Gov. Noem Unveils New Data Demonstrating the Success of Freedom Works Here 

Gov. Noem Unveils New Data Demonstrating the Success of Freedom Works Here 

PIERRE, S.D. – Today, in her State of the State Address, Governor Kristi Noem unveiled new data demonstrating the success of her Freedom Works Here initiative.

“Our state licensing boards are reporting huge increases of out-of-state applicants seeking licenses in South Dakota – including a 78% increase in plumbers, a 44% increase in electricians, and a 43% increase in accountants,” said Governor Noem in the State of the State. “Our labor force has grown by more than 10,000 people in just the last year. Our license recognition bill combined with the microphone of Freedom Works Here is a powerful tandem to fill these much-needed jobs.”

In addition to the professions highlighted in the speech, there has been an 80% increase in cosmetologists, a 22% increase in barbers, and an 11% increase in technical professions.

These numbers represent the increase in calls and emails from licensees in other states requesting information about licensure in South Dakota. Several of these individuals highlighted the Freedom Works Here campaign as a reason for their interest in moving.


10 thoughts on “Gov. Noem Unveils New Data Demonstrating the Success of Freedom Works Here ”

  1. “Several of these individuals highlighted the Freedom Works Here campaign as a reason for their interest in moving.”

    I can admit it. That is impressive.

  2. “…huge increases of out-of-state applicants seeking licenses in South Dakota – including a 78% increase in plumbers, a 44% increase in electricians, and a 43% increase in accountants”. And “80% increase in cosmetologists, a 22% increase in barbers, and an 11% increase in technical professions.”

    Right. And I have a 900% increase in snow shoveling today. What do those figures mean? I would like the actual numbers to go with those percentages.

    Sioux Falls has been growing for many years, accounting for most of the influx. How many people have moved here as a result of their ads? That number seems to always be missing. For a reason. This is all just smoke and mirrors.

    1. Yes – there’s a lot of details missing here. We’re measuring inquiries only? And what are the actual numbers? Nine plumbers instead of five?

      Show me actual people in jobs, not emails inquiring about licensing.

  3. Can anyone share the data? This article says there is data but I can’t seem to find it. Anyone?

      1. Which is funny (I guess) because the analytics are the stated reason why Go West was selected. But we know that’s another lie and it’s just political cronyism.

  4. The Go West deal was for 5.5 ,million dollars. That’s not chicken feed in South Dakota. We can’t find 900,000 dollars to provide a free school lunch for poor children whose parents can’t or won’t pay for that essential food. The 5.5 million for the ads includes funds for “Media Buys” ( mostly Fox News I suppose), and an unknown amount for Mr. Yoho and his staff. If you look into this mess, you’ll find Go West stole its content, with the help of GOED staff, from other applicants, including Lawrence and Schiller of Sioux Falls and that, in the fallout, an honest employees who argued that Go West’s proposal was inadequate, was fired. It is a sleazy deal that the Governor should disassociate herself from.

    1. Distance herself? She’s the chief architect! Don’t forget Yoho is Lewandowski’s pal.

  5. Would be interesting to see this contract. Is it public record? Most of these firms will charge for production and often times a fat fee of 15% from ad placement. It’s the 15% where they rake in piles of money. Were they savvy enough to negotiate that fee down or did they pay sticker price to this political shop?

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