Governor Noem’s Comm’s Director, Angela Kennecke from KELOland tweeting at each other, because people won’t talk to her.

This week, KELOland’s Angela Kennecke started throwing bombs at Governor Kristi Noem’s administration because someone at the state didn’t have any interest in talking to Angela, and she claimed there must be a plot against her. Governor Noem’s Comm’s Director Ian Fury rebuffed that notion, noting that they’re talking to reporters all the time, and it might just be her..

.. and the Twitter war is off and running.

While there are state laws which guarantee the openness of most documents, as there should be, there’s nothing that declares that reporters have interview access to employees on demand. Given the pressure to sensationalize stories for ratings, why would any employee want to speak with the media?

When it seems as if it’s a constant drumbeat of negativity declaring there must be some sort of scandal, or someone is allegedly corrupt, or simple fact is less attractive of a tale than a conspiracy, most people look at whether they want to get involved in any story and take a hard pass.

It’s not all the media’s fault, as social media has forced other outlets of information to turn up the volume to compete. But they don’t necessarily shy away from it, either.


36 thoughts on “Governor Noem’s Comm’s Director, Angela Kennecke from KELOland tweeting at each other, because people won’t talk to her.”

  1. Interesting how Janklow instituted, and every following governor, except Noem, offered the public a weekly glimpse at where they were going to be and what they were going to be doing. Noem gladly pops in at all of the ‘red meat’ gatherings, where she can wrap her self in the adulation of sycophants, but when it comes to engaging the public,……well, I guess, there is Ian. Pretty discouraging.

  2. Ian Fury is nothing more than an internet troll paid for with taxpayer money. The same message could have easily been delivered without being a complete bag of douche.

    1. Isn’t the pride of Hillsdale working for the campaign now? Don’t worry, he’ll get his government job back after the election.

      1. Fairly certain he worked for the pedophile Rep. Jim Jordan. He wasn’t well liked on the Hill while he was there, and seems to have only gotten worse in South Dakota. Also worth mentioning that he worked for Governor Sam Brownback of Kansas who almost bankrupted that state. Apparently couldn’t stand the heat in an Applebee’s kitchen –

  3. Angela looks like a big baby in that post. When I first saw that tweet I thought to myself: “there’s probably a reason no one wants to talk to you.”

  4. I’m kind of beside myself at how many people spend 90% of their time attacking Governor Noem and 10% of their time trying to reform the media.

    Noem Derangement Syndrome is real.

    If you want to help, at this point I recommend NOT pulling a John Thune and helping elect the Joe Biden of South Dakota.



    Most of our media is 90% of the problem; terrible sold out low IQ rubes.

  5. I’m surprised that Ian Fury made this about Governor Noem. Angela is complaining about access to state government program directors (incidentally about an issue she is known publicly to be passionate about in her personal life), not access to the Governor specifically. His response, therefore, is off-target and non-responsive. He brought the Governor into the dialogue by assuming her comment about a “mandate” was directed at Noem. Fury tacitly indicated that Noem would be the source of any such mandate while missing the mark on what Angela was actually asking for.

    1. I think most people came safely surmise that Angela’s “least access” comment implied she thought it was a top down directive to not talk to the media.

  6. IMO, any government refusing an interview on the basis that any outlet is biased is an insult to the public’s intelligence. We can form our own opinions about what anyone says regardless of how any outlet frames/skews/portrays/etc them.

  7. How about the media report facts and not opinions. The number of superlatives and adjectives used by the press is in direct proportion to their level of untrustworthiness. I’d challenge reporters to do what they are supposed to do, report the news without malice or favor. It’d be a fresh perspective on what’s happening. just news. If Ms Kennecke perceives herself not in favor, she might just look at her past performance to understand why.

  8. “Given the pressure to sensationalize stories for ratings, why would any employee want to speak with the media?”

    Depends if the sensationalization is positive or negative right? That’s why Noem is always on Fox?

    1. And exactly why mumblin-stumblin joe and kackles will only go on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, etc…

      DId I nail that one? God bless you ann.

  9. Ian Fury spends so much time “roasting” the reporters that he forgets they are the ones writing the stories. Kill them with kindness, sometimes you have to work with, not against, a person.

  10. Young Ms. Kennecke is the Typhoid Angela of NDS. She’s so butt-hurt she can’t get interviews with the government fellows who hate her for her rage and lying that she makes herself out to be the story. Typical Typhoid Angela behavior.

  11. Angela will take a story about Narcan and weave it into a scandalous tale about a POWERFUL DRUG administered to UNCONSCIOUS citizens by GOVERNMENT AGENTS!

    And Noem is behind it, FORCING people to have Narcan shot into their veins or nostrils WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT!!!

    There you go: there’s Angela’s story for you. And that is why nobody will talk to her.

