Governor Noem Signs Emergency Declaration for Storms and Flooding 

Governor Noem Signs Emergency Declaration for Storms and Flooding  

PIERRE, S.D. – Today, Governor Kristi Noem signed Executive Order 2024-04 declaring an emergency for the recent storms and associated flooding. State agencies have already been responding and will continue assisting local governments throughout the emergency.

“Even though the rain is slowing down, we need to keep vigilant. The worst of the flooding along our rivers will be Monday and Tuesday,” said Governor Kristi Noem. “Check for updates on road conditions, and please reach out to your county emergency manager if you have immediate needs.”

The EO also issued a “no boating declaration” on the waters of Lake Alvin in Lincoln County, Lake Henry in Bon Homme County, Marindahl Lake in Yankton County, Menno Lake in Hutchinson County, and Swan Lake in Turner County, South Dakota.

16 thoughts on “Governor Noem Signs Emergency Declaration for Storms and Flooding ”

  1. Kristi Noem is in South Dakota? Seriously?

    How long? Just enough time for a few photo ops and back on the state owned plane to resume her self promotion/grift tour out of the state?

    1. I can only assume how reassuring it was for those in Union County gathering a few things before evacuating their home on Sunday to turn on ‘Meet The Press’ and see our Governor talking about her stupid book.

      1. Yeah! South Dakotans are once again expendable props to be used for another self serving grift. Let’s not make the same mistake again in choosing our next Governor.

        1. I did and it was horrible and South Dakotans should be embarrassed. She just cannot stop herself. Pathological liar that is addicted to attention and being in the media despite how self destructive it is not only to herself but South Dakotans. If anyone really cared and had the courage there would be an intervention. Meanwhile outside of the MAGA/Trump Party or Q cults nationally and internationally people are wondering how did she ever get elected to anything?

  2. Why the picture with her and the SD National Guard, we all know that the SD National Guard is in TX for a publicity stunt, we are on our own here in SD unless a donor pays for them to be here. Don’t expect any drop in taxes though….

  3. Where’s my friend from yesterday saying “What is Governor Noem going to do about the weather??”

    Now that she’s back in the state you expect her to just go chill in Pierre until her next speaking engagement?

    1. There is nothing to do in Pierre except hop around trying not to step in the goose poop.
      People who think she should stay in Pierre and “do something” are rather vague about what that “something” is.

      1. when you really look at the state from the standpoint of what CAN be done, that part of the job creates itself. i don’t think rounds and daugaard ever had this problem with free time. just saying.

  4. These comments hammer home that there is 0% undecided on Noem. Either loved or hated, nothing in between.

    1. Yeah. She’s taking action and not making it about herself. She’s doing fine here.

  5. The state plane log would surely show the gov’s glam squad made the trip to DC and Dakota Dunes. Always fun to see the outfits.

  6. She can send National Guard troops to Texas but she says it’s too expensive to deploy them here.

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