Governor Kristi Noem’s Weekly Column: Prioritizing Family Bonding by Ian Fury and Kieran Tate

Prioritizing Family Bonding
By: Ian Fury and Kieran Tate
June 16, 2023 

Nothing brings perspective to life like a newborn baby. Everything trivial and inconsequential fades into the background as you welcome a new tiny human into the world with a full heart and wide-open arms. And even if you turn your attention elsewhere for a moment, their cries for milk and screams about a gassy tummy or dirty diaper will bring your focus right where it should be!

As Father’s Day comes around, countless families across South Dakota are celebrating the bonds between parents and their kids. Both of us have welcomed new babies to our families in the last few weeks. Kieran and her family welcomed their third baby, Nina, in early May, and Ian and his family welcomed their first baby, Gavin, into the world just a few days later.

We’ve very much appreciated the opportunity to get to know these new kiddos. They waste no time exhibiting their own unique personalities. Nina is a hungry, hungry hippo, and is already packing on pounds since she was born. Her favorite place to be is either outside in the sunshine, or in the baby wrap close to mom. Gavin has a fiery spirit – all the temper in the world, but when he smiles, it sets the room aglow. He also loves to demand cuddles at 4 am!

Both of us have been tremendously blessed to benefit from the excellent Paid Family Leave (PFL) benefits offered to state employees. Governor Noem worked hard to pass PFL for state employees into law back in 2020, and this year, she expanded that opportunity even further for state employees.

While our babies were born before the expanded policy took effect, we are so encouraged for other parents to have the opportunity to prioritize their families in these crucial first few weeks. And we are grateful this benefit is in place for any future babies that may come our way. The last thing parents should have to worry about is figuring out how they will take time off after they welcome a baby into the family. Governor Noem has created a culture in state government that allows parents to put their families first.

KIERAN: As someone who has personally experienced the challenges of taking an unpaid maternity leave, I’m grateful to have access to paid family leave so that I can spend more time bonding with Nina, and I’m excited for the parents who will be able to utilize the new paid family leave benefit that went into effect on May 22nd of this year. Having paid time off has not only allowed me to spend this time with our brand-new baby, but has also afforded me the extra, necessary time to rest and recover while not worrying about bringing in money for our family.

IAN: From a dad’s perspective, while there’s so much that I can’t do for Gavin – like grow him for 9 months or create the food he relies on every day – I have valued the opportunity to step up as a supporting figure. Dishes still need to be cleaned, laundry still needs to be done, and yes, diapers need changing. But most importantly, PFL allows me to support a brand-new mom. We have been blessed with the opportunity to strengthen our family, together.

Those first few months after having a baby, while undeniably sweet, can also be very stressful for new moms and dads. PFL affords parents the opportunity to focus more time on bonding with their new baby and spend less time worrying about going back to work soon or other financial stressors. They’re only newborns once, and time goes so fast!

Governor Noem has made stronger families her top priority, and she will continue working to help as many South Dakotans as possible gain the ability to share these important opportunities.

You can find a photo of baby Gavin here. You can find a photo of baby Nina here.

Ian Fury serves as Chief of Communications for Governor Kristi Noem.

Kieran Tate serves as Director of Communications for the South Dakota Department of Public Safety.
