Georgia not looking so good this morning, electoral college count likely to confirm Biden.. time for the work to start in South Dakota for 2022.

Watching the results come in for Georgia last evening seems to be setting the stage for a tough couple of years. Warnock is projected to defeat Loeffler in Georgia Senate runoff. The Ossoff versus Perdue is race too close to call, but in Ossoff’s favor at the moment. The electoral college vote will likely have some silly drama, but will ultimately confirm November’s election of Democrat Joe Biden.

To be honest, it’s looking a little rough for the home team at a national level.

Statewide, it’s a far rosier view, with Senator Rounds, Congressman Johnson & Commissioner Gary Hanson being sworn in already, and next week we will see the most Republican legislature in my adult lifetime.

We won here. We won in a pronounced manner. For Republicans in South Dakota, the important thing to do is to take our disappointment over the national results this past election, and channel them into productive action in 2022. We need to get to work to re-elect Senator John Thune, Congressman Dusty Johnson, and Governor Kristi Noem. We need to return a strong leadership contingent to the constitutional offices & the Public Utilities Commission.

Yes, there are differences and heartache over the election. Some people are grousing a lot on facebook. And it might be tempting to find someone to blame, nevermind the fact we did the job we needed to do in 2020 in South Dakota.

I can’t help but notice that the same people grousing and calling to do things such as primary John Thune or Dusty Johnson this year are some of the same who called for it in previous years.

Er..they did see how strongly Dusty Johnson won in the 2020 primary, didn’t they?  And in the case of the primary against Dusty this last election, it showed one of the problems with listening to the chattering complainers on facebook and elsewhere. They’re not organized. They can’t raise money, they’re ineffective in running a campaign and winning votes.

If you look back to when it comes to the rubber hitting the road, when things might have been getting a little tight, and forward momentum has needed to happen for the SDGOP and its candidates, it has been people such as Senator John Thune who have stepped up and made sure boots are on the ground in South Dakota and elsewhere for GOP candidates. And Congressman Dusty Johnson has continued in that tradition.

That’s the strongest team that Republicans can put on the field.

After today, the dust will start to settle on 2020.  So, it’s time to get to work on 2022 and do our best to prepare ourselves to win elections.

31 thoughts on “Georgia not looking so good this morning, electoral college count likely to confirm Biden.. time for the work to start in South Dakota for 2022.”

  1. Turd blossom overestimated suburban moms, who want the locks on their front doors (and election boxes) to mean something.

    Trumpism, interestingly, is not about Trump. Trump is a conduit.

    Do you want Alex Jones for President?

    Cause stealing two elections in a row is how you get Alex Jones as President.

    My god, GOP .. please wake up.

    “Conspiracy theorist” accusation defense strategy was a bug planted by smart, but evil, people.

    Stop the Steal movement presently dwarfing Tea Party movement.


    For Biden, it would be ungovernable. Deep state amplification of electoral viability * has been a thing for four (?) decades. Now, it’s exposed and in danger of extinction.

    Mitch will enjoy a villa in Beijing.

    Thune? Are there Chinese villas a few dozen miles East of Sturgis?


  2. I have a sinking feeling that, if they decide of their own volition that they got away with the theft, they proceed .. there could be very swift, violent military action. It’s justified. They just re-ran the same theft in plain view with full knowledge of how it was pulled-off. This is like a slow, sloppy bank robbery in broad daylight .. like they want the shoot-out with the cops.

    It’s a very dangerous, naked, and dangerous election fraud?

    Not submitting will fracture and hobble the deep state.

    Being ungovernable by truly illegitimately elected leaders (they stopped counting again) without becoming violent based on skin color (none of us was alive 300 years ago) and learning as much as we can about the civic process is the best use of time.

    President Trump won.

    How many other elections and *ahem* speakerships were the result of sham elections?

    Why would the American people vote against American interests .. if there is not fraud?

    Now is the time for strength, not weakness.

    Who will challenge Thune?

    1. I think that strong conservatives need to work now to get new representatives for SD in DC. I think that there comes a time when the disappointment in weak representation needs to turn into action in the form of a primary race. Anybody that stays too long in DC becomes a politician and not a representative, and values get sold out.

  3. For the anonymous person mewling about their comment being screened.. unless you have actual proof of something, when I catch it, it won’t be allowed to pass.

  4. Trump is President. Trump is a successful businessman. He said he was prepared for election fraud with injunctions, procedures, protocols, boots on the ground to preserve election integrity and evidence of fraud. Trump lied. He had squat.

    In short, he knew a criminal was coming to his door. He told his wife the security cameras and alarms were in place. Instead the cameras weren’t hooked up, the door was unlocked and he was in his vacation home sleeping. And then he had the gall to blame the police for the robbery.

