Governor Noem speaks at Republican National Convention

22 thoughts on “Governor Noem speaks at Republican National Convention”

  1. Except for those executive orders closing schools and telling old people to shelter in place.

        1. no she didnt. She advised people over 65 to avoid going into Sioux Falls so I cancelled a dental appointment. But it was my choice to do that, just as I cancelled an optometry appointment last year because the smoke from the Canadian wildfires was too hard on my lungs.
          She did not close any schools; local school boards did that.

            1. there is a difference between a winter travel advisory and closure of the interstates.
              surely you know the difference in that?
              that EO was an advisory, not a mandate

              1. “there is a difference between a winter travel advisory and closure of the interstates.
                surely you know the difference in that?”

                Don’t be so sure about this statement. You are responding to a liberal and more than likely a dakota septic tank floater that spilled over.

  2. Trump added twice as much debt as Biden. Trump printed a trillion more dollars than Biden. Trump raised our taxes and gave the rich a windfall. It’s not going to be good for the working class when Ttump raises our taxes on day 1 with tariffs.

    1. That’s weird because I’ve made less money under Biden yet have paid more in taxes.

      1. You are still living under Trump’s tax code. Not only that, but Trump made the tax breaks for the wealthy permanent while the rest of ours expire. He was expecting a 2nd term and wanted to leave a turd sandwich for the likely Democrat incoming. Trump shifted more money to the wealthy from the bottom than any other modern president. Your taxes will go up under Trump, especially when federal funding is cut and rural welfare states like SD will look to localities to make up the shortfalls. Yay, more property tax and sales tax.

    2. Biden lowered taxes for all of us who were taxing the standard deduction
      The rich got slammed by the $10K cap on deductions for state and local taxes.

        1. Yes he did. Which all changes again in 2025 when they expire. He also gave the rich a bigger break than that.

          1. no, “the rich” who pay large sums in state and local taxes, got slammed. They can no longer deduct the property taxes on their multimillion dollar estates, the sales taxes on their McLarens, or their state income taxes.
            As a result, 90% of us are now taking the standard deduction.

  3. We were talking about this while enjoying famous “Main Street Omelettes” at Sammy’s and our unanimous vote was that both Noem plus Trump & Co. are toast and not the type of toast we had with our breakfast. The first night of watching that S***show in Milwaukee was enough.

    1. No Trump isnt toast. He will win the election, the Democrats will lose their minds, break a lot of windows, and then the Koch brothers will make a killing selling overpriced plywood.
      It’s a conspiracy!!!

  4. Seems to me that PP listed this for comments on Noem’s speech – epically a failure. I’m no Trumper, but she spent the first 3/4 of her speech touting her own accomplishments, then endorsed Trump. Big surprise. You should also have noticed that she didn’t receive as many raucous cheers and applause that others did.

    1. Her speech did not sound like something they would have wanted her to say. She was supposed to be selling Trump, not Kristi Noem.

      1. Everything she does is to benefit selling herself. No Suprise here. Grade A grifter, she is…

    2. There are not many comments about her speech because most of us didnt see it, we were watching Sean Hannity interviewing JD Vance.

  5. Governor Noem took this occasion as an opportunity for self promotion. She also put in a plug for South Dakota’s business environment and the Trump Presidential election. No surprise here either. It seems she needs to rejuvenate her message. She is out of gas.

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