Here we go again. Anonymous “Minnehaha Central Committee” gmail account still trying to catfish people into attending their meeting.

The e-mails are flying back and forth as an anonymous e-mail account continues to try to catfish Minnehaha County Central Committee members into attending a meeting where they claim to have the votes to hold a meeting.. despite not providing any proof, nor actually identifying themselves.

In part:

As the correspondent who sent me the e-mail noted “This is getting ridiculous. Does anyone know who runs this email account???

That’s largely the problem with this whole thing. Anonymous and unsigned e-mails, claiming that they have the votes.. but they don’t say who.  Even worse, they seem to be “catfishing” recipients pretending to be “the Minnehaha Central Committee” with an unsigned e-mail when they are anything but.  It seems as if they’re hedging their bets and making a number of claims without providing any proof.

If you can’t make your statements in the light of day, and try to cloak your effort under anonymity and fake names, there is no legitimacy attached to it.

Unless the fake “Minnehaha Central Committee” doesn’t care about things like voter integrity?

Just saying.

45 thoughts on “Here we go again. Anonymous “Minnehaha Central Committee” gmail account still trying to catfish people into attending their meeting.”

  1. Notice Tornow’s using a favorite tool of con artists: misdirection. He’s trying to get you to focus on the question of notification — and completely ignores the fact that the bylaws require at least 2 current officers to be in attendance in order for the meeting to have a quorum. All 6 of the current officers have said that they’re not planning to attend Tornow’s alternate meeting. As a consequence, there won’t be a quorum and his meeting (and whatever they do during that meeting) will be invalid.

      1. Fair point. Sean, if it wasn’t you, please say so and clear your name. Otherwise, Sean’s is the only name that I’ve seen associated with this group — his name was in the first letter sent out as the contact who has the supposed list of central committee members looking to go around the current leaders. Makes me think he’s the one behind this and everything else is smoke and mirrors.

  2. There’s the practical solution – attend meetings in your county and advocate your issues. If you have a good issue and you stick around long enough you can get some things done.

    The alternative happens when good ideas are not respected, or they are stolen and not accredited properly. Then, you have the ol’ coup that’s occurring.

    Coups, unfortunately, can be commandeered and repurposed to false flag(s) (I believe Jan 6th was this type of thing).

    Thing is .. for anyone truly interested in participating, Pat just advertised it to them.


    1. The thing is, anyone truly interested in participating in this phony-baloney meeting is braindead to the point of being in a coma, or so delusional and misguided that they’re one step away from being a flat-earther or think the moon landings were fake.

      1. Attending the meeting with an open mind means one is not in a cult.

        Not simply going along with whatever bad ideas are presented in the meeting would mean one could be in a cult.

        I recommend everyone attend these meetings.

        Don’t sign in or don’t vote (or vote with some intention that expresses your values) if you like.

        Freedom of assembly is a good thing.

    2. or you could say pat has warned sane people that this thing is a scam. the whole sad spectacle of insane systemic destruction attempts is a direct consequence of being in a state where over-stimulated liberty patriots have no democrats to oppose. rush used to say his number one role was to “keep the (liberal) kooks kookified.” i think the dems had games out how to keep our kooks kookified and are dumping it back on us tenfold.

      1. Until all the folks face the evidence of election fraud (for instance) or some other big contentious issue that motivates such a large group of people for such a long time, “kook” is a meaningless slur in this context.

        For instance, we know for certain there are three parties. Democrats, Republicans, and the deep state that is expert at influence and uses both parties to accomplish an unknown (to the public) agenda to globalize government. The objective here is to take away the choice of the people to self govern. People will choose self governance 11/10 times.

        Can families and nations self govern without equal access to opportunity (food, lack of childhood trauma, and access to capital)?

        I enjoy getting to know all folks regardless of party (including the deep state). Maybe together we’ll kindle a key idea that will show us the way forward.

        This is a quick description of a principle that guides my own behavior that seems to work pretty well.

        All bets are off with our system at the moment.

        The demoralization and intentional malnutrition, poisoning of our food and water, and now the jabs have created a situation where we may not have the collective IQ to self govern.

        It makes my heart very heavy ladies and gentlemen.

        Thank you to those of you who try to lift us up.

        We sure need it.

  3. Shades of the Posse Comitatis and the Freemen….They are so far Right, they met the extreme Left.

  4. I would love to attend the meeting, and record the minutes, never a bad idea to hold public meetings in each County, count me in. I want to hear what the people of my county are wanting to do., So long as its not harming anyone, no big deal. Stop being scared of the people, my gosh, people wake up.

    1. If they think they are holding a valid election for officers, they will be surprised when they arrive at the State Central Committee meeting in Pierre and informed they are not credentialed.
      All that is necessary is for the six members of the County Executive Board to aver that they were not present at this rogue meeting, and that’s it,

    2. Stop referring to you and your ilk as “the people” like you speak for everyone. You don’t.

      1. I have talked to quite a few people in my precinct,, mainly they are my Neighbors. “WE”are in agreement, ‘we’ are the people who rule the state. You people are very very upset that the PEOPLE have the right to organize, meet in public meetings to discuss agenda, you do realize, it makes it very easy to petition the people to place items on the public ballot, you are very scared, that why you want to attack people under a fake name.

        1. Yet “we” the people that I know think you are flat out wrong. See how anecdotes are completely unhelpful?

          Wait, OR DO i type IT LIKE THIS because apparently you believe it is EFFECTIVE RHETORIC.

          1. Since Culture is up-stream of politics, this is in FACT LITERALLY HOW IT WORKS, but “we” must be patient and look for and banish artificial barriers (NLP, PsyOp, bad school curricula).

