Governor @KristiNoem tweets out her support for campus speech protection measure

In a message via Twitter this morning, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem expressed her continuing support for a diversity of opinion on our college campuses, particularly for the measure passed this last legislative session to protect campus free speech, which Noem signed after the measure passed the state legislature in March of this year:

10 thoughts on “Governor @KristiNoem tweets out her support for campus speech protection measure”

  1. Nice work for our new governor. Don’t let up on this. Much reform needed, included several new university presidents and Regent members. Get the ax out

    1. I’ll see you there with my “Democrats Hate America” sign; also my “Democrats Hate the Unborn” sign; also my “Democrats Hate Freedom” sign. The others I’ll leave at home-for now.

  2. Thanks Governor, will be nice when our kids learn economics and history and not in SDSU’s drag queen classes

  3. Just a few weeks ago, former Sen. Bob Kerry was to speak at a campus in Nebraska, the so-called conservatives raised such a stink , he canceled…… trumpholes have never understood the very basic fact that laws apply to all………………………….It will not take long for them to prove their ignorance and their hypocrisy..

  4. Republicans are just as much to blame as Democrats. Very territorial. Has nothing to do with free speech. It’s all about party control. And the gridlock continues.

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