Governor Noem’s first legislative appointee, former State Rep. Dayle Hammock passes away.

Former State Rep. Dayle Hammock, who was Governor Kristi Noem’s first appointee to the legislature (for the vacancy of Chuck Turbiville), passed away on Sunday after a battle with cancer.

Interestingly, Hammock had a strong 66% success rate in passing legislation in his two years in the House, but fell short in a 5 way primary in District 31 House in 2020. Hammock had also been a Meade County Commissioner.

You can read his obituary here.

2 thoughts on “Governor Noem’s first legislative appointee, former State Rep. Dayle Hammock passes away.”

  1. True renaissance man; could speak on many topics. He taught me firearm safety 20+ years ago – and although I had a fairly wide scatter with my shots, he assured me that I’d be able to defend myself and do some damage. 🙂 He was patient with his students and a good person. RIP Dayle.

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