Let Hogs Run Free
By: Gov. Kristi Noem
August 2, 2024
All across South Dakota, you’ve probably heard the roaring “wild hogs” across our highways and through our towns. Their roars and rumbles send a clear message: the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is back!
In many ways, the rumble of the motorcycles has become synonymous with South Dakota and Freedom. This rally has always been emblematic of free spirits – of Freedom itself. As I said in the past, “Many of the visitors… say they’re coming to South Dakota specifically because it reminds them of the America they grew up in. Free. Independent. Unburdened by the constraints and headaches that big cities… forced upon them.”
Ever since South Dakota became the only state in America to stay “Open for Business” during the pandemic, that is truer now than ever before.
That same spirit of Freedom will be in full force at this year’s rally. American flags will be everywhere! We all expect that, and we welcome it.
Last year, I also wrote that “I didn’t think I’d find so much Jesus at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.” I told the story of the Sons of Light Ministry at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip, and how they host a pancake breakfast to spread the Gospel. I’ll be spending some time with the Sons of Light again this year.
Sadly, some in the media weren’t interested in that story – they were more interested in mocking me for telling it. But I’m not going to let their naysaying diminish my excitement for the Freedom – and yes, the faith – that will be found at the rally in the coming days.
I understand that Sturgis might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but that’s no reason to take away from the experiences of anyone else – or to use the rally as an excuse to take political potshots.
Many people work hard to create a fun, exciting, and safe atmosphere for people to enjoy during the rally, and I’m grateful for all those who do – including law enforcement, EMTs, local leaders, and community members.
For years, the media has tried to use Sturgis to attack our love for Freedom and our way of life here in South Dakota. They lied about the COVID cases tied to the rally and criticized those who chose to celebrate Freedom with us. We understand by now that those criticisms come with the territory.
We are going to enjoy the rally anyway.
I can’t wait to see longtime friends and to make new ones. I can’t wait to listen to incredible concerts with excited fans. I can’t wait to celebrate our veterans, our military, and all the things that make America great.
I can’t wait for the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally! And I hope to see you there.
And let’s not forget all of the illegal drugs and human trafficking we bring to Sturgis. Freedumb!!!
And let’s not forget about the several million illegals that Stumbles and cackles let into out country.
And the fact that the Messiah, Lord Trump requested that nothing be done, and no bills passed that may help solve the problem – just to help himself politically.
That bill wouldn’t have done a damn thing other than to speed up the release into the USA.
Cricket, I must have missed your concern when she spoke of the drug problems on the REZ. A lot bigger problem than the Sturgis rally.
Ah, yes.. Let’s ignore all the bad things the Sturgis Rally brings into the state, because HAVE YOU SEEN THE PROBS ON THE REZ????
Sturgis Rally lasts 1 – 2 weeks. The Rez lasts all year long.
Rez stuff is really bad. Can’t blame the bikers.
I hope the Governor says hello to Hairy Fred from San Berdoo and the Banditos and gives them all a big hug…maybe they’ll offer her a hit.
Is there anything more predictable than Kristi showing up on a motorcycle?
Nope, after all – she is in Biker-barbie season! But don’t worry folks. This is short lived, and soon will be pheasant huntin’ barbie season – but this year will be a new twist! NEW FOR 2024! She will be rockin’ the new hot pink approved hi-vis hunting swag! Graciously bestowed upon us by our legislature! GET YOUR PHOTO OPS NOW!!!
She is 102 lbs of kick-ass. She wants you to know it too. Aiming flamethrowers, riding horses and mounting motorcycles. And, of course, dogged determination.
And then there’s elk and enquirer…the two manginas of DWC…smh.
“mangina”? I don’t suppose that means man of genius, does it?
You wish….it’s more like nutless wonder.
This is the quality of trump supporters. They are the same worthless and uneducated bullies you grew up with.
And just like the bullies, they cower when people push back and then claim to be victims.
And this is the quality of the stumbles/cackles supporters:
Every year, the rally brings low hanging fruit in for DCI to catch with online pedo stings. They probably create a facebook page for these geriatric attendees and advertise a 17 year old on, and they catch a lot each year, they don’t know any better. The rally should be banned, if you disagree, well, you are a bad person and probably a liberal.