracker Barrell on Saturday.

      1. …as i take your comment to be the equivalent of beating a dead horse, but now i have to leave room for you to be having some other meaning. sorry.

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