How ‘bout those Sioux Falls races!?

Great day in Sioux Falls for good government.

NO runoff will be needed, and voters were pretty definitive on who they wanted.

Congrats to the winners, as well as to all who participated in democracy today.

13 thoughts on “How ‘bout those Sioux Falls races!?”

  1. grudznick feels bad for Ms. Cole (Pam) the former chair of the Democrat party, as she tries very hard. I also feel kind of bad for Mr. Zokaites, who did better when he was doing the Zombie Walk. That was really neato, and he should go back to that, but I do not want to discourage him from running again or going to the meetings. He is great entertainment at the meetings. So Mr. Zokaites, please keep doing what you do. Ms. Cole (Pam) you might want to reconsider future options.

    Mr. Zokaites, please do not give up trying. You seem a swell enough fellow.

  2. This race, as many in SD, remind me of a South Park episode wherein the student body has to choose between a sandwich and a hygiene product.


    I think we need more choice on the ballot, and perhaps we should be voting multiple times.

    1. There are enough Trump family members, and potential Trump endorsed candidates that we could appoint them, and then just end these elections all together. Pat would have to find a new job, but finally all our problems would be solved. Then Jesus would probably come back to get most Americans, leave the dems and the rest of the people on earth.

  3. A terrific night for popular Mayor PTH and (imho) for Sioux Falls. Council will feature a healthy mix of five experienced + three new members. IIRC, six Republicans, two Dems, but just one liberal. Curt’s central district victory shows a cooperative, old school, centrist Democrat can succeed. Radical Taneeza’s failure to crack 25% (despite significant financial support) shows SF voters are repulsed by ‘woke’ politics.

    1. Not sure if it speaks to Islam’s unpopularity as much as Tenhaken’s popularity. I am a swing voter who had precisely zero second thoughts about voting for him because he has done a good job as mayor. I stuck with someone who was already doing good work.

  4. Sarah Cole’s clear victory over Councilwoman Brekke was quite eye opening. It’s like only the 4th time in the nearly 30 years of strong mayor government that an incumbent lost. It’s not just that Brekke lost, it’s that she lost by nearly 16 points! I guess her last minute gambit questioning the Mayor blew up on her.

      1. When were the other times it happened? Seems odd to have it happen so close together.

  5. Brekke was a victim of Bio-Tech Jo syndrome. If she had kept quiet the last couple weeks, she would’ve won.

  6. Seems like Ms. Islam was pretty gracious in her concession. Reistroffer and Zokaites appear to have a bad case of sour grapes when they conceded.

    Lose with dignity, win with class. We learned it on the ball field growing up, let’s see a little more of that in politics, if you please.

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