Here’s what the AG has so far on Ballot Measures

They may change, and at the moment, the pot related measures are yet to be submitted in crayon, but from the Attorney General – here’s the latest on the ballot measures being proposed for 2016 ….

Ballot Measures 2015 by Pat Powers

“Attached are the 4 initiated measures and 1 initiated constitutional amendment for which this Office is currently preparing attorney general statements (titles and explanations) pursuant to SDCL 12-13-25.1. These are in the form as we received them from the sponsors.”

“Keep in mind that it is possible that the wording of these measures is potentially subject to change. It is our experience that on occasion, the sponsors may change some of the wording of their measures after first sending them to us. We do not make any changes to the measures ourselves. The titles drafted by the sponsors are subject to change, as SDCL 12-13-25.1 directs that the attorney general shall prepare the title.”

“For purposes of our obligation under SDCL 12-13-25.1, we will prepare a title and explanation based only upon the final form of the proposed measures. As a matter of practice, we attach that final form to our explanation when we file it with the Secretary of States office, so that everyone will be on notice as to the exact wording of the final version of the measure.

Thank you,

2 thoughts on “Here’s what the AG has so far on Ballot Measures”

  1. The first one, on initiatives and referendums, looks good and makes sense to me.

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