Gov. Rhoden Signs South Dakota Values Bills into Law; including HB 1239, Bethany Soye’s defanged lock-up librarians bill

Governor Larry Rhoden signed three bills into law to protect South Dakota values yesterday, including House Bil 1239, the controversial “Librarian Lock-up Bill” introduced by State Rep Bethany Soye to send librarians to county jail if they checked out material to a minor that someone deemed obscene.

The draconian measure from Soye came after a column she wrote last December where she scolded the Sioux Fals Mayor Paul TenHaken for not protecting society’s morality.

The measure, which narrowly passed the house in it’s original form, had a majority of Senators find the measure unpalatable because of it’s criminalization of public employees. Senators took the portion that would have made librarians, teachers, and museum workers subject to arrest in criminal court, and instead gave protections under civil court to those who found material objectionable, creating a process for them to appeal in civil court if a library board rejected their demands to remove material.

In signing this and other measures, Governor Rhoden reiterated a commonsense approach towards legislation.

“South Dakota is a place where commonsense values remain common, and these bills reinforce that fact,” said Governor Larry Rhoden. “These bills promote strong families, safety in education, and freedom from the ‘woke’ agenda like what has happened in too many other places.”

Governor Rhoden signed the following three bills into law:

  • HB 1174 revises certain provisions related to the rights and obligations of a father of a child born to an unmarried mother;
  • HB 1239 revises certain provisions related to the restriction of access to obscene materials in a public library or public school library; and
  • HB 1259 prohibits unauthorized access to certain multi-occupancy rooms.

Governor Rhoden has signed 154 bills and VETOED one this legislative session.

15 thoughts on “Gov. Rhoden Signs South Dakota Values Bills into Law; including HB 1239, Bethany Soye’s defanged lock-up librarians bill”

  1. Even after it’s been defanged, why acquiesce a single inch to these religious fanatics? They’re going to want a mile next session.

    1. I’m guessing Senator Wheeler saw it as the only way forward to avoid a full on pass of the ridiculous Soye version.

  2. What you find offensive and what I find offensive could be worlds apart. I see this bill as a money maker for lawyers. By the way, I find 90% of what Soye does offensive.

    1. In floor debate, Senator Carl Perry stands up and says “we have books about alcohol, drugs, sex….”. The book banning doesn’t stop at the sexy talk.

  3. Brain drain from South Dakota will accelerate. Litigation will occur with other expenses to taxpayers resulting in taxes going up more. HB 1259 is going to be a problem creator beyond a solution to a problem that did not exist.

    South Dakota will attract even more election deniers, anti-vaxxers, gullible conspiracy consumed extreme fringe from other states which will be a positive for the states they came from.

    1. With what happened with HB 1239 we can expect resumes will be updated and those targeted will be looking out of state for professional opportunities in their field. Good for them!

  4. Invoking the word “woke” in that press release confirms Ian Fury is still in charge of communications. So unnecessary.

    Speaking of “woke”, in “protecting our values” all Rhoden is doing is taking away more individual rights. He’s a sad excuse. All hat and no cattle, literally.

  5. Over at SDPB News Manifesto Mikey Z posts

    “I am going to the S.F Library to look for all the PORN BOOKS, check them out, and then walk aout and throw them in the GARBAGE. I will gladly pay the PENALTY FEE!”

    You go girl!

  6. SMDH You are way low at 90 percent offensive on Soye’s legislative ideas! She is the biggest legislative disappointment!

  7. HB 1259 How does that work for enforcement? If it is selective lawsuits will result. That means it will need to be uniform for everyone and everywhere.

    Will the pant, genital and paperwork checkers be legislators who voted for this? Will they be doing this on a volunteer capacity? Getting paid?

    If not legislators will they be volunteers? If so, who? background checks? If so, who will pay?

    If not volunteers will they be paid employees? State employees?

    State owned facilities plus schools are all over the state with many many bathrooms and locker rooms. State park campgrounds. Even roadside rests on the Interstate. Will there be signage for tourists sorta like Wall Drug informing tourists before the South Dakota border informing them of the bathroom law and to advise them of upcoming pant, genital and have all their papers in order? Airports? Be prepared to be confronted?

    Will the state be paying for signage? Training?

    The Prime in the house either was incapable to answer these questions, refused or passed them on to Alliance Defending Freedom which was not much help either. The Senate Prime? Simple talking points. No expectations for questions answered there.

    1. Since the Prime in the house minimized and dismissed any concerns of legal costs in the house state affairs committee stating she would just hand it off to our AG like it was no big deal.
      Would Representative Brandei Schaefbauer be willing to accept all financial liability for lawsuits so South Dakota taxpayers are not saddled with legal expenses?

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