Gov. Noem Establishes the America 250th South Dakota Commission

Gov. Noem Establishes the America 250th South Dakota Commission 

PIERRE, S.D. – Today, Governor Noem signed Executive Order 2023-11 to establish the America 250th South Dakota Commission. The purpose of this commission is to prepare for the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the United States of America in 2026.

“Our United States of America is the greatest nation to ever exist in the history of the world. In less than three years, we’re turning 250. This momentous occasion deserves a year-long celebration worthy of our great country,” said Governor Noem. “I am looking forward to working with the America 250th South Dakota Commission to commemorate our history. Together, we will cherish our founding principles and celebrate our Freedoms.”

The America 250th South Dakota Commission will plan, encourage, develop, coordinate, and promote observances and activities to be held in South Dakota in honor of the 250th anniversary of our nation’s beginning.

Governor Noem may appoint as many members as she deems necessary to carry out the directives of the commission. This will include:

  • Cabinet Secretaries, or their designee;
  • Director of the State Historical Society, serving as chairperson;
  • The State Librarian;
  • Representative(s) form the Board of Regents;
  • Representative(s) of the Historical Society Foundation;
  • Members appointed by the governor representing the geographic and cultural diversity of the state;
  • Representative(s) and senator(s) of the state legislature;
  • Representative(s) of local history organizations; and,
  • Any other interested representative(s) deemed necessary by the governor.

The America 250th South Dakota Commission will complete its work and be dissolved and repealed on March 31, 2027, with a prior report to the governor that will be maintained in the State Archives for a potential tricentennial commission to use in preparation for its work in 2076.


10 thoughts on “Gov. Noem Establishes the America 250th South Dakota Commission”

  1. Only other person I’ve seen talk about this 250th celebration is Trump…. Just saying

    I do wonder why 250 is important, why not 222 or some other number, seems kind of a business marketing move more than a government move.

  2. People like big round numbers, Mr. A, and give them names like Sesquicentennial.

    Some people call tidbits of information like this “grudzvice.” Take it.

  3. Might want to find a new chief of staff and senior policy advisor before appointing this self aggrandizing lot.

  4. The Semiquincentennial is so much more fun to say than the Quarter Millennial I think.

    The Bicentennial was something of a bust in the state of New York. Nothing happened in the state capital at Albany, and I mean NOTHING. There weren’t even any fireworks to go see, anywhere. Nobody planned anything; I think there was a show down the river in New York Harbor but that was quite a distance to travel. I think surrounding towns expected the state government or the city of Albany to do something, but nobody did anything.

    There was a lesson to be learned there.

  5. I am always amazed by how quickly our fearless Governor embraces dog-and-pony shows rather than dealing with matters of real gravitas.

    1. She’s not embracing anything. She’s delegating. She is telling other people to think about it so she won’t have to.

      1. Then why the press release? And why the Executive Order? Last I heard, she doesn’t need an Executive Order to put together a couple of meetings of Executive Branch employees and Legislators. And she sure doesn’t need one to invite outside interested to parties to these meetings.

        But give it a title like “Commission,” issue an executive order and press release, and it becomes a dog-and-pony show for her to take credit for in the future.

        1. pretty simple: if anybody asks her what is being planned for the Quarter Millennial, she can say “I don’t know, the commission is handling that.”

  6. It is important to celebrate our republic at its grandest monument the way the founders expected; parades, fireworks, flags, food, family, and fun.

    There are no words that will un-win the war to control this territory but the least I can do is extend an offer to the disaffected to join the republic. We are neighbors, great grandchildren have resulting from intermarrying.

    It’s time to bury the hatchet and celebrate working together for the ideals of Liberty not as a weapon to be twisted, but as a scalable, just governing principle.

    If the crux of the problem is pollution from fireworks, the American response is to invent better fireworks.

    Personally, I’ll pass on drone LED monitors in the sky.

    A good fireworks show will never get old.

    Good luck to the group trying to make headway on the issue.

    It’s a nice lead on the target!


    1. Does the government, or any agency, screen these Chinese fireworks that we are so eager to blow up over our national assets in front of our political leaders? We have to be strip searched and x-rayed to get on a plane, but when importing explosives from China, we just make sure tax is being paid on the import? Throw in some invasive seeds, herbicide, radioactive isotopes, viruses, or maybe even an mRNA dust, and they can expose most of the attendees, which appear to be Kristi and Donald, so far. What happened to the focus on America crowd, if drones are American made, let’s embrace them before going to foreign garbage.

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