    1. Yes the GOP may have “been asleep at the wheel”…..but a crime has still been committed…yes?

      1. Absolutely and it needs to be investigated so we can be ready with new procedures and controls to protect election integrity in the future. Because of the screw-up (which is on Trump because he is the President and head of the party so the deflection to the GOP doesn’t work for me. The Buck stops at the top and real men accept it), we might not have the evidence to bring the criminals to justice.

        One more thing: I’m the wife in the analogy. He left me in the house with it unprotected and I didn’t know he slipped out of the house after I went to sleep trusting him I was secure.

  5. There was no fraud. No crime. The election was fair and secure. The courts have rejected every argument put forth by the losing campaign. The recounts have all certified the winner. Game Over.

    Methinks y’all living here in your safe-space of SD are rejecting the evidence of your own eyes and ears. That a bloviating con-man, a philandering serial liar sold you a bill of goods, and you think you’re too smart to be fooled like that.

    Suck it up, buttercup. Trump is literal human trash, and the quicker we put this behind us, the quicker y’all can come to the realization that the fever dream world of the 1950s has long since passed and America as moved away from your racist, sexist, never-actually-was worldview.

    Get with the program or get out of the way. The majority of Americans have spoken, and they don’t think like you do.

    1. Ike,

      Kinda ironic from someone who held onto the Russia collusion and the 2016 election was rigged well past the Mueller report.

      That said, the fact the election was certified and the courts rejected the lawsuits is not proof of a clean election. Only there being insufficient evidence to prove there was fraud or its quantity was sufficient to change the outcome.

      It is for this reason, I think both sides (Republicans, Democrats, Trump supporters, Biden supporters) should support an true investigation into what occurred, what didn’t occur, and what we can’t ascertain so both sides can have closure and we can move forward to the next election.

      If we “move on” Biden will be under a cloud of doubt of legitimacy never before seen which is not good for election. Even if there was fraud, Biden is still duly sworn in as President and can govern by making a commitment to do the best job he can through the term. Most Americans (not those who are holding out for sometime of miracle before January 20th) will rally around Biden for doing the right thing for the country.

      1. There’s simply NO evidence of widespread voter fraud anywhere – and several orders of magnitude less than what it would take to overturn the results of the election. A couple dead people here, a double-voter there (and mostly republicans at that) don’t magically turn into a 7-million vote mandate. A wiser use of public time and money would be to spend it on making sure the sun will rise tomorrow, lol. Perhaps Thune (now minority whip) could convene a subcommittee hearing on the dangers of heliocentrism.

    2. Ike, I understand you have deep hatred for Trump. That’s fine. You are ignoring the bigger problem here. The elephant in the room. Election mistrust. A Congress who actually utters the words women in response to Amen. It’s a slap in the face to half of America. Democrats that have ruined everything because of their hate for Trump. Kavanah, impeachment trial, money to foreign countries. Suck it up butter cup and realize the PEOPLE have had it for many reasons. Your hate for one person breeds more hate.

  6. ” it showed one of the problems with listening to the chattering complainers on facebook and elsewhere. They’re not organized. They can’t raise money, they’re ineffective in running a campaign and winning votes.”

    Pat, at least you admit the truth…that one has to be beholden to the Deep State in order to raise the money to win elections. And that explains the lack of action by our three DC representatives. What this guarantees is more of the same far-left activists making it to DC in the future. And don’t think they will allow South Dakota to be an oasis of freedom. China won’t allow it.

  7. “America as moved away from your racist, sexist, never-actually-was worldview.”

    This coming from the sycophant of the socialist identity politics party.

    1. Lulz.

      “Identity politics”. Dems aren’t the ones waving traitor flags or licking the jackboots of an orange con-man. I’m sure you’ll be sending your socialist security checks back, right?

        1. “Yellow”??? Saying the quiet part out loud again, eh Steve? You’re all supposed to be closet racists.

      1. Typical leftist tactic…….divert away from the subject at hand. How is social security and raising concerns about election fraud identity politics?

  8. “one has to be beholden to the Deep State in order to raise the money to win elections”

    The two Democrats raised almost twice as much versus their Republican opponents. Why did the Deep State crony capitalists but more support behind the socialist Democrats?

  9. Ike,

    I don’t know if you are hanging your hat on “widespread” because widespread isn’t necessary in an election so close as this.

    Further, election integrity is election integrity so why the resistance to investigate isolated or concentrated election fraud?

    And, there is evidence in affidavits. Just because there is no CURRENT collaboration or ability to quantify it in a short period, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. With regard to the affidavits, if they are determined to be specious or false, I’m for prosecuting them with the exact same diligence of people who committed election fraud.

