Governor rejects Bicycle Coop’s attempt to certify “equity training” for educator Continuing Ed credits

I think they’re certainly free to offer whatever educational opportunities they’d like.. but the State has a strong interest in setting certain standards over what constitutes continuing education for professions, and what does not.

18 thoughts on “Governor rejects Bicycle Coop’s attempt to certify “equity training” for educator Continuing Ed credits”

  1. Totally agree. A thank you is due to Gov. Noem & Sec. Sanderson for being willing to step up and provide leadership on this issue. It is important to those of us in Spearfish and to the culture in our state.

  2. Thank you Gov Noem! Radical Leftism and Neo-Marxism, which is what “equity” stands for, have no place in our schools or teacher trainings.

    This does prove a point, though. Leftist ideologues are here in SD and trying to push this stuff into our schools. We must continue to fight it.

  3. It is a scientific fact if we don’t teach kids about gayness, they won’t be gay. Look at the world leaders of Russia, they don’t have any of there, they are pro-freedom. Why doesn’t anyone ask why we don’t have Russian COVID vaccines here in the US?

    1. Great post! I am afraid the sarcasm will be lost on most around here. I am hoping we bring back the days of openly talking about removing the “gays” from society.

  4. I was extremely pleased to see this announcement from the Governor. I never doubted her sincerity about the executive order prohibiting CRT, but I thought it possible that enforcement would get lost in the bureaucracy of government. She has reinforced the ideal that good politicians say what they will do and then do what they say.

  5. No Reperations? No talking about White Supremacy? No talks about grooming and hairstyles? No talks about why the other kids skin is a different color than mine?

    How about talking about that birds are not real and that they are really government drones spying on us?

  6. Kristi Noem starring as… Doctor Estrange.

    Our governor can never pass up the opportunity to instigate a feud, make for a divisive headline or write a press release on yet another hot-button issue.

    If it’s a weekday – it’s another controversy. It’s what she does.

  7. “Topics Covered: Anti-Bias & Anti-Racism, Gender &
    LGBTQ+ Inclusive Classrooms”

    OK, so we aren’t supposed to be inclusive?

    Do we really need the governor to stick her nose in all of this stuff? Does Kristi need to approve every line of every book too?

    Some of you snowflakes need to realize that you don’t have to agree with every concept that is brought up in school or in a seminar. We all should be exposed to opposing views now and then. You don’t need Kristi to shield you from reality.

    1. Great point. We wouldn’t want to have our democratically elected leaders exerting any kind of regulative power over public education. Best to let leftist bike shops peddle Race Marxism directly to K-12 teachers and little kids, with the state endorsement implied by CE accreditation. Kindergarteners are mature consumers of information, right? And to be maximally “inclusive” we should pepper in Nazi tracts and religious denunciations of homosexuality, too, right?

      Just for fun, maybe one day you could try to produce an argument that isn’t an amalgam of bad faith, woke buzzwords, and leftist talking point red herrings. But that would require first becoming a serious person, now wouldn’t it?

      1. So you asked, “we should pepper in Nazi tracts and religious denunciations of homosexuality, too, right?” Your dear leader 45 and his minions like MTG and Boebert already do that.

      2. Gee Ted… I must have missed that part where they said that they were going to “peddle Race Marxism”. Could it be that a “serious person” like yourself just made that up? Or perhaps words like “inclusive” trigger you?

  8. Should we hire only teachers who were taught in conservative institutions? Maybe that’s next.

    Kristi should stick to what she does best… nepotism… and let school authorities do their job.

  9. I’m waiting to hear from Ed Randazzo on this. His silence has me worried. Is he a hillsdale man? Is he a proponent of conversion therapy? Does he know that biking is apparently a gateway exercise to unholy thoughts (and heaven forbid action).

  10. If this is a battle she wants to fight, Noem best issue another EO to cover this edict, because her April one doesn’t give the DoE the authority to do this for two reasons.

    First, the DoE isn’t producing the session, nor offering it. The granting of CEU credit to a workshop created by a 3rd party organizing, funding, and offering the event isn’t addressed in the EO, therefore the claim is overreaching.

    Second, the “inherently divisive concepts” codified in here April 2022 EO are so cartoonishly nonsensical the organization would have little problem providing the session without actually broaching a “inherently divisive concept.” Then said organization would have grounds to sue the DoE for wrongfully denying CEU credit to attendees. Money down that there are multiple organizations waiting to have at this fish in a barrel. Sec. Sanderson should probably figure out an exit strategy because Noem already threw her into a no-win situation and Noem’s just going to throw her under the bus either way things play out.

  11. The governor is right .. even some affiliated with MakeSpace were not comfortable with the turn to “equality” from “learn to fix your bicycle”. They have “no men” nights and activities because .. the young people should fear men and never women, because solving diversity and inclusion typically requires the exclusion of someone who isn’t diverse enough .. or well liked or wealthy enough, or part of some minority (you probably didn’t realize that men are a minority)?

    There are many who are sick and tired of not being heard on this issue, or called racist or haters because they see the problem clearly and want to raise an objection.

    Spearfish Bicycle Coop had a lot of potential .. the MakeSpace model of exclusion hobbled it.

    I tried to warn these folks that they were surrounded .. even in Spearfish, this culture could only go so far, even bundled with traditional conservative values of agriculture and fitness.

    Makes me sad .. could have done something else truly inclusive with all that time and money.

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