Herseth: wants to “indoctrinate youth” to her opinion of cell phone use

From KELOLAND Radio:

Former Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin was among those at last night’s meeting urging councilors to reconsider a cell phone ban. She said we should be “indoctrinating” young drivers about the dangers of cell phone use while driving, which I thought was an interesting and significant word choice. Indoctrinate means “to accept a set of beliefs uncritically”.

Read it here.

5 thoughts on “Herseth: wants to “indoctrinate youth” to her opinion of cell phone use”

  1. She can get ready all she wants; NOT gonna happen. Liberals will never let her to begin with …Mayor Mike is not going to like that either!

  2. I see plenty of adults everyday who need to be indoctrinated on not talking on the phone or texting while driving.

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