Governor Noem Leading on Cutting Food Sales Tax

Governor Noem Leading on Cutting Food Sales Tax

PIERRE, SOUTH DAKOTA – Today, Governor Kristi Noem issued the following statement on eliminating the sales tax on groceries:

“I have my pen ready to sign into law the repeal of the sales tax on groceries. The legislature needs a 2/3 vote to pass such a measure before legislative session. We have to get South Dakota families relief from Joe Biden’s inflation as soon as possible, and we cannot let this bill fail. It needs to pass. I’m glad Jamie Smith has followed my lead in supporting this tax cut, but he doesn’t know how to get it done or if he has the votes to do so. That’s not leadership. I plan to continue to educate legislators on the importance of this legislation.”

You can find Governor Noem’s pen here.

39 thoughts on “Governor Noem Leading on Cutting Food Sales Tax”

  1. It’s either urgent or it’s not. Are you going to call a session? What are you doing to get legislators on board?

  2. Kristi Noem says “I’m glad Jamie Smith has followed my lead in supporting this tax cut”

    Come on folks. When is enough… enough?

    1. Smith should produce an ad with that quote. And just have a bunch of folks laughing in response. Just laughing.

  3. Are Republicans actually buying this line of BS? Jamie was leading this fight a long time before when Noem and company were fighting against it and making sure it never went through. Now, she is co-opting the idea and presenting it as her own? Can she lie much more about this?

  4. If a pen was all it took, think about what we could accomplish. So far, her pen has done more damage than good.

  5. I see you marxists don’t care who gets the tax cut for the poor, as long as it is not Governor Noem.

  6. Oh wow! She’s more forgetful than our president. She was against it before she was for it. She is following Jamie.

  7. “In South Dakota we’re celebrating International Womens Day by defending womens sports! I’m excited to sign this bill very soon.”
    A lot of words and then owning others actions. Other than the Bingo tax the lady has nothing original. South Dakota needs to do better!

    1. why shouldn’t she take credit for the idea? I just saw an ad for Smith which gives her credit for the state’s pro-life trigger law which was on the books before she even entered the state’s legislature.
      She didn’t have anything to do with it but Smith calls it “Kristi Noem’s Complete Abortion Ban.”

      Why shouldn’t she take credit for somebody else’s idea? Smith is giving her credit for a law Mike Rounds signed, after all. Rounds should make a public objection, issue a press release saying “That’s not Kristi Noem’s law, it’s mine!”

  8. That cheap gimme souvenir pen is indicative of her sentiments here. She’s just doing this in a desperate attempt to get votes, and the “Hard-right” called her on it. Dems have called for this for years.

    Any bets on whether she’s actually had anything drafted?

      1. It’s hilarious how the fanboys and apologists have to resort to personal insults and name calling.

          1. That makes no sense. Or are you insulted by the term “fanboy?” If so, why? Gender notwithstanding, I’m not bothered to be referred to as a fanboy of things/people I admire or like. (I did notice you had no objection to “apologist.”)

          1. An ellipsis only has 3 dots. Be that as it may, please expound on whatever you call deem “and [sic] obvious fact.”

            1. …just stating an obvious fact. Is that better? Less taxing for your tiny libtard brain?

              As if your fingers haven’t hit an extra key while typing your gibberish…but then, you demonstrated you weren’t smart enough to figure it out. Typical.

              Bless your heart.

              1. You’re demonstrating you have some anger issues, or are just frustrated you really can’t articulate what bothered you so much in my post. Perhaps you’re having trouble defending Noem’s campaign promise?

  9. The Republican super-majority has come a long way (and not in a good way) in 40 years. Does anyone believe that Gov. Janklow would have had any difficulties getting something like this passed with these kind of numbers (not saying that he would propose this – just demonstrating the level of power from the 2nd Floor is not there today due to the great dysfunction of the Republican Party in the legislature)?

    This is nothing but a cheap stunt that is totally meaningless. And the governor thinks she should be considered as a serious contender for POTUS or VPOTUS? She’s a rank amateur when it comes to policy matters. Banking on visual imagery and the high school “mean girl” approach will get her only so far.

  10. If she cared this much about the issue, why has she waited until the end of her first time and only during election season to bring it forward? She’s pandering.

    Minnesota did away with it’s sales tax on food, clothing, and school supplies more than a decade ago. Can she really claim she’s leading on this issue?

    1. No, she cannot, but I will add that MN has a much more complex tax structure and more than makes up for the lack of sales tax on food, clothing and school supplies with Income and business taxes.

      1. Heaven forbid you pay for the things you want. I believe they also include pension liabilities in their State’s annual budget, which South Dakota does not. It’s how politicians say South Dakota balances it’s budget every year… while that is far from the case. South Dakota is a welfare state.

  11. Noem Offers to Eliminate the Tax on Groceries. (This offer expires on November 9th. Subject to availability of other revenues. May cause reduced confidence in government.)

  12. New Press Release: Study Committee on Property Tax Structure and Tax Burden to Meet:

    PIERRE – The Study Committee on Property Tax Structure and Tax Burden will hold its third meeting of the 2022 Interim on Thursday, October 20, 2022, beginning at 9:00 a.m. (CT). The meeting is being conducted via electronic conference and in Room 362 of the State Capitol in Pierre, South Dakota, to allow for both remote and in-person participation.

    The committee, chaired by Representative Trish Ladner (R-Hot Springs) with vice chair Senator Mary Duvall (R-Pierre), will review bill drafts for the 2023 Legislative Session and hear from Wendy Semmler, Director of the Property Tax Division with the Department of Revenue. Public testimony will also be taken.

    The full agenda is available online. In addition to Representative Ladner and Senator Duvall, members include Representatives Kirk Chaffee (R-Whitewood), Mike Derby (R-Rapid City), Tim Goodwin (R-Rapid City), Lance Koth (R-Mitchell), Oren Lesmeister (D-Parade), Larry Tidemann (R-Brookings), and Mike Weisgram (R-Fort Pierre); and Senators Gary Cammack (R-Union Center), Jessica Castleberry (R-Rapid City), Casey Crabtree (R-Madison), Jack Kolbeck (R-Sioux Falls), Reynold Nesiba (D-Sioux Falls), and Larry Zikmund (R-Sioux Falls).

  13. Hey, what about the .5% sales tax increase they said they would cut if revenues went up?

    No wonder Schoenbeck’s are furry.

  14. Leading? How so….

    Who are her advisors?

    This is worst campaign ever. Embarrassing as a Republican. She never lead in the spring…wont lead now and blames everyone from Schoenbeck to Freedom Caucus to Democrats….

    Sigh- A Republican tired of her lack of leadership and games

  15. Fake Noem has no intention of getting this passed. If she truly wanted to lead, she would call a special session. Noem is a joke as a governor.

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