House Bill 1057 passes 46 yea, 23 nay, and 1 excused.

House Bill 1057, an act to prohibit certain acts against children and provide a penalty therefor (transgender surgery ban for minors) passes 46 yea, 23 nay, and 1 excused in the State House of Representatives.

24 thoughts on “House Bill 1057 passes 46 yea, 23 nay, and 1 excused.”

  1. So 23 State Representatives are OK with children, most of whom need to be reminded to bathe and put on clean underwear, believe a child knows if they want to be a boy or a girl?

    1. Yes, that is sad, but thankfully this very important and monumental bill has passed another hurdle. Think back 20 years ago. Who could have imagined, even among the liberals, that such a bill would be introduced or necessary ? Sad times we live in, such as Sodom and Gomorrah .

      1. This Jess Olson is a huge liberal. I’m surprised by some of the folks coming out of Rapid City.

    2. NO, they believe parents and Doctors know— Why is it any of your business or the idiots in Pierre?

  2. How could anyone vote against this bill? You can’t even get a tattoo at 15, much less booze or tobacco… why should you be able to get a sex change operation?

  3. If you alleged adults think it’s fine today for a parent to force body & mind altering drugs; or irreversible, invasive, and life-altering surgery on a minor child, then what will you be okay with tomorrow? For you to marry and/or have sex with that minor child ? For your children to have sex with animals ? For a minor child to force his parents to pay for his/her/it’s sex change. The possibilities are endless and the road to damnation is wide and well-traveled. What’s right is right and what’s wrong is wrong, no matter how much money you can make on it.

  4. Are we talking about the same doctors who over-prescribed opioids and enabled millions of addictions and hundreds of thousands of overdose and suicide deaths?

    Are we talking about the same doctors who over-prescribed ADHD-OCD drugs which have led to hundreds of youth casualties from depression and suicide?

    We now not only have national crises thanks to the above doctors but have to pass laws to “get between doctors and patients” since they could be trusted to the right thing.

    Or is there a magical wand which insure the Doctors who advocate child sterilization and a life-time of hormone treatments (which have never been studied for long-term health consequences) are impeccable?

    Asking for a friend.

  5. All the comments on here for this bill are spot on and I could not have said this any better. Those opposed to it need get out of their “woke” state and use common sense. Changing your sex is life altering and the rate of suicide in the trans community is very high. I believe these people are mentally ill and allowing/forcing a child to undergo this is wrong. We have so many laws on the books to stop/not allow minors do so many things, common sense says you don’t allow this such as:
    – Can’t enter into contracts
    – Drink
    – Smoke
    – Join Military
    – Vote
    If you are going to allow minors to do this, lets be consistent and let them do whatever they hell they want

  6. People, read the bill, watch the floor debate from both sides, and understand current laws and situations before commenting on what you think you know about this. We aren’t talking about forced/willful mutilation. No doctors, hospitals, insurance companies will allow any trans surgeries/sterilization/castration on minors in SD. Ever. It has never been done. What most of you are talking about IS NOT HAPPENING. That alone shows that this is a well intentioned bill that is looking for a problem that isn’t there.

    Second, minors cannot do anything on their own. Their parents must consent. So anyone talking about minors being able to do this or that are wrong. Current law doesn’t allow it.

    Third, if a child is very confused or thinks they are trans, they are likely very depressed and often suicidal due to their mental/physical state. They feel helpful and trapped. If the child, their parents, and their pediatrician decide together that a pharmaceutical product can help them navigate the short-term, doing temporary actions that don’t have “forever” consequences, I think it is in-humane and clearly life threatening to take that option off the table. Especially when that option is taken away to prevent things that aren’t happening.

    Finally, the economic consequences of this bill being passed are likely to be catastrophic. We won’t know that for sure until it happens…

    1. Hormone Therapy is life altering so not sure we want to allow that. The 2nd thing is, yes we don’t allow Children to do anything without Parental approval but, there are parents that are forcing this on their children. There is a case in Texas right now where the mother is forcing her 7 year old to undergo Transgender treatments and SHE IS A DOCTOR. She is also going against the will of the father and this bill is to protect kids from parents who force this OR aquise to the will of the child. We can debate this all day long, we should NOT allow this to be done on a child even if the family is on board, it’s wrong.

      To address economic consequences, the question I would ask, what line do we draw when it comes to doing the right thing? What happens when SD starts to feel pressure, and we will, to curtail religious freedom. If you say it can’t happen look at how Christians are already labeled Bigoted just for believing in GODs divine plan. The fact that we are even having a debate or discussion about any of this in this country is mind blowing and everyone is always bowing down to “money”. If Conservatives would play by the same rules the Left does we would whip their @ss in about 5 minutes. If were as bold and galvanized as the left is, they would not stand a chance. The reason we can’t don’t is too many, like you, are worried about offending someone, or the economic consequences with everything. This country is a very different place than it was 30 years ago, heck in 15 years ago. Evil is now condoned and at times celebrated, pretty sad

    1. That is too much work for the keyboard warriors posting here.

      It’s like they all get their news and information from the same stupid people just because they’ve been voting them into office from the early 2000s. This is also what happens when one party has control for too long – brain rot. While most of the legislative work is fine- some of this crazy shit is what I’d expect from Hubble.

      Pleasantly surprised by some of the votes coming out of Rapid City.

  7. 10:20-

    Regarding the Texas case which is very extreme and rare, you help make the point that in that type of situation the courts stepped in and stopped it, which means the law is already adequate…

    1. If you dig into the case, it took a long time and the guy literally had to battle his wife in court and spend the $ to do it. This is insane and I dont care if its ONE, its too many. Dude WTF, why would you not support this, you dont even make an attempt to allow this. Keep in mind all it takes is some Progressive Liberal crackpot judge to allow it to go through. We depend too much on courts and our Legislature has stepped up to prevent this. My only hope is Noem signs it as they are one vote shy of Veto proof

    2. The case in Texas is one that we know of, so far.

      I want to be able to say all parents love their children unconditionally and are willing to do just about anything for them.
      That is not the case. I believe we have all been witnessed a custodial parent withhold visitation, brainwashing the children to think the other parent doesn’t love them, basically using the children as pawns in divorce. While some see them as tax deductions.
      In some cases, in South Dakota, children have been trafficked by their families, some for sex and others for labor. Some families don’t believe in vaccinating against various maladies. The list goes on and and on.

      At what point should we, as the state, step in and save the children from their parents.

  8. Maybe we should just round up all the kids and put them in state control. Even if there is just one bad parent out there, we better round up all 220,000 kids in South Dakota because who knows what the parents might do to their child. And while we are at it, we can’t take kids to the doctor anymore because God knows all they want to do is harm and do experiments on our children!

    Give me a break.

    1. Now you’re just being stupid. We live in crazy times and the fact that this is even a conversation topic is evidence enough. We have allowed the unthinkable to become normal. This country is going to hell in a handbasket with this “anything goes” attitude. We currently take kids away from parents who, don’t feed their kids, abuse them, rape them, etc. This is the SAME shit, your permanently damaging your Child. Would you be against a parent forcing their child to have sex with strangers? I bet you would not because it’s wrong. Why on earth is this different, Wrong is Wrong and you can dress it up any way you, it’s wrong
      You sound like a crazy whack job Liberal

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