      2. “you and your ilk”

        Somebody taught you a very bad habit by using language this way.

        We all have bad habits.

        Cheers to overcoming bad habits.

        1. I see Mr. Dale is in his manic phase again. We should get, what, another few days of your spam before you vanish into a conspiracy hole for a bit?

          1. Your a loud mouth NO NAME hiding in your mothers basement. YOU and people like you want to attack people, call them names, and insult them cause they think different than you, and want to promote values, morals, and processes that support better government. I do not see anyone but people like you attacking anyone, I am NOT afraid to use my name, and put myself out there, and I am a business owner, and my family has owned a small business in Sioux Falls for more than 40 years.

            I have been more than respectful to everyone, despite the fact I get insulted, called names, and I have been a diehard Republican for nearly 30 years now since I became a registered voter in the late 1990’s.

            No one takes you, nor anyone using the “Anonymous” nick name seriously, you are just either a Joe Biden lover, or a RINO Republican hiding in a basement, to afraid to use your real name, cause you are afraid you will be attacked.

            Stop it, stop making the Republican Party look bad.

            1. You aren’t respectful to people. When you make conspiracy laden accusations, you dont do so in a vacuum. You attack the integrity of hard working South Dakota citizens because it makes you feel special. You are not nice. You are a malignant narcissist who writes in a manner similar to schizophrenics Ive worked with due to your RANDOM CAPITALIZATION and abrupt topic transitions.

              I dont care if anonymous bugs you, so feel free to keep whining.

              1. What conspiracy am I touting sir, when did I accuse anyone of doing something or speculate that any wrong doing occurred?

                I have promoted Transparency, I have promoted Audits, Reviewing, to understand the processes in place to educate, inform, and make known any such irregularities in the governing process of electing public officials, let alone governing over, and managing the “State Government”. YOUR PEOPLE are against accountability, transparency, let alone any form of public audit and review of the governing process. YOU are a troll, a WANNABE, a NO NAME who hides in his mothers basement rather than provide his or her name cause you FEAR something. I have never whined, but yet I made myself well known, to everyone in the business community, as well as in my local government area. I am NOT afraid of what people think of me, nor am I afraid of what they say about me. I have nothing to gain, nor to lose, nor to profit from in the political arena, cause I am NOT begging for, nor demanding a Political Career. I am a statesman, and I was and will be supported by the people in my precinct as long as I protect their interests.

                I am tired of you NO NAMES attacking people insulting people, but hiding behind your computer screen. You are a chicken, a coward, who is ashamed yourself. SHOW YOURSELF or be quiet.

    3. yes…fake meetings from unnamed people are worth attending. Brilliant idea. That’s not how it at all works. There are rules, processes, and procedures to follow. But you as a constitutional expert should already know that.

  5. It would be nice to get a list of all the precinct committee men and women who attend this in spite of their boss telling them not to.
    Then when the legit meeting takes place, the county executive board can fire them all for insubordination.

  6. Did Taffy Howard move to Minnehaha county? Sounds like something she would do…I saw her comment on a Dakota Scout article about Minnehaha County salary increases.

  7. “ If you can’t make your statements in the light of day, and try to cloak your effort under anonymity and fake names, there is no legitimacy attached to it.”

    Then why do the Woki-Leaks yahoos get a pass?

  8. I’m curious who they are all sending this email to. I was an At-Large Delegate for Minnehaha in 2022 (which from what I’ve been told gets a vote for officer elections still? I could be wrong) and I did not get the email, only got Maggie’s.

  9. A bunch of my buddies and I are gathering our own state Legislature next week. We’ll elect each other and leadership and pass some laws. My lawyer buddy in Sioux Falls said it was fine.

  10. Rumors are floating that soon to be former D3 Representative and Election Denier Drew Dennert is going to start the same crap up in Aberdeen and Brown County.

    1. As long as you refer to the desire to make our country stronger, more just, and more functional will fuel the rate and depth of the efforts of groups to make change.

      For instance, we believe elections have been stolen for over 30 years and we do not accept global governance because it attempts to install the CCP operating system (absolute lock down tyranny).

      Has Alex Jones’ book come out on audio, yet?

      I think you can get it on Amazon.

      I think many, many people are very far behind on the development of their respective fact sets.

      Thank goodness for dissenters like Taffy et al.

      It leads me to believe the ol’ girl (The USA) still has some fight left in her.

      1. “As long as you refer to the desire to make our country stronger, more just, and more functional AS CRAP”

        Sorry, missed those two words.

  11. Most of the comments I see here reflect ideas that are part of the problem.

    Freedom of assembly is what makes is stronger.

    Preventing or chastising the freedom of assembly is part of the problem.

    If the meeting is illegitimate a claim can be made and the courts can decide before the convention.

    Creating a situation in which power is not peacefully and respectfully transferred, where the transition is derided and conflated with some kind of psychological affliction or terrorist intentions only (justifiably) strengthens the resolve of the people who feel ignored and cheated and who are motivated to seek the hasty transition.

    1. Understanding the Constitution of the State, the Committeemen and Women can call forth a “special meeting” anytime they are able to obtain a “Quorum” or a majority of members, or the minimum # needed set by “Statute”.

      1. Mike, I hate to tell you but the State Constitution has nothing to do with the GOP’s organizational process. And state law skips over most of it, and leaves the organizational stuff to the party.

        They are internal party rules.

        1. Something something WE THE PEOPLE repeated 10k times for an unreasonably lengthy post incoming.

  12. well? did the meeting take place? Did white smoke come out of the chimney? (I am thinking, while they are at it they might as well elect a new Bishop of Rome.) Anybody know?

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