    Again, you guys spent $50million trying to be sure Trump didn’t collude with the Russians. How about half to determine if we have the institutional controls and procedures to prevent isolated and/or concentrated fraud with mail-in balloting?

    Methinks you protest so much especially since you were supportive of the Russian collusion and Trump impeachment effort. And, your dismissiveness of a desire to assess this if for no other reason give Biden increased legitimacy with which to pursue his election mandate tells me you have suspicion of what we might find.

    Using the words I heard over and over with regarding the Trump collusion accusation- “What are you afraid of an investigation? If there is nothing there, you have nothing to worry about.”

    How about this? I’ll not support an expenditure of more money than spent investigating Russian collusion and impeachment in Congress and the Mueller investigation. And, it will include the cost of investigating Hunter and China/Ukraine.

    Show me you are a fair guy.

    1. 7 million votes isn’t “close”. 150K in Michigan isn’t “close”. GA going blue is a hoot – but the only thing that happened there was *shocker*, black folks came out to vote. But no… gotta be fraud. You killl me.

      Meanwhile, Hunter Biden didn’t get elected to anything. It’s a non-issue that has nothing to do with Trump getting his ass kicked.

      1. Well, you answered my question. You aren’t willing to extend the same standard to us that you demanded and took against Trump.

        Tells me you know this election is stolen and you are good with that. Nothing more needs to be said or discussed.

        1. Well given the complete lack of evidence, I don’t really see the point in congressional hearings, special prosecutors, or the destruction of democracy.

          You seem perfectly fine with that, though. Why do you hate America?

          1. There are signed affidavits by sworn election officials (mostly poll watchers) which is legally admissible evidence. Your statement “complete lack of evidence” is a blatant lie.

            And, these affidavits are more than there ever was of Russian collusion for which you called for and got “congressional hearings and special prosecutors.”

            But, since your standard is for “thee and not for me” you are both a hypocrite and giving me an admission the election was stolen. And stolen elections are the destruction of democracy.

            1. Dominion Voting Machines did not change vote tallies.

              Georgia did not prevent an analysis of absentee ballots.

              Thousands of votes in Arizona were not changed to favor Biden.

              Election workers didn’t stuff fraudulent ballots into suitcases.

              No evidence that election officials violated state laws.

              Pence does not have the power to change the election result.

              Curious as to what, exactly, you’re trying to hang your hat on here. “Affidavits” are not the same as testimony under oath. Surely if all these “sworn statements” had any legitimacy, the courts would have heard the cases. How come we never heard any of these so-called witnesses in an actual court under actual oath? Could it be, perhaps, that they’re full of shit?

  10. Ike,
    An affidavit is exactly testimony under oath for which the signer is subject to both perjury and civil damages if false. So, your repeated statement there is no evidence is a lie. Why do you keep lying?

    The states have certified their elections. The Electors have voted. The VP will count them and certify those votes. Biden will be sworn in.

    So, again, why can’t we find out the truthfulness of those affidavits and other evidence? If it is false, we can prosecute the accusers. If it is true, we can prosecute the fraudsters.

    Again, “Why are you afraid of an investigation? If there is nothing there, you have nothing to worry about.”

    1. If these affidavits are so legally binding, why haven’t they been introduced as evidence in court filings? In exactly ONE case I’m aware of, such affidavits were indeed submitted, but the Trump-appointed judge tossed them out deeming them “not credible”. Otherwise we’ve yet to see any of these “binders full of affidavits”.

      And since none have been introduced as evidence in court, there really is no legal mechanism to charge perjury or contempt, or damages, or… anything. It’s doubtful even if they were that any of their authors would face criminal penalties.

      The votes have been counted, re-counted, audited, and certified. Widescale election fraud did NOT take place… unless you think the SoS’s of every state and territory were somehow complicit?

  11. Ike, your resistance to an investigation to pursue the “facts wherever they lead” as was the collusion standard tells us all we need to know. The election was stolen and Biden is illegitimate. Otherwise you’d let us chase our tail to our ultimate embarrassment and shame.

    Thanks for the admission

    1. Given that it’s a stupid investigation, put forth by a stupid president and stupid lackeys, I’d say it’s a colossal waste of time. If we could be assured there’d be no political theater involved I *might* be slightly more amenable. But nah. That’ll never happen. It’s stupid and you know it. Y’all just want to play stupid games.

      1. The Russian Collusion investigation and the impeachment over a Ukranian phone call were also colossal wastes of time and money,but you seemed to have no objection to those at the time. It is too late now although I am convined the election was stolen, but we need to stop looking backward. Looking forward Republican controlled legislatures (Democrats won’t do it) need to write their election laws to meet this new mail in voting scheme and they need to stick with the regulations they employ and not allow them to be changed mid-steam as happened many times in this election.

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