14 thoughts on “Governor Kristi Noem does have a pretty high “cool” factor”

  1. “ El Rayo X– Elk” quite possibly the same “Puke Spitter” on all things Great in South Dakota.

    1. There are a lot of great things about SD. Our absentee, aspiring DC resident governor is not one of them.

    2. Hmm. How many mandates has Charlie Hoffman imposed on the people of South Dakota while in the legislature? Hundreds… or thousands?

  2. El Rayo X knows that he is not me. I know that I am not El Rayo X. I am pretty sure we don’t know each other. Charlie Hoffman knows nothing but insults.

    I get this nonstop name-calling simply for promoting CDC guidelines during a pandemic. Criticizing a governor’s position on Covid, which I believe endangers our citizens, is not the same as disparaging South Dakota. Charlie should know that.

  3. I had better pipe in. Charlie, I’m not Elk, nor have I played him on TV. All I was saying was, that as a taxpayer, I would have rather have spent money on a flame thrower than the fence. The fact is, I would like a flame thrower too. Not just for personal defense, but to control Creeping Jenny and burrowing rodents.

  4. El Rayo X we out here in the country on the edge of things regularly burn noxious weeds and grass undesirable in the spring mostly. We don’t have hundreds of millions of bison roaming the fields to do what nature did along with lightning strikes for millions of years. That said Do you want to see the effects of lawlessness in South Dakota burning down buildings and looting stores similar to what we have witnessed all year in liberal controlled cities and states? I am 100% in favor of putting a security perimeter around the governors mansion and also the Capital.

    And seriously you and Elk need to grow a pair!

      1. Who does the “airing of grievances” better than Charlie Hoffman?

        Festivus. Every December 23rd.

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