    1. You have no bloody idea of the context of Angela Koenneke’s interest in opiod addiction and NARCAN, do you?
      I surmise the story which Angela would tell might be 180 degrees opposite from the straw man which you just constructed here.

  12. Apparently you are not familiar with Angela’s reporting. Her use of hyperbolic adjectives is like gasoline on a fire for conspiracy theories .
    Two examples come to my mind:
    When reporting the Brookings County Aquaponics story, an unusual property transfer between two Brookings residents was described as “suspicious.”
    It wasn’t “suspicious,” it was unusual, but not surprising knowing the parties involved.
    When reporting on the Westerhuis story, she described a white truck carrying a load of pheasants to a game farm as “mysterious.”
    There wasn’t anything “mysterious” about it, it was a load of pheasants passing through Platte.

    That’s just two I thought were especially egregious. One can go through her old stories and find other examples.

    It wasn’t hard to figure out what she would do with a story about first responders equipped with Narcan.

    1. Those are horrible examples. The aquaponics transaction turned out to be a huge scam that fleeced people of millions. The white truck that was being sought by DCI for the gear up murders wasn’t known to be carrying pheasants until it was located so every news source was wondering if it was hauling a safe. Her story regarding narcan was in support of it. I mean, she lost her daughter to an overdose and narcan could have saved her.

      Noem isn’t going to take any interview where she doesn’t get thrown softballs and she knows Angela isn’t going to handle her with kids gloves. Noem is a disgrace to SD.

      1. You need more details? Ok. the “suspicious” property transfer in Brookings was between Dean Krogman and Todd Voss, who owned the land the fraudsters were supposed to purchase. When I heard about it, I surmised that Krogman lost money on the deal but it appeared to make Voss happy, and keeping Voss happy is probably worth a lot to the Krogman family. Neither of the men were part of the fraud, which duped a number of local investors.

        As for the “mysterious” white truck hauling pheasants, it was seen on a surveillance camera going east-west during the night while the fire was 3 miles south. The truck never went “near” the Westerhuis home as Angela reported. The missing “safe” was likely a Sentry Safe 1100 which is 6″ x 14″ x 11″ is fireproof for only 30 minutes. A Sentry Safe 1100 is literally about the same size as a Large Flat Rate Priority mailing carton, and would not need to be hauled away in a truck. Angela conveniently left that information out of her reporting, too.

        The fact that you thought Local investors were part of the Aquaponics fraud when they were really among the victims, and the mysterious white truck might be hauling away a large safe, shows how her reporting has distorted the public’s view of events.

        1. Your reading comprehension is pretty rough. I said they were part of the scam, not whether they were the victims or perpetrators. Regarding the white vehicle, again no one knew the size of the safe when that was first reported. Nor did it only have to do with just the safe but that was one thing they were searching for. If that white truck wasn’t an issue, why did DCI go looking for it and ask them to come forward? Must have been pretty important to find out.

        2. Was the video footage from the convenience store of the white truck and trailer after the second or third occaision on which the then Attorney General assuredly stated that he and his crack staff of DCI agents had compltely reviewed all of the evidence while settling a complicated desth scene in a matter of days..
          Still the most memorable of these instances which you bring forward here is the picture of the then Attorney General standing in line with Tobias Ritesman, holding a shovel at “the groundbreaking”.

    2. Dean Krogman? The same Dean Krogman which hosted a house party at which some of our state legislative leaders became intoxicated before going to serve their duties (including the soft, pasty white candidate which the party is foisting forward as nominee for School and Public Lands)?
      Interesting that you would bring a lobbyist, someone accustomed to receiving money in brokering legislative deals, in defense of an “unusual” real estate transaction associated with the scam which was Global Aquponics.

      “It was unusual, but not surprising knowing the parties involved.” LOL. I think you unwittingly agreed with “Mr Spread”!
      Shady is as Shady does.

      1. Anne seems to be great and acting like she knows what she’s talking about.

        Mr. Rhoden was also at said party and may have imbibed himself if I recall.

  13. Would not be surprised if the company that owns KELO lays off a number of reporters and news anchors. It’s happening all over with the economy and always looking to save costs.

  14. Angela followed up with receipts showing most other kelo reporters were denied interviews as well. These are not scandalous stories either, just run of the mill government stuff. Will we see that follow up here?

    1. Angela and those reporters will probably be replaced soon anyways. Things may change or stay the same.

  15. Their job is to challenge you.

    Reporters are supposed to dig. If you are only answering the questions of your supporters in the media, you are doing a disservice to the whole concept of a free press.

    Are you a child? Put your big boy or big girl pants on… and answer their questions.

  16. Ian Fury – Member of the initial inaugual Rodeo Team at Hillsdale College.
    All Hat and No Cattle Easterner.

  17. The last time AK engaged with Governor Noem was at a Covid briefing and she took the opportunity to go off topic. She is getting what she deserves.

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