Erin Tobin Tapped As South Dakota State Chair For U.S. Term Limits

Pierre, SD/August 14, 2024 – Today, U.S. Term Limits announces that Erin Tobin has agreed to be the South Dakota State Chair for U.S. Term Limits. Tobin brings a depth of both private and public service to this role. She has long advocated for term limits at the federal level and will work tirelessly in her role as South Dakota Chair to see that South Dakota adopts a resolution in support of common-sense term limits.
“I am honored to serve as the South Dakota State Chair for U.S. Term Limits,” said Erin Tobin “Now more than ever before, the need for term limits is crystal clear. Polls show that one issue that unites all South Dakotans regardless of political affiliation is the need for congressional term limits.
“For many, serving in Congress has become a lifelong entitlement rather than a public service,” concluded Tobin. “Term limits will help improve accountability, diversify Congress, and make government work better for all Americans.”
“We are honored to have Erin leading our efforts in South Dakota to pass term limits for Congress,” said Philip Blumel, President of U.S. Term Limits. “Under her guidance, I am confident we will get our term limits resolution passed in South Dakota.”
Born in South Dakota, Erin Tobin hails from Tripp County, a place her family has called home for 5 generations. She graduated from Colome High School in 2001 and from South Dakota State University in 2005 with a B.S. degree in nursing. In 2010, she received her master’s degree as a nurse practitioner.
Tobin became involved in politics during a lobbying effort to introduce a bill in the state legislature that would allow the state’s nurses to have full practice authority. In 2020, she was elected to the South Dakota State Senate.
Erin works as a nurse practitioner in family and emergency room medicine. She also owns her own medical practice. She also works on the Rosebud Indian reservation in family medicine and emergency room.
She has two children, Gus and Anna.
U.S. Term Limits is the largest grassroots term limits advocacy group in the country. We connect term limits supporters with their legislators and work to pass term limits at all levels of government, particularly on the U.S. Congress. Find out more at
Great choice!
US Term limits is lucky to have her. Glad they recognized her ability to get things done, unlike the voters of Dist 21. I’m happy she’s staying involved. We need good conservatives like Erin Tobin .
Thought there was a state law prohibiting legislators from lobbying for two years after leaving office. She is currently a state Senator and will be until her replacement is sworn in in January.
If Taffy Howard could legally do it, I’m sure Erin can as well. Unlike Taffy, she can probably be effective.
Jon Hansen is a sitting legislator and is being paid to lobby / vote for the Life Defense Fund’s bills, but you don’t seem to mind that!
If there is a time restriction on post-legislative lobbying, could her role as “chairwoman” as differentiated from the actual “lobbyist” be relevant in determining your eligibility?
Senator Tobin is clearly a serious person who’d bring very good insight to this discussion. Just a thought.
Yessss! Excellent choice!
She’ll be back at the legislature lobbying lawmakers to support a constitutional convention (although probably under a different name so as not to alarm them) supposedly limited to proposing an amendment which would greatly expand the number of and duration of lame duck congressmen with zero electoral incentive to listen to their constituents. She’ll reassure them that such a convention process is “safe and effective” and could never be hijacked for other purposes. Of course, we’ve heard those empty promises before. After 15 years of debating a federal constitutional convention every year, and it being rejected in just about every way possible, why exactly does the legislature need to consider the idea yet again in 2025?
Congressional term limits will increase the influence and power of federal bureaucrats and lobbyists! Get past what sounds good and examine what will actually be the impact.
Everyone claims this argument, as if those in power for 30 + years aren’t influenced by lobbyists and bureaucrats. We have a president that walked around like a puppet for 4 years.
“Puppet?” That’s being too generous.
Biden has done better than Trump in almost every single metric, but I doubt you care because you won’t acknowledge the facts. That’s why the Trump cult is going to lose in November. They should wear more diapers and carry around more cups of semen to show everyone how normal they are. What a bunch of weirdos.
