Guest Column: State GOP To Be Toppled By Rogue Elements by Sam Kephart

State GOP To Be Toppled By Rogue Elements

Rebel County Groups Endanger South Dakota’s Political Stability
by Sam Kephart

South Dakota now finds itself at an immediate crossroads of political turmoil… orchestrated by a faction looking to destabilize the intricate fabric of our state’s Republican leadership structure. This rebel group is meeting this weekend. These self-proclaimed mavericks, operating under a guise of rebellion, have one clear mission—to dismantle and dismiss the solid and proven framework upon which the South Dakota State GOP stands.

With unprecedented boldness, these rogue elements have spread their subversive influence across more than twenty counties’ local organizations… and intend to wrest control of the state party. They’re determined to undermine the State Republican Party, backed by clandestine forces that hold no genuine interest in the betterment of our great state. Their actions are not just a mere dissent; they are a calculated assault on the foundations of our political stability.

These individuals—ostensibly driven by a radical thirst for power—threaten to replace seasoned, proven leadership with a regime characterized solely by its unbridled ambition. Their ruthless tactics and sinister intentions will fracture our political landscape, resulting in long-lasting damage that could take years, if ever, to mend.

Their platform is bereft of any constructive alternative vision or genuine concern for South Dakota’s future. Instead, they peddle deceit, spread dissension, and foster a narrative grounded in falsehoods. The outcome of their actions, should they succeed, will be catastrophic—a political system in disarray, leaving conservative South Dakotans in jeopardy… and without legitimate representation.

The State GOP, whatever its arguable flaws, has pretty consistently delivered for local, State, and Federal conservative candidates. Wholesale statewide rebellion and change for change’s sake make zero sense… and offers no substantive and reliable deliverables.

I call on sane conservative voters to take a resolute stand against these subversive tactics; now is not the time for discord but for solidarity. To maneuver through this turmoil, we must remember the collective strength that’s historically guided us through adversity.

My warning is urgent; it extends to every rational conservative South Dakotan – you’d better reject the divisive rhetoric and destructive ambitions of this rogue faction. Rather, embrace and protect the values that have brought prosperity and stability to our state.

Stand in unity, for it is only together that we can repel this clear and present political danger… and secure a bright, stable future for South Dakota. In unity, we find strength. In collective action, we find resilience.

Frankly, great changes cannot be made in a minute. Every rational conservative South Dakotan needs to rise against this challenge, protect our cherished political system, and ensure that South Dakota remains a beacon of individual rights and conservative values.

Mark my words, theses rebels are jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. As President Abraham Lincoln once said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

Sam Kephart is a former primary candidate for U.S.Senate. He’s a Spearfish-based marketing and media consultant.

Submitted by:

Samuel R. Kephart (73)
Spearfish, SD

29 thoughts on “Guest Column: State GOP To Be Toppled By Rogue Elements by Sam Kephart”

  1. An apt callback to Lincoln. These forces are absolute fools, high on their own belief of moral superiority. They would have fit in well in Charleston SC during the dawn of the Civil War.

    Any doubts about their true allegiances can be proven by their opposition to a resolution in support of the Emancipation Proclamation a few years ago. They are a backward, bull-headed lot that will lead to nothing but ruin.

  2. so what should the remaining sane central committee members do?
    We don’t even want to be in the same room with those people .

  3. Spot on, Sam. Tyranny of the right is no different than tyranny of the left. Their tactics are identical. What they don’t get is that they’re dividing the only party that can save the Republic.

  4. Thank you, Sam, of course, you are correct. Unfortunately, those that reap the whirlwind, Inherit the wind. The Party has to get beyond Trump and his extremism, abandon his twisted vision, or we are doomed to a future dictated by this extreme, minority faction.

  5. Thank you, Sam, of course, you are correct. Unfortunately, those that reap the whirlwind, Inherit the wind. The Party has to get beyond Trump and his extremism, abandon his twisted vision, or we are doomed to a future dictated by this extreme, minority faction.

    1. Trump had nothing to do with the barbarians lead by Taffy Howard who, at the state convention in 2020, voted down a resolution celebrating the Republican Party’s origins in the abolitionist movement and Lincoln’s Emancipation proclamation. In their minds, Lincoln was a liberal.
      In 2022 she and her minions attempted to vote down a resolution congratulating the people who had won their primaries and endorsing them in the general election. None of them were conservative enough. The entire party isn’t conservative enough so they plan to destroy it.

