GOP National Party Platform softens stances on abortion, same-sex marriage

An interesting story coming out of the Republican National Convention is that the national party’s platform seems to be softening some language on divisive social issues that they would have taken a stronger stance on in the past, such as on abortion, and same-sex marriage:

Delegates at the Republican National Convention approved a new party platform Monday that embraces presumptive nominee Donald Trump’s political positions, including a leave-it-to-states approach to abortion law that abandons the party’s long-standing explicit support for national restrictions on the procedure.


Trump advisers said they wanted to cut down the platform in part to limit opponents’ ability to use the language against them.

The new platform also abandons the old document’s opposition to same-sex marriage, saying only that “Republicans will promote a Culture that values the Sanctity of Marriage.”


The platform states: “We proudly stand for families and Life. We believe that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees that no person can be denied Life or Liberty without Due Process, and that the States are, therefore, free to pass Laws protecting those Rights.”

Read that all here.


17 thoughts on “GOP National Party Platform softens stances on abortion, same-sex marriage”

  1. I believe there are more important issues in this election, and taking these two decisive issues off the tables is the right thing to do.

  2. The Log Cabin Republicans who were fairly young activists in Minnesota were given the boot by MAGA Christian Nationalists during their last state convention.

  3. Imagine being such a small-minded busybody that you’re opposed to two consenting, unrelated adults deciding to share their life together. Gay marriage has been a settled topic for nearly two decades, grow up and move on to more important matters.

  4. The people want exceptions until 13 weeks. But they don’t want dismemberment abortions or partial birth.

    1. Kind of like illegal immigrants voting in elections, this is already illegal….

  5. Now, will anyone believe them? I don’t believe the GOP can be trusted in regards to abortion.

  6. Reasonable stances all. While I don’t agree with the states who ban abortion entirely, I do think it is a good sight better to allow those states clearly in support of allowing the procedure to do so rather than place a blanket federal ban. We are either federalists or we aren’t.

  7. All our arguments against Roe were centered on state’s rights. Trump’s position is what we said our position was all along.

  8. Now this platform correctly represents common sense conservatives…rather that the radical grassroots wanna bes

    1. Nah, they are trying to soften their public perception before they go in for the kill… Project 2025.

        1. Anonymous at 12:34 and enquirer at 5:44… It says a lot about you both that clarity about marriage is so threatening. As for the 2025 Project, it calls for federal support for alternatives to abortion, including adoption. How progressives can gin that up to an abortion and contraceptive ban is pretty remarkable.

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