You bet Stumbles has done better than President Trump…
-The highest number of illegals in history (included in that number are the highest number of “got-aways” and the highest number of people on the international terror watch list)
-Cost of living increase
-Crime (in all categories)
-Number of days on vacation (although even when Stumbles is present his mind is on vacation)
-Number of wars across the world that have started
-American deaths due to terrorist activities
-State sponsored terrorism increase
-Iran closer to a nuclear bomb than ever before
-Humiliating withdrawal from a war zone
-Number of times Depends were soiled in front of world leaders
-Number of cases of Depends delivered to the White House
-Number of times being lost on stage
-And the only sitting president to be forced out of a re-election campaign by his own party. Oh, I know, it was “for the good of the country.” Good for the country because he was such a crappy president? Or good for the country because he was too senile and feeble to run for re-election. If the latter, then he’s to senile and feeble to remain as president.
Wow, what a list of garbage. Looking at the first few, I can tell you haven’t actually researched anything. Crime has been consistently dropping from the high during trumps term. Inflation and cost of living? Yeah, Trump spent more, printed more, and created more debt but let’s blame Biden. Even vacation?…lol No one golfs more than Trump. The rest is more bs. It’s going to be fun watching you losers squirm come November. I’ll even pay for you to take up Russias offer.
Information and Knowledge are power. Limit the terms of those accountable to the voters and you will make enhance the relative information and knowledge of the bureaucrats over those elected.
Also, term limits takes away the power of the electorate to choose their representatives. Talk about a threat to democracy.
Erin is tilting at windmills. Not unlike those who beat her. Another affirmation for the adage “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.”
So the voters are too dumb to figure out if their representatives in DC need to come home? We booted out Daschle who was at the pinnacle of legislative power so I guess that argument doesn’t work for me. I know we see liberals who are in power for decades and that makes us angry and cry for term limits but elections are term limits. You can’t serve more than 2 or 6 years without being re-elected.
We have seen the damage state term limits has done to our legislative branch magnifying the power of those un-elected and the other branches. Hard pass!
Anonymous 1:53: Considering the legislature turned down some of the executive branches biggest agenda items in the last few years, I think your theory is incorrect.
Voting against the governor is no indication of power or leadership. If you knew the balance of power before legislative term limits took effect you wouldn’t be saying that.
For 9.5 months out of the year, legislators go back to their day jobs. After 8 years, that’s basically 61-5 day work weeks. Now compare that to a full time bureaucracy and lobbyist core that work on their issues daily. This is just little South Dakota, imagine the monstrosity at the federal level! Our representatives have to be experienced and educated to be able to make decisions to be on the cutting edge and not led around by lobbyists and the executive branch. I can’t understand why we are so eager to limit our only choice to control government but we don’t care at all about unlimited campaign contributions, unlimited lobbying forces, no limits on bureaucracy. I too long for limited and simple government but our only voice is at the ballot box!
Why do you assume the term limits wouldn’t be set as 18 years or something of that sort? 18 years is a literal bachelors degree, graduate degree, residency, and fellowship. Members of congress never live under the laws they make – for the rest of their lives. They don’t even have to participate in the private sector because once they are in, they are in. They have no motivation to pass legislation. They stall on purpose.
Your assumption that the limit would be short is the shortfall to your argument.
We have term limits of two years for our legislators and four years for our Constitutional officers. They are called “elections.”
What a dim and cynical view! Is there a special brainwashing session that happens at inauguration? You are ain so don’t worry about passing anything?
Oh wait, you have to explain to your voters what you accomplished in order to get re-elected. Some go to Congress with little private sector experience and some have a lot. But that doesn’t matter with limits..No matter how wonderful you are, you are done.. The voters can’t do anything about it.
You act like those in who are successful are one in a million. There are many people who could get the job done. These people aren’t kings and queens, they should be a citizen legislature.
87% of voters believe in term limits for congress. Congress won’t term themselves. Need I say more.
Do you realize Congress doesn’t have the authority to enact Term Limits as it would require approval of 35 separate State legislatures to amend the Constitution.
How about insteading of changing the rules to get the electoral results we want, we use the ballot box like envisioned by our Founding Fathers?
87% of voters agree with term limits for congress.