      1. They passed out propaganda claiming Haugaard kept the state open so that he could lose to Larry Rhoden, the incumbent Lt. Governor. They not only supported Haugaard in the Primary, they supported him at the convention and he lost twice to the same camp! Who else can claim to losing twice to the same campaign in one year? Did they support Kristi after? Nope, they supported Jamie Smith, even put up signs for him! (Taffy and CFL) then they took over Pennington GOP by claiming to help Kristi win! Why would a normal human like me ever want any part of this disingenuous crap? They’re dishonest in favor of things that don’t even serve THEMSELVES, how the hell can anyone wrestle with a pig that’s already 6 feet below the surface of the mud???

        At least Taffy Howard will be done for good in 2 years when people start finding out what they’ve actually been up to, that’s a nice thought.

  6. This editorial is short on specifics and long on hyperbole. If anything, it only makes the case that moderates are getting better (and more strident) at divisive rhetoric.

    1. Anonymous at 11:12 PM, those of us who are paying attention know exactly what the editorial is about.
      There is a faction in the Republican Party which is so extreme they think the abolition of slavery was a bad thing. They think Lincoln was a liberal.

      They don’t support the incumbent leadership.
      . They hate Noem because she did not issue an EO to stop employers from requiring vaccinations & face masks, did not stop school boards from closing down schools, did not order local governments to keep everything open during the pandemic. She refused to sign that women’s sports bill that banned caffeine and tylenol use by student athletes..

      They think Dusty Johnson stole the election from Taffy Howard by election fraud. They don’t care about Trump; he’s too liberal for them. They don’t like Rounds or Thune either.

      Now, in the name of property rights, they are opposed to infrastructure development, business growth, ethanol production, agriculture (the corn growers specifically) and energy independence. Support for those endeavors make up a large part of the Republican Party platform, and they are against them all. One of the things likely to come out of the rogue central committee meeting will be a resolution of opposition to the CO2 pipeline..

      We know who they are.

      1. This group are not republicans. They are made up of libertarians and democrats. This group is doing exactly what George Soros wants them to do and that is to destroy the GOP. I wouldn’t be surprised if they worked to elect Harris.

        1. Ah yes, the far right nearly religious supporters of Trump are actually democrats. Conspiracies are just piling up where common sense once existed.

  7. Again, you reap what you sow. In 2016, these folks were politically convenient. Now, in 2024 the nuts are running the show. Thanks GOP. Good job, and good luck.

  8. Well, the GOP civil war will open the door for Democrats to win elections and when corn dips below $3, there will be a farm crisis and that will bring even more Democrat victories. Thanks to all the crazies in the state central committee!

  9. The old saying about all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing comes to mind.
    This faction got behind Stace Nelson and his buffoonery in 2012. They were encouraged to become precinct committee people and over the next few years they became a bigger and bigger problem at the state conventions. They went to the conventions to be as disruptive as possible and then refused to do the job they had signed up for.

    The good people on the central committee had the votes needed to change the bylaws and stop the runaway train but did nothing. They were too afraid of offending the half-dozen people who run for constitutional offices to take action. They did nothing when they could, and now they can’t do anything.

    1. The “base” has been taken over by 1st-generation political activists and the PEOPLE OF SOUTH DAKOTA cry foul! There is no establishment in South Dakota other than the Democratically elected representatives who actually grew up here on farms and ranches. Thune, Rounds, Dusty, Noem, Rhoden, Jackley. Where are they from?

      Murdo, Huron, Pierre, Hayti, Union Center, Vale.

      Half of those towns you nincompoops haven’t even lived here long enough to know exist!! Yet you want to move here and call us ESTABLISHMENT??? How about this one: ESTABLISH YOURSELF BEFORE TRYING TO ESTABLISH ANYTHING MORE COMPLICATED THAN THAT. UNTIL THEN, LEAVE IT TO THOSE WHO ARE ESTABLISHED WITHIN THEIR COMMUNITIES AND GOT ELECTED FOR IT.

      You could start by making your bed and calling your Dad. Welcome to South Dakota….. you bunch of loud feeble dorks.

      1. The people of South Dakota cry foul? Now you’re speaking for everyone? I guess that mentality really exemplifies why these splinter groups form in the first place. And probably provides a very good reason for them to exist.

        1. The purpose of a political party is to raise money and get their candidates elected. They got these jobs and the first thing they did in ’22 was complain that they had to pay to attend the state convention. The missed the memo that the main purpose of the state convention is to make money. A large group of them didnt bother to attend the traditional Governor’s Dinner, the biggest event of the state convention. They went to a restaurant in Watertown by themselves rather than participate in the state party’s fundraiser.
          In addition to not wanting to raise money themselves, or spend their own money, they have been so obnoxious the best donors have walked away.

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